Hi Everyone. Well, after 15 years the RV-Dreams Community Forum is coming to an end. Since it began in August 2005, we've had 58 Million page views, 124,000 posts, and we've spent about $15,000 to keep this valuable resource for RVers free and open. But since we are now off the road and have settled down for the next chapter of our lives, we are taking the Forum down effective June 30, 2021. It has been a tough decision, but it is now time.
We want to thank all of our members for their participation and input over the years, and we want to especially thank those that have acted as Moderators for us during our amazing journey living and traveling in our RV and growing the RV-Dreams Family. We will be forever proud to have been founders of this Forum and to have been supported by such a wonderful community. Thank you all!!
I use a desktop that has Microsoft XP, and a laptop with Microsoft Vista. I prefer the desktop, but while I am workamping this summer I won't have internet access except possibly if I can find a hotspot somewhere along the road to town. Because of that I need my laptop, much as I hate it and Vista. I turned it on this morning and since I'm sick of Microsoft bugging me about updates I went ahead and ok'd the update install. It took over an HOUR to install, and then I couldn't use my air card to get to the internet. I keep getting a message that the "new device" must be installed. This, even though AT&T Communications Manager is sitting right there on my screen and I've used it countless times before.
I searched and found that I could go back to a previous point before the update installation, so I did that. It took nearly as long to to that as it did the original update. I still couldn't get the air card to work, so I re-booted, and darned if the service pack is being installed as soon as I turn the computer on, and there is no way to cancel or break into the installation. The computer is doing a lot of things without my help now -- it installs the updates, then it goes back to the point before the installation and then shuts down and back on again. When it comes back on, the installation of the service pack begins all over again.
I need the laptop for the summer, but I can't use it until something is done about this loop it is in. I want to install Windows XP, but does that require that I buy the NEW Windows XP? How to I turn off all the security settings and automatic updates? I tried but am told that my "network administrator" is the only one allowed to do that. Hell, that's me!
I would appreciate any advice - I'm seriously considering trashing it because it is of no use to me now. And if there is anyone out there considering a new laptop, for goodness sake get a Mac. I wanted one but let the cost determine the laptop I purchased - it would have been cheaper and easier in the long run if I had just gone with the Mac.
gypsy97 www.gypsy97.blogspot.com 2004 Hitchhiker II 2002 Ford F-350, diesel, dually Fulltimer as of 12/01/2008!
Wow I was in your same place last year. I spent 1200.00 on an HP laptop with Vista.
From the get go, I had the same problems. Constant frustration,hours on the phone with HP, forever updates and sent it back to HP twice to get it fixed or an old issue under the warranty repaired.
I don't like the vista with all the crazy updates. I didn't work for me. It is now sitting on the desk and hasn't been used since I got it back from the factory.
After going thru that for a year with the HP, the day I sent it back to get repaired I went to the Apple store and bought a new Apple Mac Book Pro.
Wow what a difference. Its fast and very smart with no problems. It knows what it is doing automatically.
I love the customer service too. They speak english and quick to get through.
Day and Night the two.
I know I won't be going back to a microsoft system. Im am forever spoiled with Apple.
If you spend a lot of time on the computer, get yourself an Apple , you won't be sorry.
Geez I sound like an Apple rep., no Im just not stressed out now fighting the HP
Yes Vista has it's auto updates but you can schedule them for your convienience and they don't break in on you. It took me a while to figure this all out but once I did I can work it in my favor. I too have XP on my office computer and if I had my choice I would go with XP but Vista will work for you when you learn how to use it.
I understand your frustration with Vista. You are not the first person to have problems with the M$ updates. I also switched to Mac before we started full-timing in Dec 2007. Because I never installed or used Vista on any of my computers I can't help with that...but if you can find a copy of XP for sale you should be able to install it on your laptop. I don't recommend you do that unless your comfortable manually installing the necessary drivers (if even available) for all the buttons on your laptop. But if you decide to go ahead with installing XP then make sure you have drivers for your model of laptop for all installed items, ie. network card, modem, wireless adapter, audio, video, mouse, track-pad if it has one, etc.
I have gone through extra effort to buy machines with XP on them since I know its quirks and have felt vindicated by all the fuss over Vista. I run Linux for fun, but need to run software that only runs on Windows and a couple that do not run on Vista. I have no interest in Macs.
Bill Joyce, 40' 2004 Dutch Star DP towing an AWD 2020 Ford Escape Hybrid Journal at http://www.sacnoth.com Full-timing since July 2003
I'm having flashbacks......back to when microsoft first brought out XP. If I had been reading forums back then, I bet I would have been seeing very similar complaints regarding the conversion to XP.
My learning curve on new operating systems is getting longer and longer. I'm afraid to switch to Vista for fear it would push me over the edge and I would start believing there's a problem with the economy and home prices have dropped nearly 40% and diesel fuel prices would soar to over $5 per gallon and peanuts & pistachios can make you sick and corporations can run up debts, fail and the executive officers get bonuses of miliions of dollars....what a fantasy world that would be.
Larry "Small House, Big Yard " 7 years to go to FT Alfa See-Ya 5'er and 2007 Kodiak C4500 Monroe Pickup
Heck, Bear, my favorite was MS-DOS, where you told the computer what you wanted to do and it complied. Now, you are given options in the manner that the operating system decides you can have it. I never cared much for Windows, period. With Vista it seems that much more info is hidden from the user, or you have to work twice as hard to find it. Just a simple thing as a restore - supposedly the system creates a restore point every day, but as I can tell, they only let you go back one day. I want to take mine back to March 25th because that was a day I used the laptop and air card successfully, but as of this morning I can only go back one day. And as for installing an update and wanting to cancel in mid-stream - that is where I had all my trouble yesterday. It took over an hour to install and I just had to let it do its thing, then nearly the same amount of time to uninstall!
gypsy97 www.gypsy97.blogspot.com 2004 Hitchhiker II 2002 Ford F-350, diesel, dually Fulltimer as of 12/01/2008!
Big Brother - I mean Microsoft - knows best... of course now MS is not the only 'Big Brother' on the block. Move over and make room for the federal government. Can't wait until Tim 'the tax cheat' Geithner gets the power to review my salary and decide I'm getting paid too much.... But before that happens maybe the President will fire me.... Funny - I thought he was employed by us, and not the other way around.
Actually, my favorite was OS2.... it ran *all* my MS-DOS and windows programs without a hitch, and I never had to worry about viruses or worms etc. Too bad IBM didn't know how to mass market, or persuade third-party software developers to get on board.... OS2 was vastly superior to everything MS had come out with up until maybe XP, but remember that OS2 was out there before Windows/95...
If you want favorites I will go with AmigaDOS any day. It was also fun to write programs for the Amiga, much more fun than Windows and way, way, way more fun then my only experience with Mac programming.
Bill Joyce, 40' 2004 Dutch Star DP towing an AWD 2020 Ford Escape Hybrid Journal at http://www.sacnoth.com Full-timing since July 2003
Here's a slightly different concern - for those of us on satellite or bandwidth limited aircards. I normally have my windows auto-update turned on to automatic - I run XP. I noticed a few months ago that the friendly automatic big bro MS updater program wanted to update my .NET program. Not a big deal until I realized it is a 128mb download. If I hadn't caught that and stopped that particular update I probably would have been FAP'ed, worse yet, if I was running a bandwidth limited aircard I might have been charged for that monster as it might have gone over my daily/montly limits...
Just something to consider. I now have all my autoupdater programs set to notify before updating so I can check to see how much it wants to download.
RVDude: I take advantage of Hughes.net's FAP free time (2AM to 7AM Eastern Time) to download those big updates using Free Download Manager (FDM). I normally use Firefox but with FDM I use IE and search Microsoft's site for the standalone patches and FDM comes up and I schedule the download for that night. FDM is easy to search for and download and does not have to run on startup, though it defaults to doing so.
BTW: For everyone patching Windows you might find it easier to use Autopatcher.
Bill Joyce, 40' 2004 Dutch Star DP towing an AWD 2020 Ford Escape Hybrid Journal at http://www.sacnoth.com Full-timing since July 2003
I started my computer life as a Mac user then went to PC because our work switched to PC. When we started on the road I bought a PC laptop which crapped out after three years. My husband who has always been a Mac person suggested I go back to using Mac so nearly two years ago I bought a MacBook and haven't looked back. Sure glad I don't have to deal with viruses and it is user friendly. The MacBook has a intel chip so I also have PC on it that I can use (except I deleted some files accidently so it doesn't work right now). Anyway, I'm VERY happy to be a Mac user again!
So sorry to see all the trouble you have with Vista. Just like Bear, I remember all the complaints on Windows XP, and before that Windows Millenium, and Windows 2000, and Windows 98, and Windows 95, and Windows 3.11 and Windows 3.
Each time Microsoft came out with a new Windows, you could be sure that the Windows before was running just fine. You have to agree for the up dates from the beginning and most of the time, all will be fine. Did I say most of the time LOL.
Soon Vista will be just fine because there is a new Windows on its way : Windows Vienna.
I know Mac is better but when you have to work with a PC you have to find a way to deal with it.
Thanks for the heads up Dude. I changed my computer to notify me and I will decide which upgrades to download. I did not think about the size of some of these files!!! Now I can check out and see what Windows wants to load up for me.
How to I turn off all the security settings and automatic updates? I tried but am told that my "network administrator" is the only one allowed to do that. Hell, that's me!
I wanted one but let the cost determine the laptop I purchased - it would have been cheaper and easier in the long run if I had just gone with the Mac.
I don’t know how you got away from being the Owner – A.K.A. Administrator – I hesitate to give any advise about fixing that issue. But if you do gain control, here’s how to stop auto updates.
Left Click on Start, Select Control Panel. Assuming you have the ‘Classic View’ icons, scroll to the bottom of the screen and find the “Window’s Update” icon and click on it. On the next window find the Change Settings option and click on it. Then choose an update Option that you want by clicking on the radio button next to it (small round circle). Once you’ve made the choice, back up one page and find the link “View Available Updates”. Once the updates starting storing themselves, you can choose what to load.
I personally don’t allow updates. I go to the Microsoft site regularly and read about the update before putting it on my computer. You can also go to a site like bleepingcomputer.com and get an education on other issues effecting computers before you make a decision to load something.
There are laptops still available with XP. The new notebooks are also available with XP.
When it comes to the hereafter, I want to be in the no smoking section.
Yes, we went through the same problems when we bought a new 'puter' about 17 months ago. We had a lot of the same problems until we bought the "Window Vista for Dummies" book!! Helped us with a lot of different problems and also with what to get for anti-virus and spy-ware. At time we loan the book out to friends to help them solve problems. That worked fine till the other day when we got the following virus and we are still trying to get it repaired. Hope that you don't get this virus.
AMISH VIRUS: You have just received the Amish Virus. Since we do not have electricity nor computers, you are on the honor system. Please delete all of your files.
Thank thee.
Fulltime workampers trveling around the country in our 40ft. Safari Serengeti MH being pushed by a 2005 Saturn Vue. Visit our travels at: http://trailsofserengeti.blogspot.com
Ask anyone that knows me: I'm not a Microsoft guy. Sure, I was there since DOS 2.0, but I've had plenty of time to be tired of it. And as nice as the Macs are, they're simply not my style.
You should really think about Ubuntu Linux. See http://www.ubuntu.com. Not only is it simpler than Windows, has no "slow down", no viruses and no malware for it, it's free. No more $100 to have someone flush-n-fill your machine every time something slips past the AV software.
It's written by people like you and me, not a corporation. For example, if 12 guys in Pakistan need the local language for it, all the tools are there to install it. It supports an absurd amount of languages, btw, including those that are right-to-left.
The updates are non-intrusive, and they, too, are made by people you can trust. How tough is it to install Windows programs? Here, go to Applications->Add/Remove and check off the software from a list. Enter your password, and it's DONE. No finding files, no worry over insecurity, you don't even need to know a site name.
You wouildn't think something free would be worth it, but this is the only case I've ever seen it to be true. They've been working on it for a long time. It's freedom. It's simplicity. I don't know why so many people are reticent to change.
It's the only thing I use- both on this desktop, and the onboard computer in my trailer: http://CounterMoon.org
PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE RIGORS OF INSTALLATION: It'll ask you six (6) questions and one of them will be your name. Then it'll reboot and you're on your way!
If you have any questions after that, drop me a line.
Sun Microsystem's benefit to the Open Source world was VirtualBox. It will let you run anything you can't live without in a nice, captive, not-gonna-hurt-anybody window along with all your Linux stuff.
Note: The one that comes with i386 Ubuntu Jaunty is currently buggy- get the debs from the Sun Website. If you're running an AMD64, just use the one from the repo.
This really, really, works well. It's simple, it's clear; it's everything we ever wanted to cover the remaining sticking points. http://www.virtualbox.org/
I don't have any such apps; I transitioned in 1999 and never looked back, but I have some friends that run things that Wine just can't quite make work. And yeah: this VirtualBox is free.