Applicant may be responsible for paying possessory interest taxes.
This was contained in a post for a workamp position in California. Any idea what possessory means? Is that taxes for the exchange of labor for FHU (i.e. possessing a pad)? Is this an ordinary practice in some/most States? Are there deductions allowed there as it says, "may be responsible...&qu...
Workamper Reviews of Past Employers
Hello, Is there somewhere, either on this website, or another that workampers can review other workers experiences with good, bad and maybe terrible past employers? I had found such a website a few years ago..now who knows where it is??!! LOL
Amazon in Nevada
We are looking at applying to Amazon in Nevada for next fall. Has anyone worked in the Nevada location and if so what camp grounds did they use and what were the conditions like. We are considering Nevada as it will be close to Quartzite where we want to winter.
flip a 2005 doubletree..
Not sure if this is the right area.. but I plan to do a little of this as work on the road.. I have a chance to buy a 2005 38rl3 MS today.. Since I'm not leaving for a month.. Was thinking of buying and selling this unit. Pretty sure it will be real cheap. Haven't seen it yet.. But assuming it's in good condi...
The Junkman
working while on dissability?
Howdy, I seem to be a little confused. It was my understanding that if a person was on permanent dissability, that working at all was not allowed. But I have seen some that are doing this. So, are they (you) getting paid under the table, or is there some other "loop hole" they have mastere...
Camp Host Interview
What type of questions do they ask in a telephone interview for a camp host?
anyone here with rental properties?
I'm thinking I may want to invest in a duplex I've had my eye on. The numbers work; location and condition are excellent, and I have an excellent handyman with whom I have worked for over 20 years, and who I trust to take very good care of the place. Only, I only intend to be in that area in the summer, so wil...
Advise for Real Estate Careers
We sold our house through a realtor friend last month and moved into our RV full-time but we are still somewhat stationary until hubby decides to retire From his government job. To keep myself busy I took a real estate class, passed the exam and now am a licensed Virginia Real Estate agent (whoo wooo - bo...
LandL Partners
This sounds like a great job for a couple looking to remain in the same place for awhile
This was posted to a facebook site that I follow. First to answer ? About being paid too: We are not able to do more then this. We are bringing back to life a resort that was run into the ground & working VERY hard restoring & also creating new uses for our park like setting I.e. a venue destination...
Outdoor electricity at flea market / street fair?
Does anyone who sells at flea markets or street fairs that are outdoors require electricity and when it's not available (which it usually isn't), what do you do? Do you have a small, portable, quiet generator?
Medical Coding Information
Can anyone share their knowledge about earning some income on the road doing medical coding work. Wife went to school 30 yrs ago for this,she is considering a refresher course.After 35yrs at a credit unioun new management has come in cutting their vacations from 5 wks to 2 weeks,cutting upper wage ea...
interesting gig, ever hear of rv couples who work on an oil ship?
This morning as I was clothes shopping in Corpus Christi the ladies in there asked me if we were part of the group of rv folks who got hired to work on some oil ships. I had never heard of that so questioned them closely, they said last week two women came in to shop for their new jobs as admin assistants on a sh...
Workkamping Opportunity in South Texas
Hi All, Just posted a workkamping opportunity in South Texas in the Classifieds. It's a pretty low pressure job in what will be a very quiet park for the summer. Need someone as soon as you are available.
Work camping: What I miss most!
Most of you know my Heart attack caused Congestive heart Failure! It has been a very tough time for me since July of 2012 when I had to quit work camping due to my health. Been through the Poor Me's; anger; diassappointments; tears; and What good am I now syndrome! I met so many people and acquired some...
Question about being bilingual and workamping
Hello! My wife and I have a 6 year plan to be full time RV'ers and workamp along the way. Starting the planning (or saving $$) now to do this later. My wife is originally from France and came to the US for college 20 years ago (became a citizen in 2002). She is fluent in both French and English and I am flue...
Fleamarkets/rallys/craftfairs ......East coast Group/Chat
Its almost that time of year again!! There are a few out here that work the markets ,and Im sure there are a few out here that would like to!!! I am hoping that those that are interested would like to meet in the chat room at nite to offer insight to others and maybe help with locating and arranging a profitab...
Lucky Mike
Has anyone Lighthouse hosted?
I saw a post about this on an RV blog today and I have to admit, this sounds like my dream workamping setup! Has anyone here done this, or know where around the country (preferably East Coast) it's a possibility? I'm getting ahead of myself, I know.....but this is the sort of discovery that really inspir...
Good deal or not???
With hopefully selling the S&B soon, We are looking at working at camp grounds to work our way South. Talked to a place and they are offering. A site, free propane, and $200-300 wk for 40hrs work Does this sound about right?
From a Desk Job to Nomad Photographer
Has anyone just stopped at a campgroud and asked to exchange a little work for?
My wife and myself really don't want to commit a month or a whole season to work camping. But we would like to maybe exchange some hours for cash or site discount. We would like to try this if we were to stay some where for a week or more. If anyone has tried this or has any other suggestions let us know? ...
Problems finding places.
We are having a hard time finding a place to do workcamping. We have been looking at AZ and CA. We have looked on all the sites I have seen other dreamers post. The camps are all excepting and offering us jobs but when they find out we have a family they say the position has been filled. We do have other source...
Workamping Resources - 2 Books I Like
Two "idea" books for workamping that I own and think are worthwhile for brainstorming ideas are 1. Support Your RV Lifestyle by Jaime Hall Bruzenak and 2. RoadWork II by Arline Chandler. There is a lot of "food for thought" in them. You can always check your local library or...
some good Pointers.......
http://www.doityourselfrv.com/cheap-rv-living-tips-discount/Edit by moderator: Activated link. Terry
Lucky Mike
Work Kamping in Canada
I did a search but didn't see anything on this topic. Is it possible for a US citizen to volunteer and/or work camp in Canada?? Has anyone done it??
Camper Chronicles
Working for the COE as a full timer RVer
We're interested in working for the Corps of Engineers as gatekeepers, maintenance or whatever. Since we would get paid in addition to our site, we have to register as contractors on the SAM (System for Award Management). Has anyone done this? This is a new system for the COE, but the form appears to re...
Starting a Consulting company - what that looks like for us
As we are getting ourselves ready for full-timing, starting a consulting company has been a major task that's been a bit difficult to work through. I wanted to take a minute and share our steps for those who may need to do the same thing. First off I have worked for the same two companies for 21 years so c...
Camper Chronicles
Anyone miss having a "real" job
I started to write this post yesterday and then deleted it, so please take it in the spirit it is intended. I like my job. Not crazy about the company and I hate the politics, but overall I really like what I do. As we are preparing to full-time, we are going back and forth between a model where I consult (...
Camper Chronicles
What can a registered nurse do on the road?
I was wondering if anyone out there thinks there might be an interest in a RN who could provide health care services to other full timers on a fee for service basis? I thinking healthcare advocate, assistance with activities of daily living for full timersrecovering from illness,etc.
Camping Florida Southeast coast/keys
I'm looking for a place to stay for 3 months and willing to do any kind of maintenance. It could be on a campground or private property, I'm a handyman. Thanks
Full Time RVing Workspace & Office Ideas
We recently had a reader chat us up and ask if we had any resources showing how various RVers had set up workspaces for their offices. What a great idea! So, we've started a new series profiling mobile office spaces. New profiles are being added all the time, check it out: http://www.technomadia.com...