Hi Everyone. Well, after 15 years the RV-Dreams Community Forum is coming to an end. Since it began in August 2005, we've had 58 Million page views, 124,000 posts, and we've spent about $15,000 to keep this valuable resource for RVers free and open. But since we are now off the road and have settled down for the next chapter of our lives, we are taking the Forum down effective June 30, 2021. It has been a tough decision, but it is now time.
We want to thank all of our members for their participation and input over the years, and we want to especially thank those that have acted as Moderators for us during our amazing journey living and traveling in our RV and growing the RV-Dreams Family. We will be forever proud to have been founders of this Forum and to have been supported by such a wonderful community. Thank you all!!
My hubby, Greg, and I are new to the RV world. We just brought home our "new to us" 2004 Doubletree Mobile Suites 5th wheel two days ago. We are like kids with a new toy, lol.
About us: Hubby Greg and I are mid-40's, and have never owned any type of RV before, so we are pretty excited to start this adventure. For now, we will be taking mostly shorter, local trips. We need to learn what we are doing, and get comfortable setting up and taking down the "new home". Our goal is to (in a year) spend 6 months of each year traveling the country. We are from Southern California, and would like to spend significant time in other areas of the country. During the other six months, our plan is to spend time in a warm tropical climate. Our first destination is San Pedro, Belize. After that...???
We will be bringing our older Bullmastiff with us when we travel, both on the short trips, and the six month jaunts. He seems to think the fifth wheel is a really nice dog house, he loves it.
We have also recently taken up Scuba, and would like to spend time stateside doing that as well, really looking to check out the Florida Keys!
Stumbled on this forum while searching for information on washer/dryers in RV's...so happy to have found such a wealth of information in one location!
-- Edited by Mrs Rheiny1 on Monday 20th of February 2012 06:12:23 PM
Thanks, Dan/Jan :) We are pretty eager to get started. Thinking of taking the grandson on a fishing trip to Mojave Narrows in a couple of weeks as our first trip. It is pretty close to where we live, so should be good for a first time taking out the rig. Have you been to Belize?
Congrats and welcome to the forum! Sounds like you are off to a great start with your new rig... we will be fulltimers by October of this year (god willing).
Ken & Mary and 2 Spoiled Furbaby Shih-Tzu's 2005 Ford F-250 SD Turbo Diesel 2004 Sunnybrook Titan 31BWFS "Fulltiming since May of 2012" (newbies!)
Welcome to the RV Dreams forums and the RV lifestyle. It is an excellent site for gathering ideas, opinions, and the solutions to problems. Feel free to ask questions, as there is a lot of knowledge within the minds of the folks here.
As for the washer/dryer issue, did you find answers? We have a Whirlpool side by side in our 2010 Mobile Suites. We got a non matching pair because the dryer that matched the washer required 240V instead of 120V.
I don't know if you know of it, but there is another website of interest for DRV Suites owners. It is referred to as SOITC, which stands for Suites Owners International Travel Club, and it also has a forum. Jo and I used three different RV forums in gathering the knowledge we needed in choosing our RV.
Should you decide to join SOITC, be sure and register. On that site, only registered participants are able to see the photos that are occasionally put in the threads.
Have fun with the lifestyle.
Terry and Jo
2010 Mobile Suites 38TKSB3 2008 Ford F450 2019 Ford Expedition Max as Tag-along or Scout
Terry, thanks for the welcome, and for the info on SOITC, we will definately check that out. As to the washer issue, we only have room for either a stackable, or one of the combo units. I have heard that the ventless combos have issues, especially as to dry time. We are not in a rush, so we will continue to browse and seek more info regarding reviews of the two types.
Nope, never been to Belize. After 20 years with the U.S.A.F. I have no desires to travel to other countries ;) Plenty of places to still see here in the U.S.A. We have the Splendide 2100XC in our coach, the combo vented unit. Works great once you figure out how big of load you can put in it so everything doesn't come out all wrinkled.
Welcome Cynthia from one more Californian.....we're a couple of hours south of you. I belong to several other forums as well but this is my favorite. Lots of good people here.
Dan, Thanks for the information about the combo unit. Do you happen to know the acual weight of the unit? Greg (DH) was thinking that a significant difference in weight between the two styles would help us make a decision... when we look up the specs online, weight is the one thing that was not listed.