New Rig on the way?
We just put a deposit down for our rig. Why do I feel sick to my stomach? it seems like so much more money now that we're actually doing it instead of just thinking about it! It exciting though. Anyone else have similar experience?
Tom and Mare
Full Timing Checklist
As I was cleaning up and consolidating email I ran across a get ready checklist I made in November of 2013. It's held up amazingly well so I thought I would share it. This list is predicated on the idea we would be working on the road with our own small business so won't fit everyone, but maybe it can help....
Camper Chronicles
Full Time Insurance
Awhile back someone posted a blog about an insurance Agency in S.D. We are getting ready to pull the trigger the end of November and would appreciate any info you can give.
Fulltimer - establishing state residency
Hi, In March we will be leaving Cape Cod to be full-timers in a teardrop trailer. We need to establish residency is a state that has mail forwarding, good tax rates, good health plan offerings, etc. We are considering South Dakota, but are open to others' experiences and decisions. Looking for som...
Please add your favorite websites that you think would be helpful to newbies and veteran FTF's
Please add your favorite websites that you think would be helpful to newbies and veteran FTF's ~>I am sure this may have been done already, but I thought in case it hasn't or it's been awhile, I would start another one ;) I'll start! Besides this forum, here are a few sites that I have found, that I th...
Tool box,s
starting the purg and working on the garage, I am a tool guy so I have tons of tools. I have a huge double mechanic tool box 48" wide almost 6' tall. want go in the trailer. What do you full timer us for tool box's i was thinking of 2 36" wide x 20" tall tool box,s and then a couple small handle...
propane side of fridge - when can I use it? on the road, need fast reply please
what are the pros / cons of using propane setting on fridge when on the road? starting 2nd day of four day run in the morning. fridge was off today, held cold pretty well but concerned about the remaining days of travel First trip of this length What to do? info / opinion please thanks
the nanron roadshow
Is there a section for Roadschooling? Would love an area to chat about that :)
Update on VanMar
It's been a while since I've posted so, while we have internet, I thought I would do a quick update. We closed on the house on the 4th of August, I retired on the 15th, and we left Springfield, MO on the 25th. Spent a week in Madison, WI and headed west through MN, ND, MT, and ID to arrive at my cousin's place i...
Are we rv'ing the wrong way?
I see so many people rving, and putting like 15k miles a year traveling..more or less I plan on staying in area's by the month.. and being thorough in a area.. soaking in all it has to offer.. versus a action pack week after week after week.. I know there is no right or wrong way.. Maybe there is a best way? or...
The Junkman
Budget for maintenance
I'm part of the 2015 FT RV Dream Class and I would like to know from the veteran how much should I consider to put in my monthly budget for the maintenance of my rig. I'm looking at a 40 feet DP, I'm looking to buy new unless I find a really good deal to a similar rig but not more than 2yrs old. No matter what I...
French Bikers
Making use of the time while waiting for the house to sell
As many of you know our house has been on the market since Mid-April and we are in a waiting period. At first it was REALLY difficult. Lee and I were driving each other crazy and the temptation to do something really stupid was almost overwhelming. But we got a hold of ourselves and settled in and for th...
Camper Chronicles
Thanks Jean, you are right, lots of memories in the purging. We are just leasing now, house went in July. Hope to see you on the road.
Need some advice
DW and I are in the midst of purging our stuff. After looking at a budget, we find after all outstanding payments we will have only $2,000.00 to $2,500.00 left for fuel and campgrounds. Tough to put money aside for emergencies.
What to look for in a Fifth Wheel that I plan to FullTime?
Hey everyone, so I've decided that I'm going to live full time in a fifth wheel! I'm excited!!! What advice would you give to the novice RV shopper when buying a used fifth wheel to live in full time? What features should I be looking for? Looking to spend about $30k max.So far, according to my research, I...
Is there room for 1 more out there?
Greetings, Is there room out there for one more full time RV couple? We sure hope so 'cause ready or not here we come! It's been a busy week - we accepted offers on our houses this week, starting selling personal property, bought a (new to us) Allegro Bus, decided on Texas (Escapees) as our domicile, arr...
Full Time timeline fast versus slow
After seeing people's timeline s (great thread Cheryl) and seeing peoples experiences in real life it seems like once you decide to pull the trigger things either go really super fast or much slower. As we are falling in the slower category and I am trying to keep Lee's spirits up...anyone want to hel...
Camper Chronicles
Interesting Time Lines on Taking the full time plunge...
Kind of cut/paste from another thread. I figured this might be an interesting tidbit for those thinking about selling their S&B's places. This simply shows the time-frames involved in planning to sale of our house, and some other hurdles we didn't expect along the way!! Note that in our case we h...
Just listed the house!
Hi Everyone it's been a while since I have posted. Some may remember me and my DW Karla from the 2013 Fall RV Dream Rally in Franklin N.C. Anyway we just listed the home a couple days ago had 2 views today 1 schedule for tomorrow. Already sold most of my toys will retire at the end of 2014. FT here we come! Joh...
Big John 57
Home Inspection - before listing
We sold our house a year ago. At the time, based on our market, we made the decision with our Real Estate Agent to have the home inspection done prior to listing, fixing the vast majority of the items before listing and obtaining a revised inspection report. During the very short time our house was on t...
Unique house selling problem
I'm posting our rather unique, I think, situation in hopes someone has had a similar problem and can head us in the right direction. We live in a manufactured home that is in a park on a leased space. We have a Cal-Vet loan than is non-assumable. Unfortunately, we bought when the market was way up and no...
Update on plans
1 2
Things are moving along very quickly. Contractors started work fixing up the place last week (Monday) and may be finished by the end of this coming week. If we can get all our junk cleaned out fast, we can possibly have the house on the market in about 2 weeks! Of course, the place is in a total state of c...
Where is the mojo?
We were supposed to close on the house on Thursday (June 5). We completely vacated our home in time for the walk through and left our home in NJ for our first stop in VA (staying overnight with daughter's inlaws). Got a call from lawyer that the closing was not taking place that day because the document...
Finally....After almost a year !!!!
I hope I'm not jinxing it but we have a contract on our house. We've had one contract fall thru but that was before Christmas. Then, two other potential buyers came down to our house and another only to pick the other. We sit on a creek that runs between two small ponds in our development which requires you...
Jimmy and Janis
Tag Sale Tomorrow
Tomorrow begins our first round of cleaning things out and getting rid of stuff in perpetration for full timing in 1 year, 11 months. It was surprisingly easy to put stuff in the pile to be sold or tossed. A few items were abit of trouble and some we're put aside for now. I'm sure there will be a pon ther sal...
Tom and Mare
Finally on the market!
It took longer than expected, but we've finally listed our house on the market! Lost count of how many loads went to Salvation Army, how much was lugged to garbage. But the house actually feels lighter, and we now know exactly what's where. Purging is good not only in anticipation of fulltime rvin...
Planning for the big day and have a few questions
Hello all. We have about 2 years until I retire from the AF and start our full timing adventure and I have a few questions for all the seasoned full timers out there. First of all, I was wondering what kind of tools and spare parts everyone carries (if any)? I am very handy and do most of my own auto and home re...
A confluence of events..and I just need to talk about it
Hi all,
We are deep in our transition and because of work commitments are not telling most folks about our long-term plans, and this is the place where I can be completely open about whats happening. I appreciate that. So I wanted to share where we were...mainly just to say it "out loud" I k...
Camper Chronicles
Full Timing Domicile Choice - Health Insurance
Greetings, DW and I are working through the issues involved in full-timing, and now we're trying to determine where to establish our new domicile. As most of the full-time community has already determined the 3 states that are the most attractive for relocation are TX, FL and SD. It's pretty easy t...
Good Lord I have a lot of stuff - Huge garage sale time
I set the date for the big garage sale before going to the rally and wow do we have a lot of stuff. Good heavens I have never done a GS on this scale before and my garage is overflowing. Picked a not so great weekend, supposed to rain, Mothers Day, and local college graduation (see this is what happens when...
Camper Chronicles