Update! Stroke! July 23 2020
Decided to give an UPDATE. Three months ago; the first couple days of ICU I could not speak;very slowly I spoke a very little; a word misspelled here and there. Until I left the Hospital I continued speaking more;but just maybe two or three words together. Oh I was so distressed; ; but I kept until I had...
Hi all, Not sure if this is in the right category but I just went to a MASA talk and wanted to know if anyone else has MASA, have you used it or heard of anyone using it. I am looking for the bad and good. How does it compare to FMCA Assist? Thanks in advance. If you would like to email me - gardenhavens@gmail....
Can you RV with Oxygen Dependency?
How do you RV when a person traveling with you is on oxygen 24/7? How dangerous is it? Should I be concerned with propane devices in the rig? Our rig has residential fridge but no heat pumps...stove top and oven are propane...HWH is electric/propane. I can't find much on the subject, and this oxyg...
NorCal Dan
I am a new Stroke Survivor!
I had a Stroke and a Small Blood Clot in my left Temporal brain that stated 03/10/2020 and got home at the afternoon on 03/14/2020! I also had a Widow Maker on 03/302012. I have to not being speaking from not pronunciations! I am getting a little bit better speaking every day
I'm disabled-require walker for long distance and or mobility scooter.....
Since space is limited where can you store such things. Also my husband isn't much better off than me so getting in and out of our motor home is a chore. We are not made of money so what to do? Would love to buy a custom motor home but again the issue of money and do they even make a handicap accessable one? ...
A stroke survivor and me
My significant other had a stroke a year ago and we are considering ft RVing, just like we planed before the stroke. He is confined to a wheelchair and we will need to buy a wheelchair accessible RV but thats all good. What I am wondering is there anyone that is a full time caregiver and living the RV life th...
Transport DW Wheelchair and Bumper Pull TT
Hello Friends: DW and I purchased our first ever RV last July, being a 2013, 31' Outdoors RV Timber Ridge Bumper Pull Bunk House. She picked it out, and only used 3X. Her foot bone disease known as "charcot" (char koy) has progressed to a point where a a wheelchair(to avoid amputation) has...
Orthopedic doctor/surgeon Phoenix, AZ?
We are going to winter in Phoenix area. Does anyone have any experience or recommendation for a very good orthopedic doctor/surgeon? It’s an ankle bone issue-probably bone spur or something. Thanks.
I have ms and need a lift
We just bought a Class A rv and are gonning to be fulltimers for a while we transition from AZ to TN. I have multiple sclerosis and in need of a mobility lift to get me in and out. Any suggestioms on where I can get one at a decent price lift new or used,
"A Market Survey"
I'm not trying to solicit or advertise a service or business here, but rather taking a market survey. Hi Folks, I often hear that Motor homes (we have a 38' class A - Safari Cheetah RV) are often used once or twice a year, and sit parked a fair amount of the rest of the year. Unless your full timing and always...
Follow-Up with the Cardio 6/10/2016
Had my bi-yearly EKG which has stayed the same, YAY! Then seen the Cardiologist who is changing my Lipitor to Zetia which I was told doesn't metabolize in the Liver and should reduce some physical pain. Also has reduced the strength of the beta blocker Metaprolol Tartrate. Told me if I have a complica...
Will be traveling with health challenges. Doctors? Prescriptions?
Hi all, I have issues with mold, allergies, an immune deficiency, and neuro Lyme Disease. And yes, despite all that, I plan to travel, mainly to find a place that "feels" better to me than the lovely place I live now, which is indeed lovely, but is also very humid. I also plan to stay in my RV (not bought...
Diabetes and Full Time
One of my biggest concerns about full timing is that I am diabetic. It is currently well controlled, my A1C ranges from 5.4 to 5.7. However, I have one major physical annually and a mini check up in between with blood tests at both (every 6 months). I have my eyes checked annually and dental cleaning ever...
Dan and Ruth
Alzheimers!!! The Unforgiving Disease!
Maybe I should not bring up this topic; but the reality of this sucks!!! Yes: This is why I post so much on this Forum as their are many kind; considerate; heartfelt and thoughtful members here. Trying to keep ones mind active and thinking may just ease some of my concerns; fear maybe???? This wic...
Update 04/04/2015
Well folks; Four years back I was transferred from the ICU to a regular room after receiving three stents from my severe heart attack!! I was released on the 6th of April 2012. I am still happy to be amongst the living thanks to some good doctors at the VA facilities here! I am slowly getting better at a...
Here is the Pain in the Neck!!!
The VA sent me to an outside Pain Management Clinic; yesterday was my first appointment. The Dr. after checking me over decided that trying to manage the pain was more feasable. I was given three epidurol injections of lidocaine/steroid in the Right clavicle (shoulder) and the neck area as a trial t...
Jesse Update
1 2
I was driving home from the Prescott VA Hospital last night and half listening to an NPR program interviewing a folk (I think) singer whose name I didn't catch. It was a very profound interview but one comment he made was "He lived his life fully in spite of the inevitable" struck me as that so...
Update 10/20/2015----PIEERE
Happiness on the results of my HDL; LDL & Triglycerides from my blood work on the 16th at the VA. All in the good range! Had my flu shot and getting approved for an eye exam and a referral to get surgery for an impinged nerve in my elbow by my PCP. The Va healthcare system has been doing a great job for this...
Drugs on the road.. No not in WA or CO!!
Get yer minds out of the gutter, I mean prescription needs..
Ok, Cheryl and I can't be the first people out there that has traveled that need access to
Pain meds (yes Percocet, class II controlled substance, I know...)
In florida, Twice this week Cheryl dislocated her hip ( replacement) again, an...
Bicycling with Health problem!
As most know by now I have Congestive heart failure and COPD amongst body aches and pains! I read a topic of RVers looking for biking trails. I know most State parks have them and some suburbs of Cities have greenways w/bike trails.. This got me to thinking as I have a suspension style mountain bike wit...
FT medications, doctors, prescriptions
Hi folks. Haven't found these forum topics so hope I'm in the right place. We'd like to know how others keep up on their prescriptions.What do you do if you need refills and your prescriptions run out. Some of us on controlled substances, how do we get refills? We plan to go through our home state to se...
Gary and Linda
UPDATE 03/05/2015---PIEERE
Time to get my act together! Getting the hitch itch again! Doing some better. The angina seems to only bother when I am at rest or sometimes when I get a bit to active. I have seen some improvements in the past 35 months. Not ready for marathons, but seem to have more energy now. I will be getting an air condi...
Don't treat Skin Cancer lightly
I think we all know that we should wear our hats, use sunscreen, etc. to avoid skin cancer. But we may all take it too lightly - Dave was diagnosed with a squamous cell carcinoma on the top of his bald head last week. On Thursday it was removed, but it had grown down through so many layers of the scalp that...
The importance of both halves of a couple being able to do everything
Monday night I ended up in an emergency room and had hernia surgery the next day. I was discharged today and am not much help in the motorhome. Inconvenient, expensive, disruptive and painful, but we will be OK, since Diane can do all of the setup, tear down and driving if needed. A few years ago Dian...
Considering a treadmill
It will have to be a smaller profile one, but I think i've got enough room to install a treadmill desk (maybe something like this http://www.trekdesk.com/ ) if I remove a recliner. That leaves me with only one recliner and one desk chair for seating, but I'm single and don't entertain at all. And I'm a...
Jesse update
As we transition back to our sticks and bricks I wanted to post an update for our many friends and supporters in our RV-Dreams family. I don't get on the forum as much as I used to or would like as we are crazy busy these days but we love following your posts and Howard's Journal when we are able. We're a littl...
An Early Healthy Happy New Year!
Thought I'd chime in and say: I hope everyone has a healthy and happy 2015! I know, a early, but my home service ISP no longer provides service in my area. My heart health seems to have improved some, now the VA Drs. are trying to work on my aches and pains! Hopefully this will help my attitude improv...
health improvements with a Traveling life
Now I have had an interesting observation. While traveling, I have less back problems and I am more willing to do things that I will not do at home. Today is Tuesday. Sunday when we came home from Stone Mountain, GA (6-7 hours in the "Beast"), my only complaint was sore calf muscles from wa...
Kitties Mom
More Appointments with the medical community!
What did I get myself into!!!! Did I fill my plate with more resposibilities than I want to deal with!!! I now have appointments with the Pain Mngt. Doctors and Neurology Drs. referred by the VA Drs. By the time they get done probing and poking will I become the Bionic Man??? I guess they want to find out...
Upset with PCP's Nurrse Practicioner!!!
I went to my VA PCDr.'s Appt. Yesterday; had lab work done at 0945 hrs.; 9:45 AM civilian time. LOL! The the Appointment with the PCD. I was 10 mins. early to my 12:30 PM. Appt. Anyhow; at 1300 hrs; she come out and said I was late; Right!!!! Asked me a lot of health ???'s and I said that I stopped the Crestor be...