Lots and lots of Mods
We love our 19' travel trailer and have made a lot of little (and some big) improvements to it to make it more user friendly. Everything from a simple 12v outlet to 270-watts of solar power. You can read about all of our mods and see pictures at our site: http://rvroadtrip.us/mods.asp Jerry n ' Cynthi...
New ventilation ideas?
I have a chance in a few weeks to start looking into improving the ventilation system on my trailer (http://CounterMoon.org) and I was wondering how much interest the topic might have. I remember RV ventilation mostly as "turn on the A/C or go outside", but isn't there a better way? And do...
Battery Disconnect Switch
Can anyone explain the purpose and use of the "Battery Disconnect Switch" in my fifth wheel? When should it be "on" and when should it be "off"? Thanks Al -- Edited by poweredbytheholyghost on Tuesday 13th of October 2009 08:39:46 PM
Storing RV in Florida
So my husband and I have finished our travels and have planted ourselves in northeast Florida. We will be looking for work and moving into a condo this week and then putting our RV in storage. I was wondering what we should do to the RV before storing it. I just saw a ****roach in the RV this morning. Is...
Question about Pressure Pro and Hot Hubs?
Howard wrote on the 26th "We used our infrared thermometer to learn the new drum was reading over 300 degrees." With the hub that hot the tire pressure must have been very high. Why didn't his Pressure Pro sound an alarm to warn him that he had a problem?
Electric Brakes - run away emergency function
I had an incident the last time out. I turned a sharp corner and the emergency run away brake disengaged NOT from the receptacle but from where I had attached the loop...the plug remained in the receptacle! I re-attached the loop but the 5'er did not feel right as I towed and set up in my campsite. Whe...
Dr Gonzo
I want to know the temperature outside the motorhome and wonder if any of you have found an indoor/outdoor thermometer you would recommend? Store and cost information would be helpful. Thank you. And yes, I know, I can always stick my head out the door.
Gas water heater keeps blowing itself out, help
My gas water heater keeps blowing itself out when it tries to relight itself. Its approx 8 years old. I have replaced the thermal coupler two times. I have adjusted the air and gas flow (think). I believe I have the pilot light turned all the way up. Winter is coming soon here in North Dakota.... Any ideas...
Replacing TV in Motor Home
The front TV in my Monaco Diplomat needs to be replaced I think. It has sound but no picture. I've hooked up the cable to a known working TV and the satellite is fine there, so I'm guessing it's the TV. Soooo, how do you get that thing out of there? There is a framework around the TV but the TV is just a tad small...
Barb Reeves
Bath Time How Do You?
Most campgrounds do not allow washing of RV's. We have yet to find a car wash tall enough, unless of course we go to a commercial truck stop, to give our 38' 5th wheel a bath. Now that the weather is finally becoming bearable here in Florida we would like to get our 5th wheel washed and a good coat of wax on he...
Adding security lights
I'm planning to add a security light to each side of my coach. The ones that you typically see on RV's from the factory. About 6" round, chrome bezel, you know the ones. I'm wondering if there is any reason I can't splice into an existing 12 volt wire in a slideout, like an interior sconce, or any o...
no hurry
Bath Tub Drain
OK We went out on a 4 day camping trip this weekend.. and I used our shower for the first time... I usually use the campground showers...but I was lazy. Now we have had our 5th wheel about 5 months and it is 9 years old... When I took the shower the tub filled up so I tried pulling up on the silver plug it did no...
two travelers
my new gadget..
OK I know the men on this fourm are going to laugh at me my husband did ..but I got this new gadget to help with leveling our camper... It is called an RV Pillo... You lay it down drive the camper over it and blow it up.. in no time the camper was level... I hated those orange things and boards...When it i...
two travelers
Totally basic (i.e. dumb) question re LP gas tanks
As an RV newbie, I still come up with really basic questions about living in an RV. Today it's regarding my LP tanks. I have two 35-gallon tanks in my 5er. When one runs out of LP gas, there is a switch at the top that changes the flow to the other tank (I'm sure you know what I'm talking about). This was show...
Toilet ball won't move
We have a Thetford Aurora toilet. We had difficulty flushing, as though the ball was sticking. As per troubleshooting, we sprayed it with soilicone. This helped but for shorter and shorter periods of time. Now the ball will not move at all when the pedal is depressed, but the water still runs and f...
onan generator
Having a problem with my onan 4000 ky generator. It will crank but will not start. If I push the prime side of the start switch I do not get the clicking noise I did before. Unit does not seem to be getting fuel. Has anyone had this problem? Thanks
Horst Miracle Probes??
Like most of us, our black and grey tank readings are false most of the time. I just ordered the Horst Miracle probes for the black and grey tanks and am looking forward to putting them in. My question is, has anybody else tried them? And, if so, how are they working out? From what I understand, the fals...
Fresh water hose.
We were having problems with our water becoming "stinky". if we were gone and it didn't get flushed through frequently. We had a black hose because the white one was "a piece of crap" to quote my DH. Hot sun on a black hose was the problem. I finally talked him into getting a white ho...
Treating Grey Tanks?
I used the search function to first see if I could find where anyone spoke of treating the grey tank of an RV. I found a number of posts related to sensors and treatment for odors and such, and only one commented in any way related to treating grey tanks. Most full timers stated that since they were const...
Terry and Jo
No refridgerator on LP
Just moved from Missouri to Kansas and discovered the fridge won't run on LP. It's a NorCold and the led display shows "no FL". Leak detector is ok, and stove works ok, so it's not because there's no LP. Fridge works fine on a/c power. Anybody have this problem and know what might cause it...
NorCal Dan
Hole in fresh water tank.
I bought a 1989 Fireball 5th wheel & finally ran water in to check the freshwater tank. It leaks underneath like a waterfall. The owner lied to me about there being no leaks. I'm stuck with it and have very little money for repair. Underneath there are 2 big holes in the covering where the water runs o...
Cleaning off the top of the slide before breaking camp
We sold our ladders and now are wondering how we will clean off/brush off leaves, dirt and debris from the top of the slide after camping. How do y'all do it? Also, is the top of the 5ver ok to walk on? It seems like climbing up there is taking the roofs life in your hands, or feet as the case may be...any help?...
Coating our Fiberglass Roof (showing photos of our process)
Ok.... here are some pics of our project we just did last night! On our 1996 Safari Serengeti, our fiberglass roof can be known to get tiny microscopic cracks and fissures after 10 years of age.... resulting in potential leaks! So the guys on the Safari list with rigs the same vintage of ours are coating...
Pressure Pro System
We take off Oct 5 to fulltime. We want to install a Pressure Pro System. I AM LAZY! So, instead of me doing all that work researching online for the best place to get a system, I just KNOW someone here can direct me in the right direction! Thanks Dreamers! Phyllis
Painting exterior trim
Lovely Pennsylvania. Meteorogist, the only job in the world where you can be wrong 90% of the time and not get fired. It wasn't suppose to rain for the next 5 days, just be partly cloudy. We decided to give our ole' girl a fresh coat of paint on the large trim piece that runs completely around the middle...
Carrying motorcycles
OK sensitive question for a newbie but I have to ask. We are currently looking at a 26' fifth wheel camper for our Dodge 3500. I want to bring my dual sport along and would like to know what everyone thinks about adding a mount and more importantly weight behind the rear axles. I have seen it done but CAN IT B...
Oops That's a First
Well I should have used a checklist before pulling away from our spot in Chula Vista RV Park. Unfortunately, I was in a hurry because we were past check out time and the new folks were waiting. So I failed to do my, "Check to make sure all storage doors are locked" walk around. I got the side w...
New Tires - 275/70R22.5, 16 Ply for Monaco MH
I'm trying to decide on what brand of tires to put on the motor home. My sources are equally adamant and positive of their choice of tires. One says stay with Goodyear. The tires on now are Goodyear. The other guys (not an RVer but a trucker) says Goodyear tires are terrible (not in my case) and to only bu...
Barb Reeves
Moving Day Advice
OK, here's my concern. We're getting ready to move for the first time since we moved into our 5th Wheel full time on July 22. We have never moved the trailer since I put everything in it's place. I know I need to protect breakable items on counters and such but my concern is will the doors on the cabinets...
Backup Camera
Not to take anything away from the DW, but I am considering a rearview camera to aid in trailer hookups and general backing safety. Does anyone have any preference of camera for this purpose? Wal Mart has one for about $90 with a 2.5" monitor and there are several others for a little more than tha...