What do you do when.......
Hi all.. We have a Class A diesel pusher and are going full time this spring. I'm wondering what fulltimers do when they have to take the RV in for service.... It can sometimes take days or even weeks to get looked at for repairs or just general maintenance like oil changes or 60,000 mile check ups. Wher...
Full-timing laundry questions
I’ve found another good thread on the forum about laundry, but the discussion was all about laundromats vs. on-board washers/dryers. We have selected a fifth wheel that is prepped for W/D in the front closet, but we’re not sure we want to add the weight to the front of the RV (only have a ¾ ton truck). We’...
Second Chance
Top Ten Most Useful Things
Full-Timers: If you were to make a list of the top ten most useful items in your RV, what would they be?
Winter & other questions
So, the first thing I need help wrapping my head around is the subject of cold weather rv'ing. We need to make sure we wont have to deal with lines freezing up in cold weather. What are the current and best options to look for in this regard? The RV we buy will most likely be 2010 or newer. Ive seen stuff about...
Whole House Vacuum - my new favorite bug riddance appliance!
We are camped outside of the Sacramento area with lots of farms, orchards, agriculture areas around us, RV is backed up to a lovely little pond (owners call it a lake, but really, trust me it's a pond). Went out to dinner last night with friends and came back to find our RV filled with 100's of little fly...
Small Appliances
What small appliances do you use in your RV and why? Are there any that you have found were not useful that you had previously thought would be useful?
Corollary to the "Interstate from hell" list...
As a corollary to these bad roads, let's assume you have to travel them. Now every rig is different but is there a "sweet spot" in terms of speed to minimize the earthquake. Anybody want to comment on the difference between traditional 5er suspensions and some of the upfits like Mor/Ryde I...
Possible Part Timing to FTing plan...
We are working hard to find outside the box solutions to getting on the road sooner, and an interesting idea has come up in our discussions. So let me run it by our esteemed "RVeterans" (trademark)... We have decided that 2019 will almost certainly be our FTing kick off date, but an opportu...
Packages, online shopping....
I'm an Amazon shopping junkie. How does everyone deal with ordering online or receiving packages from family? We buy everything online, dog food, clothes, etc....Will this have to stop?
Gary and Linda
Winter Camping Survival Kit
Just curious...if you were to create a winter weather survival kit for a fellow RVer who will be experiencing extreme cold and snow in their rig, what would you include?
Breaking Camp/Staying Put
As we plan for our FT life, I've been thinking about the idea of breaking camp every few days. With all the checklists, setting up, tearing down, do's and don'ts, work, etc., etc. etc., it seems that it can get very tiring and almost exhausting after a while. I supect the anwser is simple - just sta...
Parking the big RV when visiting family and friends?
Still in the research and preparation stage, but plans are to have a lifestyle of visiting friends and family across the country, especially over the summer months. One concern is parking – it's not like I can leave a giant FW on the street in a residential neighbourhood for days on end But we obviously...
Bank of American wont change address to Mail service
Hi all, Well after extensive research we chose Florida as our home state and St. Brendan's Island as our mail service. In order to get our licenses the State of Florida needs two pieces of mail from a credible source (bank, insurance company etc) showing the new address along with passport or birth c...
Camper Chronicles
Dental Cleanings ...What are you doing?
Hi all, Just had a pretty miserable visit with Aspen Dental as a new patient and wondered what folks are doing about a dentist. We had the same one for 13 years and I thought he was terrific. I chose Aspen because they have a large network and I was trying to avoid being a new patient every time I got a clea...
Camper Chronicles
RV-riding retirees will make you incredibly jealous of their life on the road
For those "thinking about it": http://finance.yahoo.com/news/retirees-travel-the-us-in-an-rv-183848302.html
Bill and Linda
Got Alot of Good Information At Quartzsite!
So we just got back from Quartzsite, and even though we were far from being impressed with the RV's they had on display there, we did receive what we consider a wealth of information. After some research for the past few days we saw that changing our domicile to SD would be of great benefit for us, especi...
If you had Eight Years to Plan
I posted this topic in another forum and wanted to use it again to introduce myself. My wife and I are planning to retire to an RV in 2023 and are using the time to plan. I've been browsing these forums for sometime and thought it was time to start contributing. I hope to learn from you all and extend the favo...
Best Storage Containers For RVs?
While in the purging process of the house -- I am tempted to start buying some plastic bins to store some items prior to going to full-time -- and then use the same containers once in the RV. But, those containers aren't cheap -- so I wanted to make sure that I invested in a size that I can best use in the RV. ...
Rolling stone with no moss-Question for FTers
Just throwing a question out there for the FTers. How many of you stay (at least relatively) on the move over the Winter? How frequently do you move around? Where do you stay as a general habit, BLM land, RV Resorts, NPS/COE? Any and all perspectives welcome.
FullTiming with nothing!!......Dont be afraid to plan for it!!!!!
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I thought I would start this thread because some come to the forum and say they cant afford to do it....or are so down and out that this is a last resort , but all they see is People talking about spending big bucks to get out here.. Well I'm A realist!!...........yes you Can... you can pull out of your drive...
Lucky Mike
Questions Questions , Questions?????
Going to retiring in 3 Yrs. and planning on a 2 to 3 Month Trip with my DW to celebrate. Will be leaving from the East Coast and looking to go west. Will be in a Dodge Ram 2500 diesel towing a 5th Wheel and I have a couple of questions to ask from the SOAK (Source Of All Knowledge) People. I know this is kind of soo...
RV Living
If you're traveling around in an RV, snowbirding with an RV or living in an RV this reference is a good read. http://www.federalreserve.gov/SECRS/2011/May/20110511/R-1406/R-1406_042911_69602_431795694932_1.pdf FastEagle -- Edited by FastEagle on Monday 29th of September 201...
DRV factory tour
Hi All, Husband and I are thinking of doing the DRV factory tour on Sept. 22. My problem is that I am not able to find a hotel/motel in the Howe vicinity that is pet friendly. Does anyone have a suggestions on hotels/motels in that area? Not sure if I am posting this in the right place.
Texas Home State
Sorry I know we talk these to death but things keep changing. So we are now looking at Texas using Escapees as home base. Why? Florida insurance rates are higher ND (our previous first choice) has limited medical plan options but more importantly the 3 percent excise for our new truck and trailer wo...
Camper Chronicles
Staying still versus moving around
I know there have been posts on this before but thought I would gather some fresh opinions. We've been staying seasonally this summer waiting for the house to sell and starting to discuss what next spring looks like if the house doesn't sell (the market is pretty lousy where I live). The seasonal own...
Camper Chronicles
18 months of dreaming/planning
Hard to believe we joined RV-Dreams 18 months ago. Thank you all for your advice. We have had our doubts along the way and prayed in earnest for guidance. Things are speeding up now. We have been purging stuff and moving items to long term storage from our home in Maryland to Alabama. Our youngest s...
RV Fridge in Extream Heat Report
For those deciding on the type of refrigerator, called a “refer” by many, to put in your RV I thought this report might be helpful. This is not a report to try and generate arguments as to why or why not to put in a residential unit as opposed to an “RV fridge.” It is an attempt to give a report on our Dometic...
Bill and Linda
Dogs versus no dogs
Let me start by saying I am a dog lover and have been a pound puppy owner my entire life until 6 months ago when I found a home for Molly in preparation of us going on the road. So this topic is started with the full acknowledgment that dogs are an amazing addition to a life. Yet for us we have to decided to sta...
Camper Chronicles
What's the "success rate" for the lifestyle?
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I have a question I have been meaning to ask for awhile and this is by no means a negative question but I wonder what the "stats" are on the lifestyle. I always think about it when old threads get resurrected and see many name I don't recognize. So my question is for those of you who have been he...
Camper Chronicles
Which insurance carrier?
Next decision...which insurance carrier would be best for auto and RV insurance? Any complaints or good stories about the following? Allied, Blue Sky or National General? So many decisions...so little time!