Hi Everyone. Well, after 15 years the RV-Dreams Community Forum is coming to an end. Since it began in August 2005, we've had 58 Million page views, 124,000 posts, and we've spent about $15,000 to keep this valuable resource for RVers free and open. But since we are now off the road and have settled down for the next chapter of our lives, we are taking the Forum down effective June 30, 2021. It has been a tough decision, but it is now time.
We want to thank all of our members for their participation and input over the years, and we want to especially thank those that have acted as Moderators for us during our amazing journey living and traveling in our RV and growing the RV-Dreams Family. We will be forever proud to have been founders of this Forum and to have been supported by such a wonderful community. Thank you all!!
Hi, everyone! I’m going to classify myself as a Gonnabe full-timer. Just made the decision a month ago, thanks in part to this forum. I can’t begin to explain how many pieces of the puzzle have suddenly fallen in place, but the universe is definitely conspiring to allow me to explore my dreams of freedom, exploration and community.
A couple of years ago, I got inspired and was fascinated by the story of the “Traveling Berrys,” who gave up their jobs and sold off their estate to adopt the RV life in an effort to save their marriage and family. I was already unemployed after being laid off from my corporate job, but just couldn’t see how to handle my house, overcome my debts, or fit my life partner, his career, and my cats into that scenario, especially in our financial situation. I didn’t think it was something I really wanted, so onto the shelf it went.
Well over a year ago, in Dec of 2009, the partner moved out. Then, the day before Christmas Eve 2010, after a year of part-time jobs and business startups, negotiations with my mortgage company fell through. I was forced to declare bankruptcy to postpone the home foreclosure. It was a stressful, tearful Christmas, but the idea of the dream came back to me as I left the family gathering to return home, and I got excited.
Everything that might be in the way was rearranging itself. I had already created a part time job and a home-based business that were location-independent. I was soon not going to have a house any more, and some of my most burdensome debts were disappearing. I had also been looking to live among a warm, inviting community, and the support in the RV forums like this one portrayed a culture of caring and friendly people. The last worry was my five cats, and what to do with them.
I finally did a simple internet search for “cats and rvs” and found several articles and forums describing how pets do just fine as full-time RVers. That was the reassurance I needed that everything was clear for me to change course. The decision was made!
I am now in the research phase: What rig to purchase for maximum comfort and efficiency, how to purchase it inexpensively with no credit, and how to navigate the ins and outs of a different lifestyle. I’m looking forward to some sage and experienced advice here. I'm so eager to absorb everything, and so excited to get started I feel like I'm going to blow a fuse! I intend to do my homework, though, and thankfully, not having much money to work with yet is forcing me to slow down. (Never thought I'd say that!)
My current leanings are toward a 27’ to 30’ fifth-wheel for towing stability, space (for me plus the cats) and headroom (I’m tall), with a tow vehicle that can serve for running errands and commuting. If there are advantages to a motor home over this, I’m interested to hear about it. I’m also interested in hearing if there are some affordable bumper-hitch trailers that would be stable to tow, as well.
Looking forward to seeing what I can offer to this community in return!
Beverly, First welcome to the forum. You will find the folks here are rich in experience and come from a variety of backgrounds. Sometimes we should treat life like eggs. If you intended to boil an egg and the shell crack, just fry the egg. If when placing the egg in the pan to fry, the yolk breaks, just stir it up and make a scrambled egg.
Jerry & Carol Pearson (+ fur babies) FullTime since 2012 04 Winnebago Adventure, 06 Grand Marquis www.waggintailsrv.com
Welcome to the forum Beverly. I know you will find a way to make your dream happen. We plan to travel with our fur family members as do many others and it all works out.
Jerry and Carol - I love that analogy. The only way to survive and be happy is to be flexable.
Life is an adventure.......live it large. 2004 Holiday Rambler Presidential 2008 Dodge 3500 Dually
Welcome Beverly! I am also a gonnabe (although I have lived in an RV in the past.) And Jerry and Carol - excellent analogy. I think I will be repeating that one! Beverly - good luck on a quick and orderly transition to full-timing. One thing I believe strongly in is putting your request out to the universe, then being open to the response. What are the most important things to you? My list would include safety from mechanical problems and predators (4 legged, 2 legged, and financial institutions.) Also enough room I could be comfortable, clean, internet access, a bed that comfortably fits 2, and looks good enough that I won't be embarrassed. We may end up buying a Mobile Suites, but I would live in a truck camper before I would stay home and say, "I can't afford to do this." When you have money the lists of necessities is different than when you are digging yourself out of a hole. I would be careful going into big debt right now, just after you have gone through a bankruptcy. Also, don't forget, if you can't afford your dream 5th wheel now, there is nothing wrong with buying something you can afford now, and moving up in 3 years. I know - the advice is worth what you paid for it! I've been broke with and without debt. It's a lot better w/o debt! Heidi
Thank you for the advice. I couldn't agree with you more. The universe will bring me what I ask for, as is evident in all the creations in my life that are coming into fruition from what I've put out there as requests for the past year. It's fun to make lists!
I am interested in a lot of the same features you are. I would like a rig that is...
secure when I'm inside and when I'm away
energy efficient and winterized
can boondock
has enough space for me and the cats, plus company
a double bed
lots of natural light
a place to work at my laptop
good smelling
has space to store and set up a massage table for Reiki
has furnishings and finishes that match my taste, or can be changed easily to have this
reasonably light weight so I can afford the fuel costs
Welcome Beverly. Looking at your requirements list...2 items, space for the massage table and easy hitch up and go...I was thinking a toyhauler since the garage area would work great for the table, but hooking up a fifth wheel or travel trailer is not what I would call easy.
My other thought would be setup of a 5er or TT. Easy just doesn't enter my vocabulary when comparing 5ers/TTs to motor homes. I have helped many campers get parked and setup in my hosting duties and I will tell you that there is no comparison to a MH.
There are some toyhauler MH's, both class A and C. We liked the storage available on class A's but the garage on a class C could be used for storage space for the full timer. Storage space is very important to the full timer. I don't know the CCC of the class C's so keep an eye on that when shopping around, you don't want to be over weight when you get all your belongings loaded up.
We decided on a MH because we didn't want to be driving a big truck around for our everyday vehicle. While not all vehicles are easily setup for towing 4 down, the list of those that can should provide many options. Hooking up our toad is very easy and takes 5 minutes. You can use a tow dolly but they require more attention and you need to store it someplace when you reach your destination. The good news is you don't need to modify your vehicle saving you money there.
Waggin Tails wrote:I love this! It's all about how you view things . . . see the glass as half full . . . etc. Thanks for the great analogy!
Sometimes we should treat life like eggs. If you intended to boil an egg and the shell crack, just fry the egg. If when placing the egg in the pan to fry, the yolk breaks, just stir it up and make a scrambled egg.
Heidi - Yay for you - making a list and putting it out there. I love to tell that this is exactly how Bruce finally found me! He made a list of everything he wanted in a girl . . . and then gave it to the Universe and let it go . . .then he met me . . . and realized EVERYTHING on that list was ME! And this is the man who said he would NEVER EVER get married again. Love it!
It absolutely DOES work - focus on being grateful for what you have instead of what you lack . . . and watch what happens!
Thanks for giving me the other side of the coin to think about. I have a very limited budget for the time being. What's the minimum budget range do you think I should be thinking about if I was going to get a MH that is reliable and roadworthy?
Thanks for giving me the other side of the coin to think about. I have a very limited budget for the time being. What's the minimum budget range do you think I should be thinking about if I was going to get a MH that is reliable and roadworthy?
I'd suggest you do some internet searching, sites like http://www.pplmotorhomes.com/ will keep you busy for a long time. And it gives you a good idea of what used coaches are listing for (but not what price they sold for).
-- Edited by NorCal Dan on Tuesday 8th of February 2011 09:04:37 PM
Welcome - enough space for the massage table will be a challenge. Catherine is a massage therapist and we are struggling with that one ourselves. At present, we carry a 10 x12 screen room tent and her table can go in there. You can also get screen side attachments for your outside awning that can give more privacy. We are not sure the table will make the final list of "things to take". We might just go with the massage chair Good luck
Thanks for the ideas about the massage table, and for the warm welcome. A screened room tent might be something good to have to let my cats take a break from indoors, as well.