Hi Everyone. Well, after 15 years the RV-Dreams Community Forum is coming to an end. Since it began in August 2005, we've had 58 Million page views, 124,000 posts, and we've spent about $15,000 to keep this valuable resource for RVers free and open. But since we are now off the road and have settled down for the next chapter of our lives, we are taking the Forum down effective June 30, 2021. It has been a tough decision, but it is now time.
We want to thank all of our members for their participation and input over the years, and we want to especially thank those that have acted as Moderators for us during our amazing journey living and traveling in our RV and growing the RV-Dreams Family. We will be forever proud to have been founders of this Forum and to have been supported by such a wonderful community. Thank you all!!
I just bought a travel trailer and a truck and I am dreaming big dreams. I live in southern NH. Over the last 2 years, I have fallen in love with the desert southwest. The more I visit, the harder it is to leave. And there is so much more to see and do in this great country, I want to explore as much as I can. Though I love my snowsports, in a few years I hope to do the snowbird thing and work/volunteer in the parks. I like the idea of boondocking at least part of the time and am interested in others' experiences doing it. To start I am traveling part time and solo but I'm sure my friends will visit on occasion to do some hiking etc., and when my brother in law and sister in law retire, they will be hitting the road too. By then, I hope to have some travels under my belt! My questions to start are about how/where? to properly weigh my trailer prior to loading it up. I was reading that a weigh station would not be very accurate for a small trailer. I look forward to reading the forums and chatting with you!
Welcome to the forum. I don't know much about TT's so will let the other experienced members address your question on weight. Lots of stuff to see in the desert SW so it should keep you busy. Lots of RV'ers head to Quartzite in January.
Thanks Dan. Funny I recently saw a TV program talking about Quartzite and how it becomes like an RV city in the winter. I've been online looking at so many RV sites. Found out that you tube is a good place to ask tech questions! Who knew? Got a tutorial on sanitizing one's fresh water tank, and another on proper leveling of one's trailer. Good stuff. I seem to do well with the visual learning. Taking lots of notes, lol.
Welcome to the RV Dreams Forums as an active participant. You will find this an exceptional site with a lot of knowledgeable folks with experience in almost every kind of RV. Feel free to ask questions and make comments as we all tend to learn from each other.
Since I'm not as experienced with travel trailers as many of the others here, I'll leave some of the technical answers to them.
Have fun with the journey of research and planning.
Terry and Jo
2010 Mobile Suites 38TKSB3 2008 Ford F450 2019 Ford Expedition Max as Tag-along or Scout
Most recycling scrap dealer have scales; just a thought! There are many sites on boondocking and the South-west has many Bureau of Land Management areas for a minimal user fee. Welcome to the best forum on the internet and research; research and research again.
Life is too short. Live it Now!
Currently at Shady Acres RV Park Lebanon; Tennessee
My questions to start are about how/where? to properly weigh my trailer prior to loading it up. I was reading that a weigh station would not be very accurate for a small trailer. I look forward to reading the forums and chatting with you!
Many truck stops have scales and that is sometimes the easiest place to get a trailer weighed. It won’t give you a wheel by wheel weight, but it is much better than just hoping everything is good.
Don’t be concerned about all the semis.Just stay out of their way and they will be no issue at all.
As to procedure:You will need to weigh the truck independently of the truck and trailer combination to be able to subtract that truck weight from the truck / trailer combination and determine the trailer weight and also the trailer hitch weight. (If this isn’t clear feel free to ask.) To save a few bucks (like $9 - $11) I would go to the desk before you begin the process and ask how to do this so you can have a “reweigh” without cost.Some do this – some don’t.It’s easy after the first time and you understand the drill.
You may need to have a little step stool available in the truck to reach the “call button” at the scales.They are intended for semis which are just a bit higher than a pickup.Some need that extra height boost.