Your biggest fears...
RVing Solo
Someone mentioned this in the welcome folder and then another lady solo from another forum emailed me on this topic so figured I'd get a thread started. For me the first big fear will be driving in general....I like small vehicles and love my motorcycle for its ability to get out of the way. <g> I p...
Towing a 2000 Toyota Tacoma
RV Accessories
Anyone towing a Toyota Tacoma? I know it is not recommended in the manual, but I have heard that some have figured out a way to do it safely. The truck is out of warranty but has been very well maintained and runs like a top. We'd like to keep it. It is a 2000, 4 WD, V6 that we'd like to tow four down. We don'...
Weight Equalizer Trunnion Bars for hitches.
Introduce Yourself!
Hello Everyone— I'm not new to RVing but I am new to towing a trailer. My new "Canned Ham" 10.5 feet long pulls nicely by my GMC Sonoma—but here is the question: The trailer rides too low in front and the truck too low in back. Weight equalizer trunnion bars come in many many sizes. Should I buy a...
Class A's GVW vs GCW???
Tow Vehicles
Please forgive me if this has been asked before. I didn't see it but could have missed it. We are trying to understand weights...and while my husband and I are rather inelegant people we are not wrapping our heads around this. We are currently looking at used Class A's...both Diesel and Gas. We know t...
My First Time Hitching and Towing!
RVing Solo
I thought I'd post this in the Solo RVer category since I will mostly be hitching up and towing solo. Any advice or suggestions? Here's the video I made, to help remind myself what to do!
2006 Chevy Silverado 6.0 liter 3/4 ton to pull 30' Gulfstream
Tow Vehicles
I purchased a 30' 5th wheel ( Gulfstream Seahawk ) . I believe the weight is 8700 lbs. i needed a truck I could pull it with and so I purchased this 3/4 ton Chevy with a 6.0 liter gas engine . I know most everyone says to go diesel but I just can't afford the initial expense much less the costly repairs. Correct...
Tow Capacity Comparisons For 2015 Trucks
Tow Vehicles
Here are three links to some truck brand comparisons for half-ton, three-quarter and one ton trucks with some jaw dropping surprises. Half-ton Truck Realistic Towing Capacity Three-quarter Ton Truck Realistic Towing Capacity One Ton Truck Realistic Towing Capacity -- Edited by Cyclone Dave o...
What Toad braking sytem?
Even though the State of Michigan seems to think I can tow a 15,000# trailer without any brakes I don't think it's a good idea and I'm not too sure about other states accepting my "geez I didn't know" excuse. With that in mind, I've been looking at braking systems. Since I don't plan on changing toads ve...