Hi Everyone. Well, after 15 years the RV-Dreams Community Forum is coming to an end. Since it began in August 2005, we've had 58 Million page views, 124,000 posts, and we've spent about $15,000 to keep this valuable resource for RVers free and open. But since we are now off the road and have settled down for the next chapter of our lives, we are taking the Forum down effective June 30, 2021. It has been a tough decision, but it is now time.
We want to thank all of our members for their participation and input over the years, and we want to especially thank those that have acted as Moderators for us during our amazing journey living and traveling in our RV and growing the RV-Dreams Family. We will be forever proud to have been founders of this Forum and to have been supported by such a wonderful community. Thank you all!!
Our thoughts, sympathies and prayers go out to those victims and families in the Connecticut shootings. What a horrible, senseless act of cowardness. It is so sad to see how badly the moral compass of our society is broken. GOD Bless all these families!
Les and Sue
"CHARACTER is doing the right thing when no one is looking"
I had to wipe the tears from my eyes when this came about............As a Father and having lost a little one , The horror is Emense and never ending...........What would Cause someone to take the life of so many children.
My heart and hand reaches out to each of them!!!!
1998 ...Harney Renegade DP class A
My Service dog and life partner " Nikki"......Klee Kia Miniature Husky....(she Runs the ship!!)
We are not lost in the Woods.....Just Extreme boondocking!!!!!!
Why do these miserable souls have the need to take others with them...especially children... I fear for our society. God Bless those who are suffering.
RVing probably not a reality any more.It was a good time while it lasted.
MY God Bless the Little children and their families!!!! I have been crying on and off all day. I have grand children who are in school. The Good Book says it all: Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child. This world is getting so out of control! Government keep your nose out of the families business and I don't condone child abuse; but a good swat on the rump never hurt anyone and calmed down that over-bloated ego I had. I've made it threw 60 + years of my life crime free because my parents did not spare using a bit of good discipline.
These senseless crimes may have never happened if parents were allowed to be parents.I t has been proven since the 1980's with these killing getting worse and worse.
This is just my own opinion; I may be wrong. But as I wipe the tears from my eyes; my heart is saddened, broken and my brain doesn't comprehend what is going on with this newer generations minds.
Once again I am praying for the parents of these young innocent lives that did not deserve to be taken.
Life is too short. Live it Now!
Currently at Shady Acres RV Park Lebanon; Tennessee
Our prayers also go out to the families affected by this. With these kinds of situations, I tend to wait until more facts are in before commenting on anything. Late reports are that the shooter may be have some kind of mental condition. So, I guess we will get to wait a bit longer before all the facts are in. This appears to be a crime with victims in several places.
God bless all the victims and their families.
Terry and Jo
2010 Mobile Suites 38TKSB3 2008 Ford F450 2019 Ford Expedition Max as Tag-along or Scout
Changes need to be made. What a sad, sad day. I have had to wipe away tears all day today. God Bless and pray for the families of the loss of their loved ones
I would urge caution in making any opinion of what may or may not have happened.In today's world of 24 hour news and instant need to know, the "facts" seem to change with each passing hour.We can't lock away every possible weapon whether it be a semi-auto pistol to a butcher knife to a cross-bow to fertilizer and racing fuel.If anything,we as a society, need to re-learn that not only is our own life valuable but that of others is just as valuable.
-- Edited by Racerguy on Saturday 15th of December 2012 01:18:28 PM
RVing probably not a reality any more.It was a good time while it lasted.
If I may be allowed an opinion here. I think we have lost an important facet of our society. I see most of the comments (on TV) seem to be looking for excuses for the miserable SOB that killed those precious ones, instead of pointing out the moral compass issues like we had instilled in us from day one.
We have lost the home life that formed our ethos. We were the product of a family, and that is identified as a two parent household. Every day when I came home from school, my mother was in the house and my dad came home from work at some time in the evening. Mother set the tenor of the day. Dad made sure we had a program for Sundays, church in the morning, church in the evening and discussion of what we learned that day. Dad also had a program to keep us from being bored or at odds. He called it helping out. I learned how to cut grass, and do it willingly. Mother seldom had to tell me to do something twice. Seems she thought one time was sufficeient to form a habit. You know, check the garbage pail, if starting to become full, empty it. If there are dirty dishes, make them clean and don't wait to be told to do it.
Thank God, my wife was happy to be a stay-at-home mom to our kids. They are all mostly well-adjusted adults and we are proud of all of them. After the kids were out of school, she did seek employment out of the home and was successful at it. But, it was working with kids that had reading problems. Read that as challenged. Most often the kid was the product of a non-family environment or latch-key kid. Most often the parents (or parent) were hard to pin down for a conference to discuss the progress or lack of effort at home.
Found out a bit more; apparently the 20 Yr old was bi-polar and schizoprenic; from what i read. What I don't understand is why they had a .223 assault rifle and to semi-automatic pistols in their home under these circumstances. The pistols were registered to his mom, and I read that she trained him how to use them. What and Why!!!! This still doesn't change my thoughts on the post up above. This could have been prevented if the rifle and pistols would have been kept in a secure location away form the home. The world is becoming more and more unsafe and the only recourse we have is to be more vigilant and aware of our surroundings. I don't know if it would do any good; but if I'm approached with some one at close range with guns aimed at me. I will yell; "Look out behind you" and hope they turn around to see; because I am going to tackle them to the ground and try to knock their gun away from them. Especially when I have no doubt that i will be shot anyhow.
Everyone please! Be safe and watch over your children. In their learning year they will emulate everything they see, touch, smell, taste. First thing you know their getting grown up and if they have not learned better they will act on the evil and wicked ways they have experienced.
Life is too short. Live it Now!
Currently at Shady Acres RV Park Lebanon; Tennessee
This is why I don't have tv in my house ( whether we will have it in RV ?) My best friend was distraught yesterday after watching the endless loops of news footage. I reminded her that us knowing about a tragedy is meaningless self-punishment unless we can carry forward and somehow (this may take a long time) find a way to make things better. Right now I am focusing on the story of the heroine principal and my prayers are with the victims, and the families.
After spending the last year being hospitalized as a victim of a national crime nitemare.....and looking at every angle and piece of evidence that so far is available , you wonder why society waits until a major catastrophe occurs before attempting to do something about it....
Why does it have to cost lives to wake up and step in and do something....The people who commit these crimes have histories that go way back openly and yet we dismiss them until its to late to intervene.
Why is it after it happens most can name the perpetrator who did the horrible act..........yet no-one can ever name one victim.
This time it was a room full of children......kindegarten and first graders.......none of them should ever be forgotten!!
Charlotte Bacon, 6
Daniel Barden, 7
Olivia Engel, 6
Josephine Gay, 7
Ana Marquez-Greene, 6
Dylan Hockley, 6
Madeleine Hsu, 6
Catherine Hubbard, 6
Chase Kowalski, 7
Jesse Lewis, 6
James Mattioli, 6
Grace McDonnell, 7
Emilie Parker, 6
Jack Pinto, 6
Noah Pozner, 6
Caroline Previdi, 6
Jessica Rekos, 6
Avielle Richman, 6
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Allison Wyatt, 6
Rachel Davino, schoolteacher, 29
Dawn Hochsprung, school principal, 47
Nancy Lanza, mother of assailant, 52
Anne Marie Murphy, teacher, 52
Lauren Rousseau, teacher, 30
Mary Sherlach, school psychologist, 56
Victoria Soto, teacher, 27
-- Edited by Lucky Mike on Monday 17th of December 2012 11:18:33 AM
-- Edited by Lucky Mike on Monday 17th of December 2012 02:09:31 PM
-- Edited by Lucky Mike on Monday 17th of December 2012 02:17:58 PM
1998 ...Harney Renegade DP class A
My Service dog and life partner " Nikki"......Klee Kia Miniature Husky....(she Runs the ship!!)
We are not lost in the Woods.....Just Extreme boondocking!!!!!!
Unfortunately there have always been wackos around. A guy in my high school ended up in the army after having a berserker rage where he beat up his mother. He told me years later that it took getting beat up multiple times to finally get control of his temper, but the army handled that. I know that if he hadn't ended up in the army he could have been one to make the wrong kind of headlines. When he wasn't mad he was very likable, smart, articulate and a great sense of humor.
Bill Joyce, 40' 2004 Dutch Star DP towing an AWD 2020 Ford Escape Hybrid Journal at http://www.sacnoth.com Full-timing since July 2003
My current "day job" is working with pschizophrenics and bipolars, and I have also worked with autism, and in a jail... after 20 years in the field, I have to say, I believe more in the reality of the demonic and evil, than I do in the idea that you can cure anything with a pill; in fact, prayer seems to do more in many cases, than "medication" does.
Where I work, I see a lot of "ticking time bombs" and the system is structured to hide that fact; we have recently had a couple of young guys who were threatening and posturing towards a coworker, for months, but what do the Powers That Be say? "He doesn't have a history.... he doesn't meet 5150 criteria..... as long as he is med compliant...." I beg to differ; you don't get into the system without a "history", because in order to get into the mental health system, you need to be arrested, and these guys were on probation. Just cuz they haven't stabbed or shot anyone, means they "don't have a history"? Also, the Powers That Be are always trying to push these guys "out into the community". To do what? Beg for money and cigarettes? Or maybe stalk a pretty neighbor? Dress like a weirdo and rant and rave on the street corner? The Powers That Be also say, "They are not allowed to do illegal drugs on the premises, but we can't control what they do off premises...." They essentially almost tell them it's OK to do street drugs, as long as it's somewhere else. Oh, and let's not forget "client confidentiality". The Powers That Be have told us, even if we have to call the cops, because someone is "acting out", we can't reveal any diagnosis or history to the responding officers! We could get fired, or worse, if we do! Look at the Batman shooter, and how hard they are fighting his psychiatric records making it into court. (That "history" would undoubtedly incriminate some highly placed powers).
See why I am eager to hit the road? In order to "serve those less fortunate", I'm expected to put myself, and the rest of the community, at risk.
The main stream media is eager to use this to push the issue of gun control, but how about policing themselves? Most of us on this forum are of an older generation, and guns have been around forever.... but this mass killing stuff didn't start to happen until maybe 20 years ago, when Hollywood began really, really pushing grotesque violence, perverted sex, and other demonic themes as the main forms of "entertainment", via movies, TV, and especially video games. ALL of these shooters have undoubtedly been addicted to violent video games, music and movies.
I'm hoping this situation wakes the country up, not to the idea that we need more "laws" to "control guns", but to the fact that the country has collectively swallowed a poison, which is also our top export to the rest of the world, namely violence and sadism as "entertainment", and the use of drugs, both legal and illegal. Bread and circus, as the Romans used to call it. IMHO, demonic doorways have been opened wide, sponsored by the corporate media, and people need to start turning off the TVs, stop buying their kids these "games", stop supporting the demonic Hollywood agenda, and stop expecting pills to take care of every problem.
I agree.... the kids learn to kill through the entertainment world. Video games allow them to kill thousands with no consequence or conscience. The movies, cable and TV shows just help sensationalize the violence. They have been desensitized and add in bi-polar or some other mental illness and violent behaviour erupts without control.
Parents need to teach right and wrong. It starts at home, control what the kids are exposed to.
There have always been guns, these tragic killings are a relatively recent occurrence. Something more than access to guns is causing this.
I hope everyone touched by this tragedy can find peace soon in their lives.
"Small House, Big Yard "
"May the FOREST be with you" Alfa See-Ya 5'er and 2007 Kodiak C4500 Monroe
The longer I work in the field, the more convinced I become that we need state hospitals, away from our neighborhoods, rather than "community placements", and "special ed" classes. Sure, some of the mentally disabled are perfectly harmless, and can do quite well with the rest of us, but there really are too many dangerous individuals, that the state knows about, yet puts them in our neighborhoods and schools anyways. Unfortunately, it looks like the powers that be are going to focus on guns, and not the mental health policies they have put in place to not only cut costs, but to shift blame off the state (who diagnoses and places them) and onto the non-profits paid to house them, or the weapons they manage to find.
Unfortunately, the media has long been "absent" when it comes to objective reporting. Some years ago, I remember an audio clip on the radio where the interviewer was asking journalism students why they chose journalism as a career path.
Sadly, most of the answers were similar to "I want to change things" instead of "I want to present fair and objective reporting." Regardless of what they say otherwise, even the news media is desparately working for ratings instead of accuracy and honesty, so the phrase of "if it bleeds, it leads" tends to be the editorial attitude of many news outlets.
Terry and Jo
2010 Mobile Suites 38TKSB3 2008 Ford F450 2019 Ford Expedition Max as Tag-along or Scout