Notifications of next "rallies" for registering
I learn of the RV-Dreams.com website on the RV driving school site, I wish I knew about the rallies, I would have planned to attend this year, despite covid19. Will you be notifying members about the next rally? I like the opportunity to learn/hands-on seminars at the rallies.Annie -- Edited by Pi...
Pittmans Traveling Sanctuary
RVillage Spirit of the Road Rally ticket available for transfer
I have a ticket for one campsite at the RV Village Spirit of the Road Rally in Live Oak, Florida, February 12-16, 2020. $359.00 https://www.rvillagerally.com/ Contact me if interested. Thanks, Bill
Colorado RV Sports & Travel Show
We are going to be in Colorado in March and are thinking about heading to this show at the National Western Complex. Has anyone attended this in the past? We are wondering how it is, we live in the northern plains and were going to attend the Minneapolis show but won't be able to make that one (looks like...
Is anyone here going to the inaugural RVillage rally in Elkhart IN?
I was wondering if anyone is planning to attend the RVillage rally in Elkhart Indiana, May 17-21? We are going and will look forward to meeting other "Dreamers" there.
Nevada Treasure RV Resort
We stopped by for a night's stay at Nevada Treasure RV Resort. This is the site of thìs years Spring Ŕally.
It's a very upscale resort. The landscaping ìs amazing.
It should be a great location.
Russ Ranger
2018 RV Shows With Seminars from Howard & Linda (RV-Dreams) & Cori & Greg (RV Solar Solutions)
Here is the final schedule for the RV shows where we will be presenting seminars in 2018. Note: These shows are all being promoted by the Good Sam Club under their GSEvents affiliate. Therefore, Good Sam members with an active, current membership get half price admission. If you are not a Good Sam mem...
Mobile RV Show
Hey Howard and Linda! We (Ed and Barbara from the Fall rally) may attend the Mobile RV show. Wondering if you guys are planning to be there. We will be in Navarre, FL, with Kids and grandbaby for the Winter. We're hot on the trail to move up from our TT to a 5th wheel. Mobile is just about an hour away, so...
Who's Going to the RV-Dreams Spring Rally in Pahrump?
We are looking forward to our first RV-Dreams Rally this Spring. We have been reading Howard and Linda's website for 6 years now and haven't yet met them. We look forward to meeting many new friends this Spring. Terri and I and our wonderdog Eva will have an open-door policy at our RV, so plan to drop...
Russ Ranger
2018 Tampa RV Super Show
We're starting our serious RV searching in anticipation of hopefully retiring someday sooner rather than later. We were planning to go to the Houston RV Show in February, but Jeff just noticed the Tampa Show is scheduled for January 17th. As luck would have it we're planning to be in Florida Janhar...
NHOG Rally Sep 2017
Not sure if there are very many New Horizons owners here that don't already know about the New Horizons Owners Group (NHOG) rally scheduled for Sep 2017 in Spearfish SD. It will be held from Sep 21-25 and the rally masters are Gary and June Wall. NHOG rallies are pretty much like most RV rallies…there ar...
Neil and Connie
2016 Hershey show
Hi all, In our planning/ wannabe phase of full time dreaming, We are planning on visiting the Hershey show in Sept. And would like some advice. I saw one recommendation to take pictures of the make and model and the features we like. Any other tips are greatly appreciated Thanks, Scott
2016 RV Dreamers Mini Reunion - Meet and Greet Potluck in Quartzsite, AZ.
1 2
We are a go for a potluck at the La Posa South picnic shelter Monday January 25th 2016 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm!! The shelter is located by taking the first road on your left as you pass the gate house. Please confirm your attendance and what you intend to bring so we don't have too many duplications. Reme...
Quartzsite Happenings
Since we have so many people here and there is lots going on I thought I would start a thread where people can post if they are doing an activity and want to throw it open to anyone here. To keep it as clean as possible, let's not RSVP through here but just state the thing and time and whoever shows up shows up...
Camper Chronicles
Quartzsite RV-Dreamers mini reunion
I have to submit a letter to the BLM for approval for our RV-Dreams get together so can I please have a show of hands. I am hoping everyone is okay with Thursday January 29th 1-5 pm at the La Posa South picnic shelter. Cheers! Steve -- Edited by dianneandsteve on Monday 5th of January 2015 10:19:39 AM -- Ed...
Technomadia Quartzsite Hangout: Friday, Jan 16 - 1-3pm
Come meet Chris & Cherie of Technomadia. We'll be hanging out at Beer Belly Bar in Quartzsite for a couple hours - if you're in the area and would like to say 'hi' - stop on by. Nothing formal, no big 'gathering' or presentation. Just a chance to share a hug and say hi. Feel free to stop by, hang out, gra...
RVSEF weighing schedule
Hi all, We're planning our first long cross country mid November and plan to end up in Las Vegas by mid December. I think the RVSEF is holding weighing event in Texas early next year. Although we weighed everything we put into our 5er and took it to a local scrap yard scale to get a handle on our total weig...
Gary Marcondes
Hershey RV show coffee?
Is anyone planning on attending the Hershey RV show next week? My wife and I are (I hope) just a few years from an early retirement and have been researching the full-time rv lifestyle for awhile. We are going to attend several of the seminars and try to maximize our time by focusing our efforts on primar...
Tampa Super show this week..
Just a fyi.. heading there friday..
The Junkman
How many of us plan to be in Q this winter? We have spent a few nights there already but plan to roll back in on Jan. 14th and will stay until Feb 1st and maybe a bit longer.
Can a wannabe attend a rally?
Hello all! We are so excited about our planning stages for full-timing! Since we made this decision I look at all of our possessions so differently. I spend hours on this forum learning from all of you. Our plan is to embark on this journey in 2017 when I have fulfilled my active duty military contract. I...
nature girl
What not to miss at Hershey Show
Rex and I are planning to spend Thursday- Saturday at the Hershey RV show. We were there in 2012 just for something to do on a Saturday. We were blown away by the homey look of a lot of the units we saw. It was then we started considering it as a retirement plan and have been researching since then. We plan to a...
Lets get moving
RV Show Timonium Fairgrounds, MD
The Summer RV Show will be at the Timonium Fairgrounds in Timonium, MD on Thursday, September 11th through Sunday, September 14th. http://www.mdrv.com for more information.
Good Sam or Escapade
I'm debating whether to attend the Tuscon Escapade or the Phoenix Good Sam Rally. I am a member of both. My general feeling is that Good Sam will have better entertainment, a lot more people and rigs, and be more oriented towards selling me stuff. I believe Escapade would be more laid back and friend...
Boarding kennel near FALL RALLY 2014
We are registered to attend the Fall Rally in Goshen, IN and are really excited. As I put our plans together I am thinking about our plans for our 2 year-old lab, Ginger. I thought that somewhere I read that dogs were NOT allowed on the FAIR grounds. But today, I read that they are allowed, if leashed, etc...
Classy Lady
Escapade 2014 Goshen IN
Just wondering if anyone will be at the Goshen Escapade Rally next week? I've been cleared by the docs to go so will be flying up on Sunday. Would love to see some of my RV-Dreams Internet friends in person. I'll be at the Bentsen Palm booth -- or maybe it's the Retama Village booth -- not sure how we are...
Seattle RV Show this weekend 02/6-9/2014
Is anyone planning on attending the RV super show being held at the Seattle SeaHawks stadium this weekend. We're drivng over tomorrow morning from Moscow Idaho to check out the new rigs and attend a few of the seminars that are offered. Unfortunately, we're looking for a DRV Mobile Suite and I don'...
Hotels near the Tampa Fairground
Does anyone have any recommendations for a hotel near the fairground? We are hoping to make the 2014 RV show. Cindy
James and Cindy
Anyone going to the 2014 WASHINGTON CAMPING RV EXPO
Just thought I would put it out there in case there are any Dreamers in the Washington, DC area that might be going and want to meet up. We will be going, just not sure if it will be Saturday or Sunday yet. We're getting a bunch of snow right now, so it's hard to think of Rving. http://gsevents.com/shows/di...
Is anyone going to the 2014 Tampa show?
Hi! Someone had pulled up an old thread about who was going to the 2013 Tampa Show, but I think they really meant the 2014 Tampa Show, so I figured I would start a new one and ask the question: Who is going to the 2014 Tampa Show in January? Bill and I are going, not sure of our exact schedule yet, but if anyon...
2013 Florida RV Supershow - anyone else going?
We're headed to Tampa next month for the Florida RVTA show in Tampa. Any other RV-Dreamers planning on being there?