Hi Everyone. Well, after 15 years the RV-Dreams Community Forum is coming to an end. Since it began in August 2005, we've had 58 Million page views, 124,000 posts, and we've spent about $15,000 to keep this valuable resource for RVers free and open. But since we are now off the road and have settled down for the next chapter of our lives, we are taking the Forum down effective June 30, 2021. It has been a tough decision, but it is now time.
We want to thank all of our members for their participation and input over the years, and we want to especially thank those that have acted as Moderators for us during our amazing journey living and traveling in our RV and growing the RV-Dreams Family. We will be forever proud to have been founders of this Forum and to have been supported by such a wonderful community. Thank you all!!
I see congress is attempting to pass the reciprocal CCW law again, meaning all states must recognize CCW permits issued from other states in their state.
I certainly believe a person should be able to have a weapon if thats their choice. I also believe its none of the business of the Government who have more than one weapon! In the near future you will be ask questions that you will be forced to answer if certain laws are passed. I also believe every State should recognize each States laws.. I want go to States were C/C permits aren't allowed. The last time I checked there are 38 States that recognize the C/C permit from another State. I will not go to Canada with a weapon, and when we were full timing we couldn't go there. I also don't think the Senate will pass the bill the House did. But I do vote and I will vote against any one in my State that votes agains a C/C permit.. Again its a choice and if you don't want to own a weapon I respect your decision.. And I expect you to also respect my choice.. Happy Trails....
2012 Chevy 3500HD DRW's (SOLD)
Pressure Pro System (SOLD) Trailer Saver TS 3 (SOLD)
Unless the "reciprocal recognition of concealed carry permits" is worded differently. I think that each state still has requirements that those visiting must abide by, even with a recognized permit.
On the local gun forums here in Oklahoma, anyone questioning about carrying in other states are usually advised to check those state's weapons laws BEFORE traveling there with one.
I will agree that it is unlikely that the Senate will pass the bill. Even if they do, it is likely that the President would veto it. In such a case, it is doubtful that the Congress could override that veto.
It would be a good thing though because that would force states that don't want to allow citizens to own weapons to at least recognize the rights of citizens of other states that are passing through or visiting.
Terry and Jo
2010 Mobile Suites 38TKSB3 2008 Ford F450 2019 Ford Expedition Max as Tag-along or Scout
Don't know if anyone has visited a VA Medical facility recently, I did a few months ago and was given a brief oral questionaire concerning my present mental state. The questions went something like this: Had I felt threatened in the recent past? Was I depressed? Did I feel that I may wish to harm myself? Did I feel that I may wish to harm anyone else? Was told after this line of questioning that my responses would be entered into their system and made available to the folks at Homeland Security. Had I answered "YES" to ANY of these questions the Homeland Security people could, and probably would, revoke my Concealed Carry Permit. Fortunately, I did not have a YES answer to any of the questions.
Don't know if this is routine or if I just had a particularily "shifty" appearance on the day of this VA visit.
I've been following this post for a while and kind of stayed out of the mix. I currently do not own any guns but used to. I absolutely believe in the right to own guns and will vote every time to protect that right.
Marty your correct we as a people be very careful how you answer any question, on and forms.. We have people who work in the medical field who says what coming in the near future is very scary..... Just a sample of questions, how many people live in you home, how many and what type of weapons do you have or own. And if you don't answer, there even will be more questions? My answer would be "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" this is when you have to be careful. They could deny you care? We are living in a scary time. Happy Trails...
2012 Chevy 3500HD DRW's (SOLD)
Pressure Pro System (SOLD) Trailer Saver TS 3 (SOLD)
I had an acquaintenance (I won't call him a friend) that had a sign in the window of his house that read, "This house is guarded by a .357 Magnum for 4 days a week. You get to decide what 4 days they are."
Personally, I won't have anything on either my vehicles, my RV, or any sticks and bricks that I reside in that would indicate that there are any weapons on those premises. There is no reason to let the bad guys know that a weapon is present and them decide it would be worth shooting first and then finding my weapons.
If anyone is going to be surprised, it will be the bad guy.
I Agee with Terry. Advertising any stickers (even NRA) is an indicattion a firearm is present. After 13 years of Law Enforcement I feel naked without a firearm. Being aware of your environment is paramount. Two weeks ago I was camping with a couple of buddies. We were approached by two guys who started chatting with us. One of my buddies was a retired DEA agent. These self- proclaimed drifters were commenting on my MH. General feeling of uneasiness set in. To make a long story short, although we were all armed it was decided to cut our camping short by a day. No big issue as it was better to be safe then sorry.
Someone mentioned leaving protection to the Police and the military in an earlier statement. POLICE are generally called upon AFTER THE CRIME. There is only on supreme entity that can tell something bad will happen before it actually happens. GOD forbid you need to shoot someone to protect to save your life or protect the life of a family member, the court can clear you of legal issues but you can bet the family of the FORMER PREDATOR will come after you in civil action. Whether you carry a firearm or not. Be aware of your surroundings at all times and don't ever think it can only happen to the other guy and not you.
Sorry for the long message. Stay safe..
Class of 2015 ( or 2014 if I can convince my wife)
This is an old discussion but somehow it showed up as new in my list... most likely because of the last comment. Maybe I take it the wrong way -and I deeply apologize if I do- but it sounds to me that the commenter was expressing derision and this is why I felt compelled to reply.
I am surprised that the question about carrying a gun has been asked in relation with RV living. We are living in a tough and violent world out there and not just when we are in our RV.
Not only I am a woman, but I am French. Guns are not part of my culture like it is here. You cannot legally own a weapon in France.
When I was 10 years old, I have been sexually assaulted in the stairs of my house in Paris, after being followed after school. I had another close call 15 years ago, a couple years before moving in the US. I know how it feels to be like Bambi caught in the headlight... and it’s not a good feeling. Everyday, people and especially women are assaulted while others turn their head on the other side. I remember screaming in the stairs and nobody opened their door.
Few years ago, when drug dealers moved in a rental in my street, it took me little time to remember that I am the one responsible for myself, not the police, not my husband. Except this time, I was in the US where I can have the choice to be afraid or not, to be a victim or not. I am not sure that everyone realizes how important it is to have the choice...
First rule for me always has been to not get into trouble. There are place I do not go. I never answer to aggressive people, especially on the road. I keep low profile at all time and am aware of my environment. But I know for a fact that all is not in my control...
Here in AZ, I hear too many times horror stories of little grandmas stabbed in the stomach with a screwdriver on a grocery store parking lot. Just for their purse. And while bleeding to death on the ground, another bum comes to steal her cart with groceries. We are living in a world where it may not be safe to go buy a carton of milk anymore. And it does not make me laugh. Road rage does not make me laugh either since I am a poor soul determined to respect speed limit and not run red lights... and driving a RV at 55mph is annoying to many. How do I know that?
Yes, like everybody else, I agree that carrying a gun is a choice (as well as a huge responsibility) and I do not judge people who think differently than I do. Although people did judge me and do judge me. And I do not care. I just hope they’ll never be in a position to be a victim -or their mother, or their daughter. Just remember that unfortunately it does not always happen to others...
Ex-Bambi (sorry for the long post but I knew I could not sleep tonight until I have said what I had on my chest).
My answer would be the same as Pierre...............but yes I carry a 12 Ga. street sweeper .......its nice with buck shot I can still hit the broad side of the barn...........and make the 50 people in front of it go home!!!!
it also does not require me to get a permit to have it on board........plus its good for hunting officer.
I also keep 2 nice ball bats at the door, one with my sons baseball glove hung on it because we love baseball officer.
If all else fails I have Nikki........if I tell her thats a hotdog in your pocket you become fairgame to her!!!!!!.............run quick this husky loves hotdogs!!!!!!!
-- Edited by Lucky Mike on Sunday 27th of January 2013 06:33:28 PM
1998 ...Harney Renegade DP class A
My Service dog and life partner " Nikki"......Klee Kia Miniature Husky....(she Runs the ship!!)
We are not lost in the Woods.....Just Extreme boondocking!!!!!!
Chip: That is the point; hoping one never has to use it. I was told by my drill instructor when I was in the Army. Later by a Lady friend; State Police investigator who worked her way up from being a patrol officer; I was told she also disliked using her pistol. She told me; "If you make the decision to use it; make sure the other person is a threat to you or your family's life. If you use it make sure it is lethal with the first shot; you may not get a second chance."
I hope I never have to run into a situation where it becomes neccessary!!!!
-- Edited by PIEERE on Sunday 27th of January 2013 07:22:17 PM
-- Edited by PIEERE on Sunday 27th of January 2013 07:23:22 PM
Life is too short. Live it Now!
Currently at Shady Acres RV Park Lebanon; Tennessee
This is a topic where everyones opinion is very valid. True that the odds that someone will be faced with a situation where a handgun is needed are extremely rare. True that there is a risk associated with packing. But all that said, when you find yourself in a potential life and death situation I suspect most people would rather be capable of self preservation and protecting your loved ones.
My wife and I were traveling along in our MH and pulled over in an quiet little town to clean the bugs off the windshield. Before I could get out a car full of intoxicated young adults pulled up beside us, close enough to the door I wouldn't be able to open it. At that time I didn't have anything to defend us with other than a kitchen knife. Yea I could have drove off but I felt that had risks as well, if they are looking for trouble. Fortunately after about 15 minutes they drove off but listening to them trying to talk the other into taking action needless to say had me worried. Me trying to defend my wife and I with a kitchen knife against 6 young men would have been fruitless.
I now have protection that I will probably never need but for me it's a better option than the other.
Whether to carry a fire-arm or something of deadly force is something everyone ponders..........anybody can carry a gun.....anyone can point a gun......but can you in a split second pull the trigger,take a life and then be judged by 12 strangers that you did the right thing......weigh all your options first.....you cannot stop a bullet once it has started and faster than your brain can tell you no....its to late
1998 ...Harney Renegade DP class A
My Service dog and life partner " Nikki"......Klee Kia Miniature Husky....(she Runs the ship!!)
We are not lost in the Woods.....Just Extreme boondocking!!!!!!
To further touch on Mike's comments, let me add that regardless of what kind of weapon (and especially with firearms), be sure and get training in the use of that weapon. Do NOT settle for training that merely tells one how to use and care for that weapon. Get training that will teach one how to react in different scenarios of confrontation.
Also, if a firearm is one's choice, be sure and practice. Not only does that give one practice in aiming and hitting a target, but it also starts "muscle memory" with regards to reloading. That is especially important if one's weapon is like a shotgun or revolver where the number of rounds available are more limited than, say, a semi-automatic weapon.
Now, having said all that, there have been instances where the mere showing of the weapon is enough to lower the intensity of the situation. But, even in that respect, merely "showing" the weapon can be classifed as "brandishing" the weapon, thus making one in violation of the laws of some states. Others have mentioned that the action of placing one's hand in the vicinity of one's firearm (without actually drawing and showing it) has been enough to minimize the intensity of the situation. (The criminal element generally gets a sense of what that movement means to their immediate "health" situation.)
So, training, practice, and knowing the laws is important with any kind of self defense method.
Terry and Jo
2010 Mobile Suites 38TKSB3 2008 Ford F450 2019 Ford Expedition Max as Tag-along or Scout
I have had some ask me if I carry. I tell them; "Don't do anything that would cause you to find out." I believe like most everyone else. It is your personal choice.
Life is too short. Live it Now!
Currently at Shady Acres RV Park Lebanon; Tennessee
Three distinct sounds the human mind only has to here once and not need an explanation....
1) A hammer being pulled back 2) An auto-matic being chambered & safety released 3) A shotgun shuttling a round
If you hear any one of these three sounds
1) you're in a bad spot and way to close 2) Shut up its not a time for a discussion,the Talking part ended 3)look for a way out and pray for super-man syndrome.......if it works you be able to outrun a speeding bullet!!!!!
( dont forget to stop and change your shorts!!)
1998 ...Harney Renegade DP class A
My Service dog and life partner " Nikki"......Klee Kia Miniature Husky....(she Runs the ship!!)
We are not lost in the Woods.....Just Extreme boondocking!!!!!!
hey mike, those are all great ideas to ponder and i was just wondering if you carried a firearm. i too contemplate acquiring a gun of some kind. there are alot of numbnuts out there, and they are not the ones involved with rv-ing. i agree rvers are a different breed, but traveling 6-7000 miles with friends who were packing was very reassuring! but i'm still on the fence.
I'm not Mike, but here is my two cents. Something in the line of a shotgun would be best with regards to RV'ing, at least from my thinking. The force behind the shot pellets is less, thus less likely to penetrate as many walls as a 9mm or .40 caliber bullet would if one was in an RV park.
There are also two different models of revolvers out there that are capable of firing both .410 gauge shotgun shells and .45 Long Colt bullets. Taurus makes one called the Judge and Smith and Wesson makes the Governor. Again, those would be good "home" weapons, although they would both be limited to capacity of rounds. But, if necessary, those 5 rounds would help one "retreat" to a larger and heavier backup arsenal.
I mention that possibility because here in Oklahoma City, there was a recent home invasion where 5 intruders broke down a couple's door and entered the residence. The lady of the house shot one of the intruders and her male companion took the weapon and shot a second. Fortunately for them, the intruders left the scene, but if the other three had persisted in doing harm, a tactical retreat would have been important as an alternative. Keep in mind that with regards to home invasions, almost all of them have at least 2 assailants committing the act.
As for personal carry, I would not be likely to use those revolvers. I would defer to either 9mm, .40 caliber, or .45 caliber semi-automatics, with a preference for the .45. I prefer the .45 because of its better stopping power and because it is a sub-sonic (slower speeding) round. Springfield Armory has a .45 called the XDs with a 5+1 capacity with the standard magazine and 7+1 with an extended magazine. That model is only about 1" thick and small enough to carry in the pocket of a pair of cargo shorts.
Terry and Jo
2010 Mobile Suites 38TKSB3 2008 Ford F450 2019 Ford Expedition Max as Tag-along or Scout
Wow! Never have I seen more people address an issue. Each to his own and for very many reasons. personally, i can't think of a more terrifying thought then shooting someone. Unless, it is allowing my family to become a victim. l take a 45 on every trip. im a good shot. when asked why a 45 my reply is, they don't make a 46. Education is a must.....
Wow! Never have I seen more people address an issue. Each to his own and for very many reasons. personally, i can't think of a more terrifying thought then shooting someone. Unless, it is allowing my family to become a victim. l take a 45 on every trip. im a good shot. when asked why a 45 my reply is, they don't make a 46. Education is a must.....
Some good advice here. I would stress that you should carefully think through in DETAIL if you could use the weapon, and it you are PREPARED to use. it. I do not agree with brandishing. First it is almost always illegal, and second it can tip your cards and actually make the situation worse. If the other party is armed it FORCES them to respond with their firearm. IF you decide to carry and feel your life is in danger then at that point accessing your firearm with the intention to fire it is what you should do. But not until then. Almost all defensive firearm courses will instruct you that way.
If you d decide to carry, PLEASE take some courses - other than the pretty much useless concealed carry course that most states require.
http://www.jackdanmayer.com, 2009 Volvo 780 HDT, 2015 New Horizons 45'Custom 5th, smart car New Horizons Ambassadors - Let us help you build your dream RV.....
I am not worried about the common robber trying to break in. If I hear someone snooping around I am sure me turning on the lights will scare them away. What scares me is if a escaped convict would start snooping around. There is nothing more dangerous than a scared man trapped in a corner and I don't know if carrying a gun would do much good. An escaped convict would kill you, your family and burn the campground down to get away. I am all for gun ownership but not only do you have to know how to use it you have to be willing to use it.
If an escaped convict is outside snooping around ....there is a good chance that the state property you decided to boondock on belongs to the state prison......
1998 ...Harney Renegade DP class A
My Service dog and life partner " Nikki"......Klee Kia Miniature Husky....(she Runs the ship!!)
We are not lost in the Woods.....Just Extreme boondocking!!!!!!
We both have CCW cert, and I carry when traveling and legal. ( practice weekly). Would like a small shotgun, even a 410 will do the job. We will be keeping a can of wasp spray by door. It works really well and has a range of up to 15 feet, legal in all places I will travel.
Wasp spray was recommended by active law enforcement officer in state with very strict gun laws! It is non lethal, And a cheap alternate.
Be safe and enjoy this magnificent world we live in!
I don't know where I'm going but I'm on my way. - Carl Segan
Our "Rolling Rest Home" 2013 Trilogy 3650RL dragged by a 2005 GMC Sierra 4x4 Diesel Dually -SOLD
I believe it's a personal choice. We have done the full timing, some timing, and part timing in our Mobile Suites and have traveled thru all but 4 State in the lower 48. I never owned a handgun until I retired from the Army in 1993. But I now own several handguns/Rifles and so does my wife. We both have a Conceal Carry permit. And most of the time we have a weapon near our person.
In America today with all the evil sick people, I do believe a person should be prepared, and it's a personal choice. I haven't fired a weapon in anger since 1968, And I don't ever intend on firing a weapon, except for practice . However I'm prepared, and I will protect myself or my wife, period. Many LEO's will suggest you carry wasp, but the LEO also will always have a deadly weapon.
It you do in fact have a deadly weapon, you should realize if you pull that weapon, be prepared to take a life. And if you do pull a weapon, then your intention is to kill. Get the proper training by a professional.
What type weapon is a personal choice, we own handguns 45, and 40 caliber to 22 caliber. I also own Rifles, and when we were RVing, the weapon of choice was a Taurus, "Judge", which is a hand gun capable of firing 410 gauge shotgun shell, and or 45 caliber rds.. My C/C is a S&W Bodyguard 380 cal. Fits in the Wrangler Jeans front pocket.
I firmly believe that "I had rather be Judged by 12 than carried by 6". However I highly recommend you get the proper training.. Sadly America is going thru a very difficult time.. Happy Trails....
2012 Chevy 3500HD DRW's (SOLD)
Pressure Pro System (SOLD) Trailer Saver TS 3 (SOLD)
Go to the classes, obtain your "Concealed Carry Permit" AND, DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT.....
With regards to concealed carry permits and traveling, not every state recognizes the carry permits of all other states. If one wants to avoid being arrested, especially in this time of anxiety with regards to gun rights, one had better get educated on the gun laws for each state and the reciprocity of each state with respect to all other states' carry permits.
Plus, don't even THINK about carrying a handgun into Canada or Mexico unless you have FULLY researched the laws and regulations for each country. Just this year, there was an ex-marine arrested and jailed in Mexico for carrying a vintage shotgun (his grandfather's) into Mexico with the intent of going on to Central America somewhere for a hunting trip. This gentleman has since been released, but he carried the firearm into Mexico BASED ON THE INFORMATION HE RECEIVED FROM A BORDER AGENT IN THE UNITED STATES. So, if you want to carry weapons into either country, find out the information needed from the respective countries and provinces or states, and don't trust ANY OTHER source.
I've never heard of the conditions in Canadian jails/prisons, but I've heard that the ones in Mexico are horrendous.
Terry and Jo
2010 Mobile Suites 38TKSB3 2008 Ford F450 2019 Ford Expedition Max as Tag-along or Scout
Great Thread for RV owners thinking about ways to protect their families.
Living in California its near impossible to get a CCW unless you live in Kern County.. It's also illegal to have a loaded firearm outside your residence (RV?) unless the ammo is in a separate locked container. Take a step from outside your RV with a gun and your breaking the law.
While traveling in the US there have has couple times when I wish I had brought something to protect us. The Pounding at your door in the middle of the night to find nobody there. Hearing your front door latch pulled and the dead bolt catching is guaranteed to tighten anyone's sphincter! Curious kids I reckon on both counts but having a ClassA gives one the freedom to start the engine, move on, and not find out! Having experienced a couple bumps in the night I'll never own a trailer or 5th wheel now. The thought of having to step out of a trailer in the dark with nobody to hear you scream is never going to happen to me.
Just got to hope for the best when were on the road I suppose and trust in the US legal system to deter the bad guys from trying..
-- Edited by SoMoney on Wednesday 15th of May 2013 05:48:21 PM
Leave your pistol at home!!!!!...........a 12 ga. alley sweeper loaded with buckshot commands better attention and your chances of missing are slim to none!!
not to mention it does'nt require a permit in 49 states....the 50th which is Massachusetts requires a permit for everything including BB guns and all ammo!!!
you can always miss the sound of a hammer being pulled back.......but there is no confusion as to the sound of a round being shuttled into the chamber of a pump shotgun...Tends to command attention in a heartbeat without ever speaking a word...........if mine is loaded in the chamber Im done being social other than to offer toilet paper and a slight snicker!!
-- Edited by Lucky Mike on Wednesday 15th of May 2013 06:28:44 PM
1998 ...Harney Renegade DP class A
My Service dog and life partner " Nikki"......Klee Kia Miniature Husky....(she Runs the ship!!)
We are not lost in the Woods.....Just Extreme boondocking!!!!!!
Jay is still giggling after me reading out your post to him Mike! He says you sound a lot like his Dad He does like your idea, he has been 'pondering' this issue for a while now and even wants me to take lessons!
huggs Kim x
2016 Vilano by VanLeigh, 2012 F350 Diesel SD 6,7L long bed SRW
Staying at Greenlakes RV Resort nr San Antonio TX
Kim is way too busy planning to have a 'real' job!
Jay is a civillian Gov't Historian Randolph AFB TX (retired AD in '07 after 23 yrs)
Well we finally decided to retire from RVing. We been there and done that. We both have permits and we still carry weapons. Our weapons collection has increased.. And our weapons have been in all but 4 States, never outside our borders.. How never had to used any of our weapons but they are there. We have a practice range by our house. And we fire 100 rds each month. With the situation in America today, I would never be without a weapon. I will not fly, flying today there is no way flying is completely safe, thats my opinion. And I have flown all over the world. We have no issue with California I try hard no to go to California, even thought I was in California very, very often from 1980 to 1988. I have no reason to ever go to California, except to visit President Reagan's library. I will leave the Judge home but the S&W will be on board.
Again it's a personal choice, and I still believe the Government has no business in what weapons I have. Nor how many weapons I have, I believe in the Constitution and the 2nd amendment.
If you decide to prepare yourself to protect you or your family, make sure your properly train in the safe and proper use of a deadly weapon. And remember you must be prepared to take a life if you pull your weapon, if not never ever pull your weapon.. And remember the LEO's will be there after the incident. And the weapon the LEO carries isn't to protect you, it is to protect the LEO. I firmly believe that I had rather have 12 people judge me than to have 6 people carry me. Happy Trails...
2012 Chevy 3500HD DRW's (SOLD)
Pressure Pro System (SOLD) Trailer Saver TS 3 (SOLD)
That's a funny thing how most of the U.S. have the concern and the "Need" to carry a Pea Shooter in their R.V. When Any Canadian travels down in your part of the woods, we don't have that option..........And don't really have an issue without having a "Pea Shooter" on board.
That's a funny thing how most of the U.S. have the concern and the "Need" to carry a Pea Shooter in their R.V. When Any Canadian travels down in your part of the woods, we don't have that option..........And don't really have an issue without having a "Pea Shooter" on board.
Do you "need" to carry fire insurance on your house? How often has your house burned down? If it has not burned down, why do you carry fire insurance? Very few police will ever shoot anyone. But, they all carry.
I seldom carry. But, if i needed it, I sure wish I would! At least we have the choice. So many don't.
2012 Voltage 3600 2014 RAM 3500 DRW 3 Honda Valkyries
If you are not an avid gun user and willing to go to a range and keep practicing, you should probably not get one. There are many stories of people getting killed with their own guns. Either the 'bad' guy takes it from you or in a fight because you hesitated get shot with it.
Get non-lethal forms of defense. We have owned a farm for 20 years and never had a gun. I use Bear Mace on coyotes, racoons, skunks and stray dogs. It shoots a long way and spreads wide so you have a really high chance of hitting the face and it also works when it hits mouths and noses.
Bear Mace works better than pepper spray It is more expensive and shoots farther and wider. I plan to mount one right over the door of the RV and take one whenever out hiking.
Taser We also have one of these in our home and I feel better about that than a gun.
I would worry about putting an NRA sticker on my RV. To me that is inviting a break in while you are away. They see that sign and think steal guns, sell guns.
Now a Dog sign and a fake Dog Bowl sounds like a good idea.
We really like the stun gun that we have called a baton. It has 4 "hot" spots. When we had 2 pitbulls come after our dogs, even though I couldn't get a solid touch on the pits with my "knuckle blaster" (looks like brass knuckles but is black rubber with electrodes embedded in the rubber), it gave enough of a "surprise" each time when got near the neck of one of my dogs to eventually send them packing. My husband did not have his with him. This is how we ended up with the larger batons. You can even canes with a stun in them.
I was annoyed when I took my son to the doctor, first visit for a physical and was asked "Do you have a gun in the house?" I sat there for a few seconds and said, "No?" I know it said "maybe I do and maybe I don't".
Your response to the doctor should have been "whether I have one or not is non of your damn business and your question is both unwarranted and an invasion of my privacy!"
My next response to his question would be my own "is your wife or girlfriend sleeping with the mailman? For which I am sure he would tell you it is none of your damn business! Exactly Doc, so mind yours!
Les and Sue
"CHARACTER is doing the right thing when no one is looking"
Just so you know it's not always guns when I was at the Cleveland Clinic about 10 years ago, every doctor visit asked if I felt safe in my own home? Said, "Sure, I live alone!" They were looking for spousal abuse I'm sure but I was glad the question was asked because so much of that goes unreported.
And many years prior to that I was on a volunteer on the phone line for suicide prevention I received a call from a young mother that I've NEVER forgotten. Her young 4 year old son found a loaded gun under the mattress several years earlier and you know the outcome. Her anguish is etched in my mind forever. She was an intelligent and good mom. I can't forget that call!
-- Edited by WestWardHo on Tuesday 31st of December 2013 08:31:07 PM
I don't know where I'm going but I'm on my way. - Carl Segan
Our "Rolling Rest Home" 2013 Trilogy 3650RL dragged by a 2005 GMC Sierra 4x4 Diesel Dually -SOLD
you have a fire arm at home in your S&B.........how many times did you need to go get it ....remove it from its holster and defend yourself?
if it was more than once or twice you were living in the wrong part of town.....
if it was once or twice and you brought it in the RV with you.....Try to break the habit of hanging in areas that remind you of home.
if it becomes a reoccurring problem .....a gated community with 24 hr armed security might help......
The odds of you ever needing that gun in a motorhome are slim to none....and there are to many non lethal methods out here that dont create a problem everytime you cross a state line that are more effective and less life altering
I'm a firm believer in the right to bear arms....... but what good is a gun in your coach going to do for you when your out. the other problem is the element of surprise.......if they are armed they are one up on you.....if they are not and you make the split second decision to pull the trigger , your life will begin to degrade as the legal system starts to take away a portion of everything you have guilty or innocent!!!!
-- Edited by Lucky Mike on Thursday 2nd of January 2014 10:52:50 AM
1998 ...Harney Renegade DP class A
My Service dog and life partner " Nikki"......Klee Kia Miniature Husky....(she Runs the ship!!)
We are not lost in the Woods.....Just Extreme boondocking!!!!!!
A short barrel 12 gauge pump shot gun would be a good weapon for RV . 00 buckshot is a good choice , believe me, you chamber a round in that and the person or persons on the other side of the door will get the message loud and clear. I would pray I never had to use it of course , I have was public safety in my small town of South Carolina for 23 years , so I have had training in firearms and defensive - tactical operations.
Oh man.................................Here we go again. Everyone wants to be a Rambo.
I think that what he was referring to was the sound of someone operating the pump action on the shotgun. That sound would be enough to make a lot of criminals leave in a hurry. It might even be more effective than just saying, "I've got a firearm" through the door.
Terry and Jo
2010 Mobile Suites 38TKSB3 2008 Ford F450 2019 Ford Expedition Max as Tag-along or Scout
Full time rv'ng and doing tourist activities takes us into some areas we are unfamiliar. One wrong turn, and you are in a place you don't want to be.
And fact is.. the world isn't what it used to be, just a short time ago.
I and the wife carry 100% of the time. In fact we are going to a tactical training so we can learn to work together , in case of a event..
I have not pulled a weapon yet, though have had yell stop.. and hold up my arm once.. ready to pull. The 2 guys coming at me in a dark parking lot.. stopped dead in their tracks.. turned away without a word. I also feel better knowing the wife can protect herself , when she goes out to bingo in a strange town.
Some will say you can protect yourself and your family without guns. Good luck with that.. Here anyone can pick up a handgun at the local swapmeet .. no back ground check, no license.. Drop the cash and walk out with the gun. And I have seen some shady people buying them too.. Bottom line..Your going to look mighty funny bringing a baseball bat to gun fight..
I have one of those small mossberg 12 ga, ( in my pile ).. But found They are still too big to maneuver in a tight space.. A 45 handgun is my weapon of choice.
Also, folks should get their CCW . Concealed weapon permit. Especially women. The Florida CCW license covers like 40 states.
When I went to the NRA CCW class.. it was 80 percent women.
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" - Dr. Seuss
RVers with .45s worry us. That is a powerful gun and it will go thru your camper, ours and kill one of us.
2003 Teton Grand Freedon 2006 Mobile Suites 32TK3 SOLD 2006 Freightliner Century 120 with Detroit 14L singled, ultrashift, hauling a 2016 Smart Passion