Greetings from Brian'n'Tricia aka "NWlambear"
Introduce Yourself!
Hello Everyone!! We are Brian'n'Tricia aka "NWlambear". Our companion traveler will be our beloved furry baby...Kume. Right this moment I'm quite overloaded....and confused..with all that the internet has to offer with regard to RV's, RVing, etc. Hope it all becomes clearer and...
Introducing ourselves..Hello from Houston Texas. Well, just east of Houston. Anyone near here?? Going 2017 Spring Rally?
Introduce Yourself!
Hello.... We are Mark and Lauree. Currently signed up for the 2017 RV-Dreams Spring Rally. Here is a little about us. We are both in our mid 50's been married for 33 years. I am retired, Lauree is a Realtor and will be retired by the end of this year, I hope. We have 2 grown kids with 2 grandkids, one fro...
Introduce Yourself!
We are sisters who have 60+ years of teaching experience, and we love to RV. We bought a 27' Wildcat Fifth Wheel in October of 2014, and we traveling mainly in the summer because one of us is still employed. Recently we started a YouTube channel for those interested in RVing. We welcome you view it and...
Traveling with Dogs
Fur, Feathers, & Fins
Two Tired Teachers give some sound advice about taking dogs on RV trips. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTyZTH1IInY
2016 Winnebago Vista LX 30T Class A - Will sell at unbelievable price!
New 2016 Winnebago Vista LX 30T Motor Home Class A - For Sale At Summit RV in Ashland, KY. This is a brand NEW motor home that comes with original factory warranties. Leftover from previous model year! Will sell at invoice! Call 606-923-4471 Stock Number: 6276 Photos: http://www.summitrv.com/pro...
New Group for Single Over 50's on Facebook
RVing Solo
Hi y'all: Even though I am currently Rv-less (long story), I belong to several single RV groups (for the over 50's) and saw a want/need so decided to start my own FB group called: RVing Senior's (50+) Travel Partner Meet/Match https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=rving%20senior's%20(...
I "wannabe" RV'er when ministering
Introduce Yourself!
Hi, I was born in Cleveland, OH and at age 7 my family moved to Tampa, FL which is my current residence. I am a teacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; a graduate of Tampa Apostolic Bible Institute- Seffner, FL. I am married with 3 adult children and one grandchild. My endeavor is to bring the gospel to comm...
RV'er ministering
Pursuing Hobbies and Interests On The Road
Establishing the ministry God has place a burden upon me. The Lord has given me a call from the age of 15 to minister the gospel. Recently, the burden through outreach has inspired me to reach souls in the RV ministry. Praying for revival. I have learned that RVing has some personal benefits too.
Notifications of next "rallies" for registering
Ask Howard
I learn of your website on the RV driving school site, I wish I knew about your rallies a year ago , I would have planned to attend this year, despite covid19. Will you be notifying members about next rally?
Notifications of next "rallies" for registering
RV Rallies and Shows
I learn of the RV-Dreams.com website on the RV driving school site, I wish I knew about the rallies, I would have planned to attend this year, despite covid19. Will you be notifying members about the next rally? I like the opportunity to learn/hands-on seminars at the rallies.Annie -- Edited by Pi...