Roads Less Traveled - 6 years by RV & Sailboat
Forum Member RVing Blogs
We've been traveling full-time since May '07, 1/2 in a fifth wheel & 1/2 in a sailboat in Mexico. Lots of photos, stories and tips for both lifestyles. Now transitioning back to trailer-only... http://roadslesstraveled.us
Are we there yet?
Introduce Yourself!
My wife and I are still about a year away from getting that DREAM RV, and another year before going FT (or close to it). There are only a couple of websites that we have found really useful, and this website and community is the best. I just finished reading the pro-blog (events leading to your actual &q...
Things just got a lot more serous... your thoughts appreciated
We've Made The Decision To Full-time! Now What?
I've made this same post on the SKP forum, but assuming that a Venn diagram of the two forum populations would not be two equal sized, concentric circles, I'm posting here as well. Please forgive me (in advance) for such a long post, but I feel you need the background information to give meaningful advi...
New Rver - what should I consider?
Buying An RV
I am looking at TT's because I happen to own a Quad cab Ford F-550 with an 8' bed. I am looking at TT's over 5ers because I can use the back of my truck for storage. I have found a nice TT with good storage and it seems like it will be nice to live in it without feeling like I'm compromising or giving anything up. T...
Stellar Eclipse - Full Time RVing
Buying An RV
Hi Everyone, Divorce and the need to save money has me taking the leap into full time rving. I am in the process of purchasing a Stellar Eclipse (Toy Hauler) for these purposes. I chose a toy hauler as I am an avid health nut and it allowed me to get a gym quality recumbent bike in the garage area with plent...
Anyone in the Nor Cal Redwoods?
Introduce Yourself!
I will be new to full-time RVing in about a month and am wondering if anyone here lives in the Nor Cal Redwoods. I am completely clueless when it comes to RV 101 and will need a major crash course in RV living!
New To RV Dreams
Introduce Yourself!
The first purchase that my new wife and I made in 1984 was a Mazda pickup and a 1955 Crown travel trailer. We rebuilt the trailer and used it for five years as we traveled around the Western United States. Since that time we have had almost every type of RV. We have been Full-timers and now own A Heartland Bi...