Hi Everyone. Well, after 15 years the RV-Dreams Community Forum is coming to an end. Since it began in August 2005, we've had 58 Million page views, 124,000 posts, and we've spent about $15,000 to keep this valuable resource for RVers free and open. But since we are now off the road and have settled down for the next chapter of our lives, we are taking the Forum down effective June 30, 2021. It has been a tough decision, but it is now time.
We want to thank all of our members for their participation and input over the years, and we want to especially thank those that have acted as Moderators for us during our amazing journey living and traveling in our RV and growing the RV-Dreams Family. We will be forever proud to have been founders of this Forum and to have been supported by such a wonderful community. Thank you all!!
So this weekend I was pushed and had to re establish some boundaries at our summer seasonal site. This will be our second year in this beautiful CG. We always try to be friendly and polite with everyone, we occasionally attend a neighboring camp fire. That being said our primary purpose is to relax and spend time alone, my wife and I tend to be more on the quiet (private) side. I decided to build a little deck this weekend, within 5 minutes of pulling back in with the wood I had two well meaning volunteers walk onto our site. I spent 2 hours answering questions and giving carpentry lessons. Our original idea was for my wife and I to have a relaxing private deck building party together....The second day started the same, Ed, our neighbor showed up, staring, talking, getting in the way, I started to get frustrated, gave him a few hints, then after he continued to get in my way and irritate me I asked him to leave.......he looked at me like a deer in the headlights, I told him " he was not invited and was really getting in my way and on my nerves". My wife thought I was a little harsh, I am sure this little story will spread around the campground, probably by the time the story gets to the other side I will have beat Ed up and pulled a knife on him LOL....Please use common sense when offering help, it's nice to ask but dont assume it's always wanted....thanks, G
G...I know exactly what you are saying. Sometimes people offer too much assistance...or advice. I am sure you will not have to worry about having alone time with the wife from now on...LOL People will make a wide birth around your spot. If you need someone to talk to later just give me a call.
Even worse are the ones that show up when you are arriving and try to give you advice on how to back in, or pull through as it were. Then they start trying to help you set up. I do things the same way, whether hooking up or unhooking and if I get help, I have to go back and recheck everything I have done until now. I stop, say hello to some of them and do not do a thing until they all leave. I tell 'em, I got this, and I do it my way on my own schedule. Thanks for the offer, but no thank you.
Well Gene, if the guy didn't take the hints then it was time to get a bit more blunt... which you did! No reason to feel remorseful for his lack of social skills.
We're workamping here in Moab, UT and I really try to be sociable, asking folks if they need help but that's the extent of it. I might show folks to their site and show them where to put their rig but then they're on their own. I hate it when someone interrupts my routine of getting parked and set up so I get out of their hair right away.
Ron and Joan 2005 Itasca Sunova 34A 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland
How rude and inconsiderate you are Gene....they were just being friendly.....just kidding. I'm sure you handled the situation appropriately.
I have a certain way of looking at people that seems to make them go away. My wife is the opposite. She draws people in. It's like I go into the 5th wheel to get something and come out and there's 3 more people in our site. Luckily she ends up talking with them so they don't bother me.
I've even gone as far as setup chairs across the road way and had my wife sit there along with the helpfuls so everyone is out of my way.
When I don't want to be bothered, I don't smile and only give one word answers, don't stop what I am doing, delibrately walk away from them to get something and never look at them. Within 5 minutes they move on.
"Small House, Big Yard "
"May the FOREST be with you" Alfa See-Ya 5'er and 2007 Kodiak C4500 Monroe
I try to be as polite as I can, while being as clumsy as I can. I've go to the extent of picking up a board in the middle and turning with it....Oh, did I hit you...I didn't see you there.... after getting wacked a couple of times most people get the hint.
Last time someone came running over to help be back in a site, I stopped in the middle of the road, got out of the truck and introduced myself. Just stood there with the guy carrying on a conversation until traffic backed up. When he finally asked me why wasn't I backing into the site I asked him what side of the bed did he sleep on, while he was looking perplexed, I explained that since he wanted me to follow his directions, he must be my new wife for the weekend! He didn't bother us at all the rest of the weekend, but his wife ragged his azz for being so noisy.
I find it's not difficult to spot people who need help...but in general, the rule is if I or my wife say "howdy" to the neighbors and they reply without looking at us or acting interested, then we pass on by...
You may find out that your neighbor has done the same thing to other RVers in the park. They may be happy that someone finally said something to him.
When you go back to the park, just act like nothing happened.
Don't worry, Be happy!! Everything will work out.
Jim and Linda Full-timers from 2001 to 2013 http://parttimewithjandl.blogspot.com/ 2006 Dodge 2500 Diesel pulling a Heartland 26LRSS TT May your days be warm, and your skies be blue. May your roads be smooth, and your views ever-new.
You're exactly in the right. He just needed a hint, lol. I can't stand pulling into a campground and some guy, although well meaning, wants to help be back up. "Cut your wheels this way." "Turn your steering wheel that way." UGH! Hand signals at the back telling the driver what the TRAILER is doing works better than telling them how to drive the truck!
-- Edited by makntracks on Wednesday 23rd of May 2012 09:35:51 AM
-- Edited by makntracks on Wednesday 23rd of May 2012 09:39:40 AM
We moved to a very nice resort CG here in Jacksonville yesterday. While I've been driving/towing all sorts of rigs for 40+years, this was our first time with the Suites. The trip was great, the fiver towed like a charm, sign in was quick and efficient until".................
The young fellow who directed us to our new homesite had confidence that far exceeded his skills. The park is at capacity because of the holiday, so the approach was tight. The boy insisted on standing so that he totally blocked my mirror and then he asked three (yes THREE) neighbors to help get me on the site. With DW standing at the rear corner, we have always made short work of the parking/setup evolution. With four "helpers" yelling and pointing in different directions, I decided to stick the rig on the pad any old which way and unhook.
After the Keystone cops left to find other useful work, we rehitched the fiver and in three minutes had us.spotted perfectly, levelled and unhooked from the tv. Sheesh, I feel your frustration.
I had a friend once who was a very gifted mechanic... I asked if he would help me with doing a brake job on my truck since I wanted to learn how to do it... He said sure!... I asked how much he would charge and he said "Nothing if you want to watch but it will cost $300.00 if you want to help...
Just got back from an amazing Memorial Day weekend at our Campground. Pulling in I did not know what to expect, cold blank stares, neighbors flipping us the bird........Much to my surprise everyone was warm and friendly, even Ed.....he said hello as if nothing happened. We had no surprise visits, I did work outside a little, we where invited to a fire and BBQ.....we declined, I did not want to encourage Ed (or anyone else)... It's hard to explain and a little weird, the seasonals tend to be clickie, several small factions operate within the CG. As new comers they all seem to want others to join, (resistance is futile) LOL....if you show a little friendliness they begin to expect a little to much for my comfort......anyway all went well, hope everyone had a nice weekend, G
Have you ever went into a campground and the host stopped you and informed you that was his job to park your rig; and you were not allowed to park it yourself; I have; his reason was he didn't want to get on the grass with the tires;
After a very long discussion; not at the least pleasent he agreed to let me park my motorhome but there would be dire ---------- I put one tire on the grass.
I know Kevin would feel your pain Gene. Glad the Memorial Day weekend was pleasant. We too are a bit more on the private side. I like a bit of socialization, but not 100% of the time and Kevin is very private.
Bear and Kevin apparently share the ability to give "The Look." Unfortunately some folks seem to be oblivious to it... I can't imagine how they miss it, but they seem to...
Carol Kerr Welch
Wife to Jeff, "Mom" to Chuy; Retama Village Resident
Interesting conversation going on here....mmmm....been there myself. I usually smile and say "Ooo we are good my husband is a professional at this and I've been helping him for years." Thanks, anyway." Usually I can get by with that....never ran across a complete hard head yet.
GEEZ!!!!!!......when I first joined Gene I had all kinds of respect for you , Now I have to go out and take this copy of your pic. have it enlarged and spend 2 days building a Shrine in your honor so I may have a place to go and worship!!!!
1998 ...Harney Renegade DP class A
My Service dog and life partner " Nikki"......Klee Kia Miniature Husky....(she Runs the ship!!)
We are not lost in the Woods.....Just Extreme boondocking!!!!!!