legal issues.
We are finally going to be able to get an RV and live in full time. However we haven't told our families. I am worried about my Mother in law particually. We feel she may call child protected services. Because she doesn't think that it is good for a child to live that way. My daughter is 4 years old. Has anyon...
Homeschooling/Roadschooling and what works for you!
I thought I would bring up Homeschooling or for fulltimers, roadschooling and see what is working for everyone? We are using S.O.S. which is from Alpha and Omega and loving it. We have used it for 6 yrs now. It's computer based so there's not a lot of books to take up space. We do use Saxon Math and cd...
Road schooling question
My wife, daughter and I are excited to be on the road hopefully by the start of summer. We currently live in NC and will be "road schooling" our 13 yr old starting this fall. My wife contacted the nc dept of education and was told we cannot be out of state more than 30 days or we will have to withd...
Full Time with Twins
We want to be full time by the end of summer with second grade twins. There is a lot of information here, but not much recent. What are some of the biggest unexpected challenges.
Best RV type
Ok so here is the question what in anyone's opinion is the best type of rv for traveling with a newborn? Your thoughts and opinions are needed and welcome. I currently have a 36ft fifth wheel and I feel that it is fit for us just not an infant. I am planning on purchasing a different rv and was thinking a c...
Where do your kids sleep???
We're looking at 5th wheels and are thinking of just putting our 2yr old on the couch in the living room. We looked at bunkhouses, but they take up so much of the most used living space. We're feeling slightly guilty about not giving her her own space. Where do your kids sleep?
Full-timing with an adult child
I posted this on another forum, but got zero responses so I thought I'd cut and paste it to RV Dreams since everybody seems so much friendlier here! hello! My name is Mel and my husband and I have an 18 year old son who will graduate from high school in 2014. At that point we'd like to sell the house and pursu...
A Discipline Suggestion
With limited space for time outs. We were having a hard time with my 4 year old. A friend of my suggested a rewards system. So we have small water jug. We started out with 5 marbles. When she does what we ask like put her dishes in the sink, pick up her toys, or leave the playground without throwing a tantrum s...
Family of 14 hits the Road!!!
What an advertising gig for the RV Industry. I sure wish I new how to get this in this thread. This was on one of this mornings newscasts. I seen it on the RVNET forum. I just wonder how many families will think this is a grand idea. Sure hope they do the neccessary research rahther than listening to the medi...
Introduction to the Conundrum
Hello everyone! I am 36 years old, have a great wife and 4 children. Our oldest child is 13 and our youngest is 6. I have worked HARD all my life. I have ran 2 businesses for the last 7 years and was mayor of our small town for 2 years. All my life I have had a very strong work ethic probably to the point of being a...
Daughter doesn't like RV
Ok I need some advice on how to help my daughter adjust to living in the RV. We have been fulltiming since November. My 4 year old is now telling me that she doesn't like living in the RV. We have 22 ft. Class C motorhome. She sleeps above the cab and my husband and I are on the couch pull out. She keeps saying th...
Does anyone use the K12 program? Our state is really strict on keeping up with grade level and testing. I was just wondering if anyone has tried this and what they think. Thanks.
Beginner RoadSchoolers
Hello! We have been fulltiming for awhile now and are currently roadschooling our two young boys. They are only toddlers so we are starting off by teaching them basic education along with a second language (Spanish). We are having fun learning about all of the different curriculums there are to choo...
Adoption on the Road
Just a question. My husband to be and I are planning to have more children. But I may not be able to have anymore do to complications with my last pregancy. I was just wondering if anyone had ever adopted while on the road full time. and if it was possible? I also think we are going to try going out of the count...
Full timing with a toddler
We were all set to full time once our kids were grown and gone. We were SO close! Now, we're adopting our 19 month old grandaughter. We've decided that we aren't going to let this stop our dream. Now that we've decided we're going to do this, I need help!! Anyone else have young children while full ti...
Free RV Webinar this Thursday (7/14)
Just wanted to let you know we will be hosting a free webinar tomorrow (7/14/2011) at 6pm EST."How to Make your Family's Full Time RV Dreams a Reality" We will discuss your most pressing questions like:How will our family and all our stuff fit into 350 square feet? How much will this cost? Ho...
kimberly trav
car seats
Just a question about carseats. I was reading on a website, and it said that they were not safe in RV's. That's kinda why I was thinking about getting a 5th wheel instead of a motorhome. then i thought i may just wait till my daughter is old enough to go with out a carseat. ive got 5 more years. but what if we h...
Rving with teenagers
Well I couldn't stand it anymore, so I had to start something on this topic! We have 3 kids ages 14,soon to be 13 and 11. We have been taking them camping since they were small...around ages 4, 5 and 7. We started by borrowing my parents big motorhome then we decided about 4 years ago that we needed our own so...
Auburn War Eagle
My 14year old daughter wants to FT with us!!? Ummmm.....?
My fiance Chris and I have (had?) a 5 year plan to be FT - when my youngest, now 14, would be graduated and doing her own thing. My 18yo son graduated last year ... and is having movitational issues and is still at home too- certinally in 5 years he will find his way - right?! My daughter has been supportive...
Recent Story On A Family Hitting The Road
The link to this article was emailed to me. Thought I would share. Dad Lost His Job, So This Family Lives On The Road For what it's worth, we got a few about full-timing with kids and I always refer them to FamiliesOnTheRoad.com which is referenced in the article.
Temporary cards at libraries
We just discovered that the local library will allow non-residents to have a temporary card. We had to pay a deposit that will be refunded when we return the card before leaving town. The boys were so pleased to be able to check out some fresh reading material! We had just assumed that libraries were o...
How about PET yungins?
I didn't see anywhere to post about tips on handling pets while fulltiming. I am sure there are lots of tips I will need to know when I fulltime with my 3 Chihuahuas. I appreciate any input.
Traveling with Grandkids
Took a weekend trip to the local favorite campground with our grandson, Andrew (2 1/2). Had a great time, he enjoyed riding in the front passenger seat (in his car seat). He normally rides in back and can't see much.
He loved it, enjoyed playing with all the buttons and switches. ...
Old Snipe