Hi Everyone. Well, after 15 years the RV-Dreams Community Forum is coming to an end. Since it began in August 2005, we've had 58 Million page views, 124,000 posts, and we've spent about $15,000 to keep this valuable resource for RVers free and open. But since we are now off the road and have settled down for the next chapter of our lives, we are taking the Forum down effective June 30, 2021. It has been a tough decision, but it is now time.
We want to thank all of our members for their participation and input over the years, and we want to especially thank those that have acted as Moderators for us during our amazing journey living and traveling in our RV and growing the RV-Dreams Family. We will be forever proud to have been founders of this Forum and to have been supported by such a wonderful community. Thank you all!!
SO sorry to hear about your misfortune. We have had unsual bitter cold for months here in Virginia but Thank goodness not so much snow and ice here this year as last year.
But I do think most of the folks who seriously study this stuff have dropped the misnomer Global Warming and have more correctly named it Climate chaos. More severe everything..........winters, summers, hurricanes, floods......... Is it Mother Nature finally getting even???
Chin up........less than 6 weeks to spring!!
Sherry and David Fulltiming since 2010 2004 34' Winnebago Brave "Winnona" 2002 Honda Accord (Ruby) with 2 kayaks & 2 bikes Blog: http://directionofourdreams.blogspot.com
Thanks Sherry, my chins (all 5) are up and watching the snow fall. I just have cabin fever so bad I had to make a Dr. appointment to get med's. I am really looking forward to spring, I am starting to plan trips, this does help the day go by and it is fun also.
Speak your mind but ride a fast horse, don't look back someone may be shootin and don't miss the stirrup gettin on.
I think Dan's reference to global warming was supposed to be sarcastic, just as mine usually is. Why else do you suppose the "advocates" of that changed the term from "global warming" to "global climate change", other than they are still trying to hype their philosophy, but can't call it warming.
While we were going to work yesterday, the local talk radio host played a long audio clip of some guy that was affiliated with some college. He went through this whole speil(sp?) about how the ocean had become ice free and thus "stored" heat which was later released to the atmosphere to create a "temporary cold".
It reminded me of a long known phrase: "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bulls**t."
And, don't feel sorry for Dan. He was in Florida just a few days ago talking about playing golf. Then he invites everyone for a party, but before anyone can get down there, he leaves and goes back to Texas.
Besides, when those Texans get just a wee bit of snow, they start complaining. Here in Oklahoma City, we are getting our second "blizzard" in less than two weeks. I "quoted" blizzard because they still aren't what we used to see in the Oklahoma Panhandle, so it just happens to be falling snow with a wind with it.
Terry and Jo
2010 Mobile Suites 38TKSB3 2008 Ford F450 2019 Ford Expedition Max as Tag-along or Scout
Global warming has taken over in Canton, Tx, it is snowing and sleet and the water line to the TT is frozen solid. Sure hope all the bands show up for the TEXAS SWING FESTIVAL that starts at noon tomorrow. Lots of rv's already here, we came in yesterday to beat the weather. Recalll that just a few years ago we were headed to a new Ice Age----look it up.
Charles, I had for gotten about the new ice age,they also tried the tie that to global warming if I remember right. Sherry, you go ahead and feel sorry for me,Terry is telling the truth about the party but I only had one taker that RSVP and she was going to bring diet Cokes, since you can only get Pespi down there. I did not get to play golf because I did not take my golf shorts and I don't play in just any old attire. Terry, I did make it Home on time but not with out a lot of sweat and phone calls to the airlines. Stay warm I see on the weather that you got hit with a lot of anow again.
Speak your mind but ride a fast horse, don't look back someone may be shootin and don't miss the stirrup gettin on.
Things aren't really bad here where Jo and I live (SW of Oklahoma City) in the Mustang/Tuttle area. We probably only got about 3 inches of snow, perhaps even less. I still see grass blades somewhat above the snow.
Our biggest issue here is that the way our house lays, we usually get a snow drift right in front of our garage doors. The first storm deposited at least a 3 foot deep drift right where we need to exit. This storm only deposited about one foot. Of course, snow drifts tend to be a lot wider than they are high, so one still gets to shovel a lot.
While I am tired of shoveling snow, things may be looking up. I haven't wanted to post anything yet on the RV Dreams forums, but check out "Hopefully Optimistic" on my blog.
Terry and Jo
2010 Mobile Suites 38TKSB3 2008 Ford F450 2019 Ford Expedition Max as Tag-along or Scout
Did you just say "grass blades"? Grass? Blades of grass? You mean that green cushy stuff on the ground that I remember felt so nice on my bare feet?
Do I really remember that or am I hallucinating/having a senior moment?
We're sticking it out here in the bootheel of MO, where it has been snowing all day. I think it's finally slowing down. Dave is off to get up on the roof to sweep the roof and slide toppers free of today's snowfall.
Spring? I'm sooooo ready!
1 Scotsman, 1 Texan chick, 1 Lhasa Apso/? & 4 bicycles Set Sail in June 2010 2010 Montana 3585SA HE Ford F350 diesel 4x4 SRW Full-timing blog: Phoenix Once Again Check out My Reiki Web Presence
Betty, Y'all are getting dumped on with the snow. Yes Terry was talking about that geen stuff that feels good under your feet. I wust heard on the weather that we will have temps in the high 70 next week and the sun is going to shine, hadn't seen that sucker in weeks. Stay warm. By the way what part of the bootheel of Mo. are you in, we lived in Malden, Kennett, Portageville and Blytheville, Ar. several years.
Speak your mind but ride a fast horse, don't look back someone may be shootin and don't miss the stirrup gettin on.
It is BROWN grass. You know, the color it gets when dormant for the winter. It's a good thing too. It might be a bit tough trying to get the lawn tractor over the drifts to mow green stuff.
I considered puttins some kind of tines right in front of the mower deck and then lowering things so I could drive over the snow and let the blades throw out the snow. But, with my luck, I'd just 'high-center' everything.
Terry and Jo
2010 Mobile Suites 38TKSB3 2008 Ford F450 2019 Ford Expedition Max as Tag-along or Scout
We are in Sikeston, MO. Were going to make this just an overnight stop, but we've been at this park before and ended up staying here. I know where Portageville, etc. are.
Cheers, Betty
1 Scotsman, 1 Texan chick, 1 Lhasa Apso/? & 4 bicycles Set Sail in June 2010 2010 Montana 3585SA HE Ford F350 diesel 4x4 SRW Full-timing blog: Phoenix Once Again Check out My Reiki Web Presence
Well, we're not iced over and it's not sleeting, but we have 2 feet of snow from last week, it's currently 2 degrees outside, going to minus 9 overnight, with wind chills between 20 to 25 below. Sure don't mind being in the S & B tonight!
Betty, Have y'all been to Lambert's yet. I went there befor they moved from down town great food.
Penny& Paul, That is too cold for a warm blooded Texan. We are getting down to 8 to 15 above tonight and I will be hunkered down under my electric blanket.
Speak your mind but ride a fast horse, don't look back someone may be shootin and don't miss the stirrup gettin on.
Southern California is quite nice right now. We drove down I-15 to Rancho Cucomonga today, about 35 miles, and it was short sleeve weather. Here at 3,400 feet it was in the mid-50s but we expect 60s by Friday.
Bill Joyce, 40' 2004 Dutch Star DP towing an AWD 2020 Ford Escape Hybrid Journal at http://www.sacnoth.com Full-timing since July 2003
Thanks Bill we needed that with a wind chill of -1 and temp of 15 that weather sounds nice. We also are to be in the high 60 for the weekend and up to the mid 70 for next week, looking forward to that weather. I am just looking forward to seeing the sun.
Speak your mind but ride a fast horse, don't look back someone may be shootin and don't miss the stirrup gettin on.
Ok, the temp this morning is -6. BUT, it's the last bitter cold morning cause we're going to warm up! The days are longer, it's not dark at 5:00 now, and a friend saw a Robin yesterday. Surely, we are on the downhill side of winter. C'mon SPRING! C'mon Sun! I'll be singing "Here Comes the Sun" as we get to 50 degrees on Sunday!
I love hearing all the various weather reports. Keep em' coming but could you remind me where you are when you are reporting things like 70 degrees or minus 6 - good grief poor you brrrrrrrrrr?? I can get a better picture of you being "there".
It's 25 degrees with an overnight snow of 3" here in Charlotttesville, Virginia. "They" say up to 40 today which might melt most of it but I'm staying inside until the black ice melts for sure.
Sherry and David Fulltiming since 2010 2004 34' Winnebago Brave "Winnona" 2002 Honda Accord (Ruby) with 2 kayaks & 2 bikes Blog: http://directionofourdreams.blogspot.com
Just got to work here in McPherson Ks. the temperature on the radio in Salina said -11° and a couple of the guys trucks were showing -20°. Tuesday we got 15" of snow here in Mcpherson. It's been a real fun week. Summer can't come soon enough.
The normal weather pattern is West to East, so when I say it is now warm in Southern California then you can expect that weather to come to you in Texas and Florida.
Bill Joyce, 40' 2004 Dutch Star DP towing an AWD 2020 Ford Escape Hybrid Journal at http://www.sacnoth.com Full-timing since July 2003
Just think, about July and August, all us folks here in Texas will be wanting some of this cooler weather. 17 degrees this A M here in central Texas, gonna get better and warm up a little.
Sand38, I am not sure about that I can handle the heat a lot better than the cold, I just look for a cool creek under a shade tree. I am really looking forward to the spring and summer camping season.
Speak your mind but ride a fast horse, don't look back someone may be shootin and don't miss the stirrup gettin on.
Hi All! I am just off I-10 between Pensacola Fl., and Mobile, Al. The Temps for the next couple mornings are suppose to be in the mid-20's and highs in the mid 50's. By Sundays Mid-60's for highs then here is suppose to come near 70, next week. I fear that the temps will be in the humid 90 degree mark by the muddle of March. I guess I better get busy with those repairs i've been procrastinating on. Oh Well, Time to leave the cocoon, sprout them wings and fly again by the begiining of April. Happy Trails!! Pieere
Life is too short. Live it Now!
Currently at Shady Acres RV Park Lebanon; Tennessee
South west Florida has been great. We are in Pine Island near Fort Myers, and the weather has been in the 70's for the last 1 and 1/2 weeks. Tomorrow and Saturday-upper 60's. and then back in the 70's. Feel very blessed to be here.
Just spent the last 3 days in The Floriday Keys.Weather was absolutely perfect.Wore t-shirt and shorts in Key West.Came back to Silver Springs today to a 'chilly' 54 at 11 pm.Yesterday was 75 in Marathon and -25 wind chill in my former home town.And some asked why I wanted to travel.
RVing probably not a reality any more.It was a good time while it lasted.
We are in Sebring, Florida since 29 Dec 2010 and the weather his been very warm.. The highs are in the 70's to 80's for the highs and the lowest temp in the AM has been 41 degrees. This is the warmest winter we have had since we was in South Texas, (RGV). We are Bless to be here. Life is good............
2012 Chevy 3500HD DRW's (SOLD)
Pressure Pro System (SOLD) Trailer Saver TS 3 (SOLD)
Mighty fine weather in Yuma, AZ too! Sunny and warm most every day...75 today...81 tomorrow.... we do indeed, feel blessed!!
Bill, where are you and where are you headed? If you come thru Yuma, give us a shout!!! We're in the Foothills!
Bob: We are stuck in Hesperia, CA dealing with a medical issue with Diane's back. Believe me, we would rather be in Yuma and Tucson was where we had planned on spending the winter. The way things are going about the time Diane can travel we have to high tail north for a deadline.
It is supposed to be close to 70 this weekend here.
Bill Joyce, 40' 2004 Dutch Star DP towing an AWD 2020 Ford Escape Hybrid Journal at http://www.sacnoth.com Full-timing since July 2003
What a gorgeous day - 60 degrees and sunny! I saw kids having snowball fights in their short sleeves and joggers running in the streets cause the sidewalks are still covered in snow drifts.
Racerguy: Jealous of you being in Key West! A friend at church is headed there in a week or so - we begged to be packed in her luggage. Bruce lived there off and on for 20 years and took me there in 2008. So anxious to go back. Do you ever go to Schooner Wharf and listen to Michael McCloud? Our favorite thing to do there!
Racerguy, Been to Key West but it has been a long time, about 20 years. I am sure it has changed a lot, it was hard for me to eat down there, I don't eat fish, don't it i know I am weird, I will spend what it takes to cautch one but can't eat it when I do.
Speak your mind but ride a fast horse, don't look back someone may be shootin and don't miss the stirrup gettin on.
Dan, Welcome to the no-fish eating club.Like you I like to catch them but do not eat them.It cost me $20.00 for a pizza that would have been $10 or $12 anywhere else.Wasn't even that good either.
RVing probably not a reality any more.It was a good time while it lasted.
Raserguy, I am glad someone else in the boat with me. Two years ago we took the family to Cancun, I had the chance to charter a boat and crew, I took my daughter, son-in -law and two grandsons, deep sea fishing I boated a trophy white Marlin and my daughter and son-n-law both boated very large Mahi Mahi, we had the Marlin and one of the Mahi Mahi mounted and gave the other one to the crew. Everyone that was at the dock thought we were nuts. My two grandsons made the whole trip with their head over the rail. We did not stay out long because of the boys 12 and 14 years old were so sick.
Speak your mind but ride a fast horse, don't look back someone may be shootin and don't miss the stirrup gettin on.
Well I said that the main weather pattern is West to East so when the weather is nice in California that means those in the East will see better weather in a few days. Well it works both ways. We are now getting stormy and cooler weather here in Southern California, so brace yourselves since it will soon be in Texas and eventually Florida.
Bill Joyce, 40' 2004 Dutch Star DP towing an AWD 2020 Ford Escape Hybrid Journal at http://www.sacnoth.com Full-timing since July 2003
Well I said that the main weather pattern is West to East so when the weather is nice in California that means those in the East will see better weather in a few days. Well it works both ways. We are now getting stormy and cooler weather here in Southern California, so brace yourselves since it will soon be in Texas and eventually Florida.
bjoyce, We have had some great weather this week it was 82 here yesterday, they are forecasting falling temps and rain and storms this weekend, it will be here just in time to mess up my plans for cleaning the TT.
Speak your mind but ride a fast horse, don't look back someone may be shootin and don't miss the stirrup gettin on.
Beautiful day here in Pa after a long cold snap. Mid 60s but felt more like 70 in the front of the house. I just keep reminding myself that this is my LAST winter in the snow.
Life is an adventure.......live it large. 2004 Holiday Rambler Presidential 2008 Dodge 3500 Dually
Vicky - joining you in chanting "this is the last winter in snow!" Maybe that's why we've been able to endure 45" of snow this winter - knowing that this is it - NO MORE!
It was 75 degrees yesterday - one week ago it was -10. I'll bid on the 75!
Hey Y'All, Well here in Port Charlotte, Fl. it has been in the 70's to 80's and will be for the next few weeks. Good to have the doors open on the sticks & bricks and be in our pool. Getting cabin fever waiting to go camping again. Most of the good camp sites are full with the winter guest so we have to have out new Mobil Suites in storage. So NOW I have time to get some things done around the house like cutting the grass tomorrow. 30 plus palms need to be trimmed and 30 yards of mulch has to to be layed. This should keep me busy until I can get the toy out of storage April 1st. To all --- stay warm and be safe.
In the mountains east of Albuquerque. Still have little patches of snow on the ground, but the birds are singing (and woodpecking like crazy), the windows are open and my dogs are frisky.
Here on the banks of the Missouri River, I can see green grass poking through, the birds are singing and Bruce is the one feeling frisky! Hey, we've got the whole campground to ourselves still! Hee hee!
-- Edited by BruceandTrisha on Saturday 19th of February 2011 12:23:49 PM
-- Edited by BruceandTrisha on Saturday 19th of February 2011 12:24:10 PM
Bob: We are stuck in Hesperia, CA dealing with a medical issue
Well, we wish her the best...hope it gets all better soon...no fun at all!!! Hope to see you at Escapade...please let us know if you'll be there (We'll put you to work!) :) Hugs!
The NWS is predicting another blast of cold air next week up here in Washington. Hoping this is the last of it and we can start getting to more spring like weather.