Second post in as many days - domicile and timing
I apologize and ask you to bear with me - this is a different topic based on some (very) recent developments. I have also posed the question on Escapees but there is not a 100% overlap in the readership.We have spent the last 18 months doing our homework in preparation for going full-time... plan to beco...
Second Chance
Do Retired Full timers have 2 vehicles or 1?
We are recent retired full timers and are debating whether to keep 2 vehicles or just keep 1.What do others do?So far, we mainly use only 1 vehicle. The cost savings are tempting, and we are thinking if there is an occasion where we need 2, we could rent or use a family vehicle when we are near them. We do kno...
Must haves
Well we have pretty much made the decision to sell the stick house and everything we have and move into full timing it. I have and continue to research the steps and what we need to do. Unfortunately though (and I may have missed a post or two) I can't find a list of "must haves" to pack into the 5t...
Getting excited
We are not exactly keeping our plans secret now. I guess you could say we are discussing it out loud and as word makes it way around town, "Yeah, we are doing that" and there you go. I have been working on the purging process. A little everyday, cause of course we do have AWHILE to go. Still w...
Health May Be Accelerating Our FT date!!!!
OH Boy!!!! My health may be accelerating our date to this spring!!!! So much to do and so little time!!! Excited, but more fear. We are in our 40s!!!! All the questions... 1. Where do we store our stuff 2. What do we get rid of? 3. Where do we send our mail? 4. How fast will the house sell (are we ready)? 5...
Medical and Dental Care while on the Road
I realize if we have any emergency issues on the road we can get medical or dental care. Yet I am concerned about routine medical checkups and dental cleanings? If we are going to be on the road full time, I am curious how other people take care of these needs. I guess we could always go back to our embark fro...
What holds after RV FT life?
I am curious, what do people do after they give up RVing? Most FT's have sold their home and has been on the road for a loong time I really haven't heard of people living in their RV till they die. So something changes... And what if one dies and that leaves the other to manage all these... When do you stop FTi...
Should it stay, or should it go?
We are working on thinning out/getting rid of our stuff, and as I'm going through this process I'm finding that I'm not really sentimental about too much at all. Mostly I just want it gone! I am slightly concerned that in a cleaning and clearing frenzy, I will actually get rid of too much stuff. So, I hav...
Question on Mail and domicile
Almost ready to full time! Doing research on establishing domicile and have a question I haven't seen addressed. We live in Ohio and for health insurance reasons we would like to at least for now retain Ohio domicile. After sale of house, if we use daughter's address in Indiana for mail delivery, wo...
Spending a Winter up North in a Fifth Wheel?
My wife and I have been contemplating selling the house and buying our RV prior to my wife quitting her job and spending the last year living in the RV. We will be buying a 4 seasons unit according to the manufacturer. (Grand Design 366DEN) It gets pretty cold up in our area. It can get down to -10 F but not c...
Closer to the dream!
Well we finally bit the bullet and the winner was the 2014 Grand Design Solitude 369RL!! Also a 96 Ford F350 DD. It's hard to believe that we joined this wonderful group in February 2015 and here we are getting ready to hit the road to Indy to pickup our new home!! I'll tell you it wasn't always fun to get to t...
Gary and Linda
Here We Go
After sitting here in marion, NC since May 2nd.,we are leaving tomorrow for upstate Penna. so Norma can visit her parents gravesite. Then on to Manistee and Macinac Island, Michigan. After that we are going to SLOWLY work our way to Pahrump, Nv. for our third winter at Nevada Treasure. Hope to meet som...
What to do first?
We have pretty much made the decision to fulltime, know what rig we want and what size truck will be needed. Getting the house cleaned out and some things done to put it on the market this next spring. But my question is, What do we do next? Husband has health insurance from former employer and is now re...
Keep us in your thoughts today, please...
Those of you we were fortunate enough to meet at the spring rally know that we were moving toward a launch date sometime in late 2015 or early 2016. Then we had to high-tail it home from the rally (had planned another week of travelling) as we learned that Laura's lower jaw had fractured spontaneously af...
Second Chance
New Hampshire Residency?
Has anyone moved to New Hampshire to establish residency because of their tax rates? Also have you switched domiciles after making purchases of Rv and tow vehicile? Just wondering,something we are considering.Taxes on our expected purchases could run close to 9k. thanks
Away we go
We are going full timing in about 70 days . OCT1, 2015 We can't wait to get on the road. My home park is Thousand Trails on lake Conroe. We have Thousand Trails, Coast to Coast, RPI, Escapees, National park pass and enjoy Amercan. We are ready to go. I have a 2012 travel trailer and a 2012 truck all paid for....
Full time in an older RV
Hi folks. I was hoping some of you experienced full timers would chime in here. How many of you full time in an older rig? Say 5 years or more? We can't wait until our time is here (3 1/2 years) and it seems most folks buy something new to start out. But for us to make the leap, it will have to be in something goo...
Storing furniture, etc.
We are selling our S & B and going full-time for about a year. After that we plan to buy a small house. We are keeping some furniture, etc. and plan to put it in public storage facility. It is very secure place, but anything could happen. We will no longer have a homeowners policy and we are now look...
Perfect Timing
I found out this week that the company I work for is being sold and I will be unemployed by mid-July. Not too good when we're trying to stash away some major savings for our launch into full timing. BUT WAIT! Between my severance package and 6 months of unemployment benefits, I will be getting paid right u...
Tom and Mare
South Dakota Residency
Can we get South Dakota Residency and mailing address BEFORE we sell the house in California and go full time? When the husband retires at the end of the year we would like to be looking for an RV to buy and at the same time have the house for sale. We know we have to pay CA taxes on any income earned here, but...
Researching Domicile in South Carolina
Have any full time RVers set up domicile in South Carolina? If so, would you share steps necessary to make it happen? (We have reasons why this state is an option.)Thank you for your help!
RV insurance?
We are going full-time in our fifth wheel. We have narrowed down the insurance between American Adventure (which is associated with this fine website/blog) and Foremost which is associated with AARP. We had AARP/The Hartford in the past on autos and all was well. Premiums are comparable between...
Travel Update
Well it has been six months since we started FT and we are loving it. Left Pahrump, Nevada April 16th and headed to Sioux Falls for drivers license, then to Delaware for Doctors appointments. We arrived back in North Carolina on May 3rd. Our site here is only five minutes from the Spring reunion and we ho...
Single mom with 2 in tow...
Hi Everyone! I'm perusing forums and doing daily research. Full-time RVing has always been my retirement plan. For years I have attended RV shows. But, a few years back, my neighbors that homeschooled their kids bought an RV and took off for a year traveling the US. Those kids had the most amazing time...
Making the Move to Texas!
Well we just about done with all of our work to become Texans and so far the process has been rather smooth. Starting with setting up our mail service, that took all of 10 minutes at Escapees Rainbow Park in Livingston. Our next step was securing insurance in Texas for our 4 vehicles. That was a little mor...
Our first step to FT is a DOOZIE !!
Robin and I have recently decided to pursue the FT dream. We had a four year plan until retirement. After our introduction to this site, one of the posters stated that we should be prepared to shorten our length of time till retirement. Boy was he right. Today we purchased a new 2014 Heartland 3650RL, we...
Ready to hang it up
My husband and I are looking to full time in a fifth wheel when we retire in a few years. I have a question about the bedroom closet. They have rails and slots to hang your clothes. The closets are pretty generous and it seems like they would move around too much to stay on the hangers. How do those of you w...
We've Made The Decision To Full-time
Well, we sold our home with 3 offers on the first day it was listed. (Yes!!) After christmas we will head for Quartzsite Arizona and hope to see some of you there. We will be leaving Michigan on 1/8/2015 on the house closing I hope, we will also be leaving debt free (wahoo). Like God said, be faithful t...
Lonney Wade
Things just got a lot more serous... your thoughts appreciated
I've made this same post on the SKP forum, but assuming that a Venn diagram of the two forum populations would not be two equal sized, concentric circles, I'm posting here as well. Please forgive me (in advance) for such a long post, but I feel you need the background information to give meaningful advi...
Second Chance
Texas Residency
How hard is it to establish Texas residency and does anyone know of a mail service in or near Amarillo ?