Hi Everyone. Well, after 15 years the RV-Dreams Community Forum is coming to an end. Since it began in August 2005, we've had 58 Million page views, 124,000 posts, and we've spent about $15,000 to keep this valuable resource for RVers free and open. But since we are now off the road and have settled down for the next chapter of our lives, we are taking the Forum down effective June 30, 2021. It has been a tough decision, but it is now time.
We want to thank all of our members for their participation and input over the years, and we want to especially thank those that have acted as Moderators for us during our amazing journey living and traveling in our RV and growing the RV-Dreams Family. We will be forever proud to have been founders of this Forum and to have been supported by such a wonderful community. Thank you all!!
Currently, we're in Lake Worth, (a 'burb of West Palm Beach) and within a year, we're outta here!!!!
Rosa is a born and raised Florida gurlie, formative years in Key West, and a couple of decades in West Palm. She's a retired RN (no, she ain't doin' THAT again), is a Notary Public, and is currently the office mgr at a commercial landscape developer.
Paul spent 30 yrs in high tech, had some heart attacks, got a pacemaker, is a marine surveyor, is grumpy, and fashion challenged.
The "plan" is to chuck all we own but don't really need into our front lawn (in this 'hood, it'll be gone in an hour and a half), load the rest of our worldly possessions (that should take about 10 minutes) in to our as yet to be purchased, new to us, slightly used by a couple of church going sisters that only used it on junkets to the bingo halls Motorhome. hey, thats what the broker tolds us, honest... (tongue firmly in cheek) The search for said golden unicorn is interesting, given my background in the marine industry, some things translate well, other things I find that I'm clueless.
We will do our level best to wear the god-awfulest, ugliest shorts (ok, I will, TheCuban will just shake her head) into every wallyworld from key west to seattle, from bar harbor to death valley.
If we find a place that doesn't throw us out on general principal, We'll hang our hat for a month or two, then move on, the worlds biggest ball of tinfoil is calling don't cha know.
I'm a sailor, have been for many years... theres a saying... "Its not about the destination, its the journey." Therein lies the attraction.
We'll do the family thing, 3 day rule included, stop where we want, wander about. Get the funny hats. In my professional life, I've seen a lot of the spots. Rosa, well, I want to see the look of wonder in her eyes as we exit the Kansas haze and the Rockies come into view. I want to see her eyes light up when they hit the lights on Niagara Falls. We want to have a Maine Lobster, see Big Bend and Old Faithful. Michigan Blueberries. The Adirondacks in the fall, The Smokies, anytime.
These aren't "dreams" we're commited... (or should be, we've got papers that say we're not nuts, do you?)
We have friends that 2 yrs ago, decided they hadn't seen enough of the U.S. either. They sold their condo, and now Summer in Colo. Springs, and Winter near South Padre.
Ahhh, sweet freedom, here we are. Our kids are ALMOST out the door, we might give them our new cell phone numbers and email addys. we're not kiddin'.
We understand the trials and tribulations, some of them anyway. I'm starting to do the due diliegence on 34-40+ ft units, brands, layouts, fluff vs meat & potatoes. Toads, and aletrnative transports are being given the once over as well. We're even putting some schekles away in the "cruisin' kitty", imagine that.
I've lurked on here quite enough, it was time we joined. Thanks for havin' us. We'll do our best to use the search feature, and not ask too stoopid of a question. Black beans and rice, on us.
Blog? on that new fangled internet thingy? pffft. not really, although Rosa keeps telling me that I need a hobby. I mean really, theres only so much interspecies midget por*o you can watch without it effecting your thought processes.
I suppose we'll do that when we do get closer to actually nailing some of the more important details down, subjects could include: "this may not be right but this is how we did it" "lying rv dealers, separating fact from fantasy" "to buy a repo, or not to buy a repo, that is the question" "why don't you just give me your bottom line price, this ain't a flea market is it?" "Insurance? we don't need no stinking insurance" "How to test drive a 40 ft class A without giving the sale wonk a nightmare that'll last a week" "Ummm, whats this thingy do, and is it really that important?" "Does this red light and warning bell have a switch or something? Its annoying me" "Aquiring other campers lawn chairs for fun and profit" "Relatives, do they really need to know where you are?"
In a previous life, I "interacted" (resume speak) ie put on seminars, held conferences in front of up to 300 people. I was a geek. A true pocket protector wearing member of the "FORTRAN/IEEE 802.x UNIX is the only real OS/Network interoperability - security geek" community. My sense of humor ranges from George Carlin to Carlos Mencina, from Monty Python to BlackAdder. Rosa tolerates me. Lord I don't know why, it may be the meds. Don't try to confuse me with the facts, it messes with my reality. So yea, I can see doing the "blog" thing in the future, Lots of photos, wildlife, flora and fauna. Places we've dreamed of going, and the places we just "stumbled upon". I've got no idea if anyone would be interested, and frankly, I'd suggest they consult with a mental health professional if they did show an interest.
But, it'd keep me off of those porno sites, and I think thats all Rosa is hoping for at this point.
I should mention to please take most of what I post with a grain of salt. We're dead serious about this direction we're taking, we had thoughts of doing the 40ft offshore sailing life, but my health precludes that. This is the "next best thing".
We also fully realize that this may be a decade long "bucket list" for us. Heres to hoping we've got a really big bucket, because we're adding to "the list" every day.