Heated Hose
As a newby to full-time rving, I have a question as we get ready for the beet harvest experience before spending the winter in the Tucson area. As the temperature in Upper Minnesota can get pretty cold in October, I may need a heated hose. The reviews on these hoses are not very good and so I would like the g...
Norcold fridge
Fridge will not turn on in AC/LP I am currently hooked to AC power. Red light at rear of fridge is on steady.
Question about the Truma AquaGo water heater
We had a Truma AquaGo installed in 2016. It does not have an interior control panel. We've never had it descaled - is descaling possible when you don't have the control panel? Also wondering if it's possible to have the control panel installed now?
Cindy T
Roof Blisters
I had to trim a few tree branches from around my RV and decided to use the opportunity to take a look at the RV roof. I noticed areas on the roof that look like the outer skin is blistering. The skin (membrane) does not look cracked or otherwise compromised but I am concerned that with it not adhered to th...
RV Tech Course
Aloha All, I have been seeing an add for a RV Tech Course on Facebook lately (as I research Full Time RVing). It looks like a home course with videos and work books. It is advertised for about $400. Has anyone taken this and if so was it helpful to you. I usually do my own work on my house and cars right now and p...
Shower Curtain, Door or . . . .????
I recently saw that a poster doesn't like having a shower curtain in his RV. I assume he prefers a glass shower door. My view is the opposite. I like a curtain because I can take it down and launder it easily. I hate cleaning a glass enclosure - I have to stand in an enclosed space and spray the cleaner. ...
03 Tiffin Phaeton 40' - wont start
HELP! We have been at an RV park for 3 months. Preparing to leave and, of course, will not fire up. Turns over fine. Changed fuel filter (which was clogged and had algae). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Long-term storage ..... how to prevent mold ???
We have our camper in the back yard covered with a normal RV cover..... we will be away from Jacksonville, Florida for about 7 months, through the summertime. 6 containers of Damp-Rid turned into solid chunks with an inch of liquid water on top of each in just one month inside the camper. ..... two in the...
New Batteries and Converter Question
Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve had power outages at three different campgrounds. The first outage lasted about 36 hours, while the other outages were much shorter. When the power went out (36 hours) we were without a generator for 18 hours. Once we got a generator, we ran it until the power cam...
Barb and Frank
New Horizons Bedroom Slide Inoperative
Help! My 3 month old Summit S37IK3S has decided to give me heartburn this morning. The bedroom slide will not retract. There are no gear noises but the motor runs and there is no slide movement. The slide has been sitting open for the last week. It is Sunday morning here in the Fairbanks, AK area and all sh...
Where can I find the location of the filters for the air conditioner/heat pump?
I was reading the operating instructions manual for the Dometic thermostat in my 2018 Mobile Suites 36RSSB3. In the manual, under the "maintenance" section, it talks about replacing the "air conditioner/heat pump air filters."Does anyone know where the filters are located in the Mobile Suite un...
How to secure our residential refrigerator for travel.
On our last leg, our refrigerator (Samsung residential) tipped out about a foot. This was due to it rocking past a vertical board at the back of the refrigerator, which was supposed to prevent this. However, once it happened (the overlap between the vertical board and back of fridge was too small),...
Coach Net - Tire Discount Service
Thought I'd share a "real life" experience using the CoachNet Discount Tire service. Howard wrote about this in his blog several months ago and I was interested, knowing that after we had an alignment completed in February after an issue with our shackles, we'd most likely need to consider tire repl...
Slide Seal Replacement
Good morning! our 2012 New Horizon 5er is in need of some new slide seals. Some bulb seals and some are wiper seals. As I look at them the bulb seals on the sides seem pretty straight forward to replace. The wiper seals are a different story as they are attached to the sidewall of the camper. And more diffic...
Team Murc
Refrigerator Fires
I've run across some information recently about certain models of Norcold and Dometic refrigerators having problems with fires. I know this is from the Internet so that's why I'm bringing it here, I trust the folks here not to be alarmist. That said, apparently there are 3 models that have been rec...
smell after black water drained
I live in a stationary 5th wheel and the grey water is directly sent to the sewer. The black water, however, must be emptied at least once a month. Then I get the odor. I have been here one year and have never ran the grey water into the black water holding tank. (I can't do this) I just open the black water and...
Two-way tilt solar panel
Hello, I'm a new member - just joined today for the very purpose of sorting out this problem (and hopefully others): I wish to add to the efficiency of a single 100-watt solar panel I added to my small trailer camper last summer. My wife and I like to camp wild without hookups - and we do so mostly in the earl...
New Online "Fix It Yourself" Course For RVers
Liz & Ed Wilcox over at the Virtual Campground website launched their "Fix It Yourself" course yesterday and they are offering it to a limited number of people for one week only (Week of March 18, 2019) at the introductory price of $97 (with a 30-day money back guarantee). Click the link below to ch...
What tools to get rid of...
OK gals and guys I have a problem I need to solve before I move into my RV in while. I have way too many tools to take in the RV, way too many. I have tools from a 1" drive socket set to micro sized torx drive tools and everything in between. I know that I will need to carry a complete complement of sockets, ra...
Something Else to Check...
If one has a fifth wheel, and if the fifth wheel hitch in the pickup has pins and "clips" to hold those pins in place, be sure to check those on occasion.I went out today to clean out a bunch of leaves. Our F450 stays parked under a tree and it had a bunch of old leaves in the front of the bed around our fifth whe...
Terry and Jo
Replacing Door frames on RVs
Has anyone replaced the door frames on an RV? We live in a 44 foot Heartland Cyclone fulltime. We are experiencing a lot of water seeping in at the bottom of the sliding glass door. Would appreciate any input Thank you
meow 2 u
Is an RV generator worth it?
My RV has an Onan Microlite 4000 generator that has been well maintained. It now starts but stops running as soon as I release the Start button. My mechanic identifies the problem as electrical and mostly likely due to wires being chewed by a rat or mouse. To fix the problem he says he'll need to drop t...
On-demand water heater?
Much like the composting toilet I asked about a couple of weeks ago on-demand water heater sound like they may be a good idea, but are they? I know that Nexus used to put them in some of their coaches but stopped a couple of years ago. My question is: What are the advantages and disadvantages between on-...
Unanswered battery installation question???
Good Morning All: I have read most, if not all, threads here and on other forums with the word "battery" in the subject lines and have not found a qualified answer to this question. And the sad thing is, I've not been able to find anyone at a dealer's shop that will give me a straight, qualified "yes" or "n...
Dave MW
interior foam is seperating from vinyl
94 Winnebago Ceiling is separating from foam and has started to pull away from plastic seam strips. tried to re glue worked for six months. Would like ideas on repairing problem.
Water Filters and Softeners ...
Does anyone have a good idea of how much water pressure is lost through filters and a softener? Has anyone taken rough flow rates upstream and downstream of their installations? Much has been written about water filters and softeners in this, and most other forums. However, I've not read any info...
Dave MW
Which electric jack do I purchase?
At the end of the camping season here in the northeast, the manual jack at the front of our 2003 Springdale tt broke. We are looking at the electric jacks in order to replace in the spring. Can anyone tell me how we determine if we need the 3000 lb., 3500 lb., or 5000 lb. electric jack? Your knowledge on this...
Water Heater DSI Fault
I have what seems like a strange malfunction of my six gallon DSI gas only Atwood water heater. The malfunction has evolved over the last year. Back in January the heater would start and heat okay but when hot water demand called for it to cycle back on it would attempt several times then I would get a D...
Energy Management Systems???
G'day all: I came across a passing reference to a possible limit value in the Energy Management System software for maximum current or power draw that caught my attention. I can't remember which forum I found this on, but it raised a very interesting point. The writer mentioned something abou...
Dave MW
2015 Lifestyles 39FB
Looking at a 2015 Lifestyles 39FB are there any rollers under the dining room slideout? Den.