Hi Everyone. Well, after 15 years the RV-Dreams Community Forum is coming to an end. Since it began in August 2005, we've had 58 Million page views, 124,000 posts, and we've spent about $15,000 to keep this valuable resource for RVers free and open. But since we are now off the road and have settled down for the next chapter of our lives, we are taking the Forum down effective June 30, 2021. It has been a tough decision, but it is now time.
We want to thank all of our members for their participation and input over the years, and we want to especially thank those that have acted as Moderators for us during our amazing journey living and traveling in our RV and growing the RV-Dreams Family. We will be forever proud to have been founders of this Forum and to have been supported by such a wonderful community. Thank you all!!
I am curently a strugling single mom of 2. My daughter just got married in july and moved out of state. My 15 year old son and I have been talking about getting a motorhome and start traveling. He is homeschooled due to medical reasons. Up till Jan. this year I was sticking it out here in Texas for my mom. She passed away and I now feel like it is time to begin a new chapter of my life. I have always wanted to travel. I know what it is like to live in a camper trailer to a point. When my daughter was born we were living in a pop-up camper. However it was hooked up to lights, water and sewage so I do not know much about the traveling part of it. I do how ever know a small amout from my mom and dads travel trailer at our deer lease. It is not totaly forign to me but I have never done any of these myself. I know that I do not want something that is overly large and I do not want something so small it will anoy us. I have no money at this time and very poor credit because of my ex. So I will be buying used or previously loved! My question is what advice would you give me to make sure I get something that will be dependable. Any info will be appreciated greatly.
Hi Cindye...first of all, my condolences on the loss of your mom, and kudos for the start of the next chapter!
I'd highly recommend shopping around and getting acquainted with the various RV types, brands and quality. Find RV lots in your area where you can both go tour a lot of RVs and get an idea of what is available (not necessarily for shopping, but for filling your heads with ideas to talk about.) I'd also recommend focusing on units that will give you and your young adult son each private space... as you're going through RVs talk about how you both might share the small space, and continue his home schooling. It's great that he's involved with the conversations!
As far as finding something dependable, keep reading the forums and see what others say about specific brands and types. Set your budget and shop around to see what you can realistically afford. Before you buy, get it inspected by a reliable and trusted mechanic, and even an RV expert to go over all of the systems. Be on the look out for signs of water damage - such as bulging or squishy feeling floors and walls. Look for signs of rust in the frame, or any unusual looking twists - the body should be perfectly straight. Learn how to read DOT stamps on the tires, so you know if they're near needing to be replaced (most will need to be replaced, regardless of tread or mileage, at about 6-7 years old.)
Thank you for the information. You just gave me a wealth of Ideas. I live in a small town that has very little as far as rv lots but will travel to look at more. Thank you again. :)
It can be really overwhelming to be where you are in the process, but exciting too. I second everything that Cherie said.
I can add that depending on where you are in Texas I would try to go to PPL Motohomes. They are a consignment (resale) rv dealer and now have locations in New Braunfels and in Houston. Houston. They sell everything and it's a good place to see what is available out there. Their larger inventory is in Houston, but New Braunfels might be a lot closer.
Have fun dreaming and planning!
Carol Kerr Welch
Wife to Jeff, "Mom" to Chuy; Retama Village Resident
First of all, welcome to the RV Dreams forums. You will find it to ba a source of folks that are knowledgeable, friendly, and helpful. As such, some will sometimes even give relevant alternative ideas to one that you are having. Look at each poster as someone who really wants to assist you. More than once I've benefited from the folks here.
When looking at RV's keep in mind what it is that you want to do, not necessarily what some salesman says you would like. If a salesman isn't asking you questions as to what you want to do and what features you may want, then find another salesman or another dealer. At first glance of your comments so far, I'd tend to recommend a Class C RV, however, I don't know all your desires for this lifestyle, so even that recommendation is meaningless.
Take your time in looking and ask lots of questions here. While you might think a question in your mind might be "dumb," it is only dumb if you don't ask it and get an answer. Besides, many others reading the forums may realize that they also need the answer to your question.
Good luck with all the research and planning.
Terry and Jo
2010 Mobile Suites 38TKSB3 2008 Ford F450 2019 Ford Expedition Max as Tag-along or Scout
Welcome to the forum...you've come to the right place for info on rving. Sorry about the passing of your mom and I admire your sense of adventure and the dedication to your son.
I second the recommendation of PPL. Also, the internet is your best friend when shopping for a used RV. Someone on this forum ,who lives in FL, traveled to MI and saved a ton of money--even with travel expenses. If you find something you really like but is slightly out of budget, don't be shy about making a counter offer.
Keep in mind that if you get a towable, as opposed to a motorhome, you will need a suitable tow vehicle. Do a lot of reading on this forum-especially under the topics of 'Buying an RV' and 'Buying a Tow vehicle'....also 'Financial considerations'. You will find that all areas of rving are covered here.
My wife and I are in the process of establishing a budget for our fulltiming life. So far, and without any fulltiming experience--just relying on what I've gleaned on this forum, we are at about $2500 per month. We will probably have to work to the tune of about $6k per year when we start out.
Good luck with whatever you finally decide on. Remember, if you have any more questions of any kind, come to the RV-Dreams family and ask.
Thank you for the knowledge. I have found the ppl online and found it very interesting. I found this site last night and fell head over heals in love with it. The compassion in this fourum is very nice. So again thanks for the information.
Thanks for the words of wisdom. As far as me and my son have discused and have found on the internet we are wanting a class c cab over. I think that is what they are called. I think they are perfect for what we are needing. I want something that will have all the small creature comforts of home but on a lot smaller scale. My son likes the ones with the bed over the cab and has staked his claim to it if we can get one. :) All we need is a place to sleep, fix meals, a way to was the dust off when the day is done, and the ability to enjoy Gods beautiful works of art. :)
Thank you for the welcome lol should have been the first thing I said in this reply. I found that I am inlove with this site when I stumbled on it in my search of my dream. I really do not want a pull behind tt I really would love a motorhome. I have found many styles of class c that really appeal to what I am looking for. I read a lot of diffrent posts on here last night and I found that I am wanting to follow this dream of travel even more.
I do have a few questions as far as the fulltiming goes. What is the best storage ideas you have come across in your searches and travels. Me and the kiddo were discussing the vacume bags for our clothes and blankets which would help save a lot of space. A friend that used to live with me without knowing also gave me an idea or two. For our DVDs we were looking into the binder style of holders, (she had a plastic type of tote that she had hers in and when not in use it slid under the bed. I have seen a few photos of plastic drawers in cabnets for food storage. I have considered getting a food saver system for leftovers to be had later. We have also talked about dishes. I am planning on buying plastic plates, bowls,and cups. A leason I learned from my moms first trip in her travel trailer trip. She placed glass dishes in the cabnet and when the made it to their destination half of them had hit the floor and were sadly broken. So Plastic is my choice :) Which is also thinner which saves some small space. Any space saving information is a plussssss. Another question I have is for the shower tub feature. In my moms camper as well as a friends they have complained that when you step in them they feel smushy and feel like they are going to fall through. Is there any way to fix this problem short of totaly redoing the floor under it? My friend could use the information. I will also be passing this site information to her as well as my dad. ok one more question for now will ask more later. Workamping i think its called... Is there an age limit? My son says he would love to help by working as well. He can do yard work and things like that. We will have to work while living on the road. Even if we have to stay in one place for 6 months to a year to get us from place to place we are willing to do what ever it takes to make our dream a reality. ;)
And you are right about the question thing. The only dumb question is the un-asked ones that could have helped prevent something bad from happining.
How is the wif doing I read your post of the hiccup I belive. Or was that some one else? lol read a lot lastnight.
Again thanks for everything you are all great and this is like a whole set of encyclopdias for rvers. I love it.
With such a long list of questions, I'll send you a private message via the forums here. Once I send it, when you log into the forums with your username and password, you will get a little notice below where you log out that say something to the effect that you have "x" number of private messages.
Jo is actually fine and in good spirits. This whole event has her a little bit concerned, especially as to what the term "pre-cancerous" means for the future. We'll probably get those answers when we go to the surgeon on Wednesday in preparation for setting a date for the lumpectomy. We tend to be very optimistic, so I'd imagine that after this process is done, she may not have the concerns that she has now. Her biopsy was done on a Friday and it was Tuesday before she got the word that the anomaly was not cancerous. It is always the "not knowing" that tends to get us. Lay everything out for us so we know and we'll take the bull by the horns.
Thanks to you and everyone else for your wishes and thoughts and prayers.
Terry and Jo
2010 Mobile Suites 38TKSB3 2008 Ford F450 2019 Ford Expedition Max as Tag-along or Scout
I am on a very limited budget as well but like one person said if I do not do this now I probably never will. I am already writing a plan of action down as to what we need to keep and all we are going to get rid of. My little sister will get most of what I have because she lives with me as well as her four kids. :/ I love my sister and my niece and nephews but I am so ready fo it to be just me and my son. When you started out rving what was your biggest fear and how does that fear affect you today? I have been feeling guilty and selfish because I am up and leaving pretty much my whole family I have talked about becoming a truck driver for years and put it off because my moms health was not good. She is the one that told me she could see me going full time in an rv and I would love it. Once she passed away I felt like I was trapped and no way to get free and I got to looking up travel methods that my son could travel with me. And I fell in love with the concept of going where the wind blows. I have alway wanted to travel I have not told all of my family about my dissision yet but my little sister that lives with me knows. I told her so she can start getting ready to have the utilities put in her name. I feel like I am being a terible daughter, sister, aunt, and mother for wanting to leave this texas heat behind till the winter time. But, I know this will be a great adventure and they will be behind my decision 100% and we will come back to visit.
Welcome to the forum Cindye. Right before we hit the road to full-timing we were both scared and excited. We sold almost everything we had, and we felt guilty leaving our jobs, friends, and stepping outside our comfort zone (fear of the unknown).
But the day we hit the road was exciting. Not a care in the world. No house to maintain, no more yard work, the freedom was intoxicating. There just is no other feeling like it.
Now 5 years later we still love the RV lifestyle. We now are part-timers, spend a few months over the winter in our condo, then hit the road to someplace to workamp for the summer. We found winter living in an RV was not something we enjoyed. But we don't have any of those initial fears anymore. We have learned that stuff happens, things break or stop working, and we fix them or replace them.