Hi Everyone. Well, after 15 years the RV-Dreams Community Forum is coming to an end. Since it began in August 2005, we've had 58 Million page views, 124,000 posts, and we've spent about $15,000 to keep this valuable resource for RVers free and open. But since we are now off the road and have settled down for the next chapter of our lives, we are taking the Forum down effective June 30, 2021. It has been a tough decision, but it is now time.
We want to thank all of our members for their participation and input over the years, and we want to especially thank those that have acted as Moderators for us during our amazing journey living and traveling in our RV and growing the RV-Dreams Family. We will be forever proud to have been founders of this Forum and to have been supported by such a wonderful community. Thank you all!!
A big concern for me going full time is where to work out! I lift weights for approx. 2 hours a day 5 days a week. A must for what I do. I have my own complete gym in my house, which is going to be the hardest thing for me to part with when the selling starts. Thought of joining Golds gym but not sure I would find enough of them around. Any one have any experience on contacting local gyms and their policies for guest? Any other ideas or experiences would be appreciated. Duane www.breakthebricks.org
While on the road, I have always found the YMCA a great resource. It all depends on the roads you take. You may need to convert to strength "band" training. If you could get the resistance you need with bands, they would be light enough to load in your rig. If you are gonna be near big to mid sized cities all of the time, Golds has many locations. You may want to check their site to see if they have a nationwide location map.
You might try some of the other fitness centers to see if there are more available in other parts of the country. Most fitness centers have daily entrance fees but this could get expensive over a length of time. If you are staying in one area for a length of time, you might check to see if the fitness center will give you a monthly cost.
We're still trying to figure out how to work out on the road oursleves. I went to a Gold's gym for a membership and found that this one was a franchise so the membershp was only good at that gym. I don't know if they are mostly franchises, but somethg to look into. We have found gyms that will do a monthly or weekly fee, but they seem to be scarce. Not sure if you have a rig yet. You might look into a toy hauler and use the garage as a small gym. God Bless Jeff and Merrie
-- Edited by Jeff and Merrie on Thursday 12th of November 2009 11:21:19 AM
We have been preparing for the same issue. What we have decided is to take some equipment with us. Aerobics is easy can always walk,jog run or bike but the weight training is a challenge. My nephew and his physical therapist wife have helped us a great deal. We work out at home now with PowerBlocks, which are an adjustable weight set up to 5 to 50 lbs each weight, several resistance bands and a stability ball. I think we will also get a bosu before we leave. With this equipment you can accomplish a good workout. The PowerBlockes will add 100lbs to the weight of our rig but our health is important enough to us to make room for them. None of these items take up that much space and as long as it isn't raining our workout room will be the great outdoors.
janieD 2007 Dodge 3500 DRW 5.9L 2010 Excel Limited 30RSO Full Timing starting June 2010 Blog: www.flamingoonastick.blogspot.com
What about 24 hour fitness? I don't know how extensive their network is - their website says over 400 clubs throughout the US - but I believe that one membership is good at all locations. Like other clubs, I would assume that you'd have to be close to a significant sized town to find a gym. This is the route that we are considering, but we're really hoping that our change in lifestyle will provide enough natural activity that we don't feel the need to go to the gym frequently.
Good question and a great topic. We were members of 24 Hour Fitness in our home town. We paid approx. $55 per month for DH and myself. Then we had the opportunity to become F/T Rver's. We found a 24 Hour Fitness center down in the Palm Springs area in 2008 but it was about a 40 minute drive each way from our RV park. It was free to work out as 24 Hour Fitness centers honor your general membership. The drive was a pain with all the P.S. traffic. Then we also stay for lengthy periods on central coast of Calif. No 24 Hour Fitness within 75 miles or more. We tried a local gym and they wanted $5 per person every day we wanted to work out....in addition to the $55 we paid 24-Hour so that was adding up to a lot of $$$. We quit the 24-Hour membership. Haven't come up with another gym option. We do walk 4 miles every morning and have for over 15 years, so we keep up with that. Keeping healthy and fit is a goal of ours as we F/T. Lots of temptations out there "in the world". I think keeping some workout equipment with you, if weight and size permits, is your best option.
Since it hasn't yet been mentioned, I thought I would chime in. There are lots of RV parks with fitness or exercise rooms.
Now the quality of those rooms tends to vary with the price of the park, but that's not always the case. For example, some of the Escapees parks (low rates) have very nice fitness rooms.
Some parks have a couple of cardio machines. Some parks have cardio and weight machines. Some have cardio, weight machines, and free weights.
One way to search for RV parks with fitness rooms is to use RVParkReviews.com and do a "Campground Search". In the "General Search" box check only "Review Comments" to search on. Plug in either "fitness" or "exercise" in the Search box and hit "Search".
We rarely stayed within a close drive of a gym and most rv park gyms are very inadequate. I brought my step (step aerobics) with me. ALthough I only used it for step aerobics twice in the 15 months we were on the road. HOWEVER, you can use it like a weight bench (some exercises I would do with the step include modified pushups, tricep dips, tricep kickbacks, bent over rows, chest press). The Reebock step has risers that store more compactly than other steps. The Reebok step fit easily next to the bed, at the foot of the bed, as well as the storage compartment.
I only brought a set of 3 and 5 pound weights with me - I imagine you will want to have more options than that. Exercise bands might be a good option and they don't take up much space. I find the rubber tubing to be awkward and doesn't always supply enough resistance through the full range of motion. I have heard of weights that you can fill with water or sand, but I don't really know anything about them other than they exist.
Now that I've promoted the step, I want to note that it won't work for tall people as a weight bench. I'm 5'5" and it worked fine for me, but probably not well for anyone over 5'10".
If you go the gym route, another one to consider is planet fitness. Although you'll ultimately want to pick one that has locations near where you'll want to stay.
great question and one that i am also concerned with. i, too, train about 90 minutes a day (an hour with weights, 30 minutes cardio) five days a week. in fact, while we do not do it as a full time living but rather an income earning hobby, my girlfriend and i are certified trainers. we both belong to bally's and la fitness. what we figure is that if there isn't one around the areas we would visit, we would supplement that with trx and resistance band training or any other local gym. while it is no substitute for a fully equipped gym, believe me resistance band and trx does work. our website, www.solidlifefitness.com, has the links to get you to trx and bodylastics. the trx was invented by a navy seal. for legs and abs (core) it is extreme. bodylastics is promoted by Terrel Owens and i was skeptical at first but we bought the professional system and it can add up to 200 lbs of resistance for each side! also, as i have gotten older (i used to compete in olympic weightlifting) i have learned that more passive resistance is healthier on the joints than pure iron. by the time i am ready to retire i will be at the point that i wont need too much weights in order to work out. another option is P90X the tony horton training system that can be done with a few pairs of dumbbells and pullup bar. it too is intense. for cardio we love to ride our bicycles. we have good mountain bikes, need to get the heartrate going pretty good (65-80% of target heart rate) to get your body into a fat burning mode. hope this gives you other alternatives.
We are members of the YMCA here in Foley, Ala. and its very nice. Nice Pool and Hot tub and all equipment is in excellent shape. Thats and issue we look for were every we stay. We have found that most RV parks the equipment is a hit or miss. I'm also Retired Army and most Military Bases have excellent workout out facilites. When we are in the RGV we use the local Work-out facilities. And they give Winter Texans rates. We aren't into heavy weights but do mostly Cardio equipment. GBY.......
2012 Chevy 3500HD DRW's (SOLD)
Pressure Pro System (SOLD) Trailer Saver TS 3 (SOLD)
Just saw this post...I am hooked on my Wii Fit, and fully intend on taking this on the RV. Though it can not replace a good gym workout, the aerobics and yoga on it work for most.
I'll be taking a yoga DVD and book of yoga for a year, plan to log lots of bike miles and walking. I'm sure our RV lifestyle will be more what I was used to, much more active physically than what I have now, which is more sedentary than I like.
1 Scotsman, 1 Texan chick, 1 Lhasa Apso/? & 4 bicycles Set Sail in June 2010 2010 Montana 3585SA HE Ford F350 diesel 4x4 SRW Full-timing blog: Phoenix Once Again Check out My Reiki Web Presence
My loss of memory has helped me tremendously with my work outs. I forget what I am going outside for so I come back in and then forget why I came in and go back out. this could go on for some time in the morning so I traverse the stairs at least 10 times a day. Then I hit the ladder doing the waxing and that is good exercise. When you get to the top of the ladder and you have forgotten your rag it is back down to get it and then you leave the wax on the ground and you have to go back and get it. Sherri forgets her purse...keys...glasses and other things when we leave for the store so I have to make a least 4 trips back in for her stuff...well maybe 5 because I forget what she told me to get that she forgot so I go back to the truck for instructions and then back to get that...that I forgot. Ok in the store we forget our list that we spent 5 days preparing so we walk for two hours in there trying to remember what was on the list that we left at home...did I already say that?? Then when we get all our stuff we head to the parking lot and by this time we forgot where we parked the car so that is another mile and an half searching for it....did we forget the car??? I think we drove... We get plenty of exercise...seems the older I get the better shape I am in...got to love old age.
Speedy, I feel so much better thinking about all the exercise I get doing the same thing you do!!!! For women.... I joined Curves a few years ago and they are everywhere. (Althought not as many as there used to be) Just get a travel pass from your home gym and you are set. They say they are only good for a month but I have never had a problem using the pass longer than that. Brenda
We may not have it all together, but together we have it all! D, B & H
We're not quite at your level of fitness but we're working on it!
1 Scotsman, 1 Texan chick, 1 Lhasa Apso/? & 4 bicycles Set Sail in June 2010 2010 Montana 3585SA HE Ford F350 diesel 4x4 SRW Full-timing blog: Phoenix Once Again Check out My Reiki Web Presence
Just saw this post...I am hooked on my Wii Fit, and fully intend on taking this on the RV. Though it can not replace a good gym workout, the aerobics and yoga on it work for most.
Also, in regards to the Wii, try the EA Active or EA Active More Workouts. I have the More Workouts. It uses a resistance band and has a 6 week program you can use in Easy, Medium and Hard modes.
I will be starting the 6 week program on the morning after Christmas (since it is a gift for the family). A friend has it already though and says that it's not too bad.
Dreaming and doing the homework necessary.
Looking at: F-350/Ram 3500 type truck, possibly an Airstream or a smaller 5th Wheel.
However, there is still time to change the configuration, just a plan.
We are still a while off on the purchase of an RV but I had a surprising discovery a few weeks ago.
Up until that point, I've been looking at your standard 5ers thinking that's what the DW would like. Found all kinds that were very nice. Then the DW threw me a knuckleball to which I promptly swung at and missed in amazement.
We were out looking and the last unit we walked into was a Road Warrior Toy Hauler with a 14 foot garage. She fell in love with it! That's the LAST think I would have thought of. They weren't even in my consideration list.
The options are nice with the garage. TV back there, lower the electric bed into a couch configuration, store the bikes and other rec gear but then, this weekend, while flipping through the channels, I saw an infomercial on some sort of portable gym that Chuck Norris was advertising. No weights, folds up and can go under something, be strapped to the garage wall when not in use. I am sure that there are other types of these things out there.
Having a toy hauler, the garage provides more flexibility in a nice sized space.
Dreaming and doing the homework necessary.
Looking at: F-350/Ram 3500 type truck, possibly an Airstream or a smaller 5th Wheel.
However, there is still time to change the configuration, just a plan.
I've found that you can do a lot weight exercise using your own body weight and a picnic bench. Push-up, work the tricepts, step up-down, jump up, jump down.
Also, search on youtube for body weight workouts.
Another good source is bands. No weight to add to your RV but all the benefits of working with weights.
Speedy ~ I love your exercise routine! Seems like it is a bit of mental exercise thrown in there too!
How about Wii Fit? I like the concept but our daughter brought hers a while back and we could not hook it up! Our Tiffin has a Panasonic TV and we could not figure out where all the wires go.
Any thoughts on who we could talk to on the connections?
-------- Don't have much help on the fitness clubs or how to keep up with those. We use the military bases when we are near by. The thought of gym memberships doesn't fit our budget.
Randy & Pam http://warnerrvnews.blogspot.com 2007 Allegro Bus QSP 40' 2009 Honda CRV Blue Ox Tow System Pressure Pro Tire Pressure Monitoring System
We have a Wii Fit. I could just get my hand into the back of the TV to hook it up. A TV with front jacks (right, left, video) would be perfect. We coil up the wires (including the sensor bar wire) and hold them down with Velcro dots while traveling.
Edit: I have seen kits to convert the inputs to HDMI if that is easier with a new HDTV.
-- Edited by bjoyce on Saturday 22nd of May 2010 09:08:09 AM
Bill Joyce, 40' 2004 Dutch Star DP towing an AWD 2020 Ford Escape Hybrid Journal at http://www.sacnoth.com Full-timing since July 2003
How about Wii Fit? I like the concept but our daughter brought hers a while back and we could not hook it up! Our Tiffin has a Panasonic TV and we could not figure out where all the wires go.
Any thoughts on who we could talk to on the connections?
Where are you located? Perhaps there is a Dreamer close by who could help.
My TV is mounted between driver and passenger in the overhead, and there is a cabinet on both sides. One side has the stereo and sat receiver and antenna control box, so I put my boxes in the cabinet on the other side. I cut a hole in the back corner of the cabinet that gave me access to the TV cabinet. I ran the cables to the back of the TV and brought an extension cord into the cabinet to supply power. The Xbox uses RCA connectors and the AppleTV uses HDMI. I use the menu on the TV to select the input I want. Everything stays mounted, I don't have to tear it down when hitting the road, I just close the door on the cabinet.
Thanks Speedy, I knew there had to be an upside to getting OLD'er, and being afflicted with CRS syndrome.
Ron & Sharon Taylor Molly (Maltese) Doesn't know she is a dog and we don't have the heart to tell her different. 2007 Dodge 3500 4x4, 6.7 Cummins, six speed auto tranny, exhaust brake, Edge Attitude. 2008 Jayco Designer 35 RLTS
Speedy ~ I love your exercise routine! Seems like it is a bit of mental exercise thrown in there too!
How about Wii Fit? I like the concept but our daughter brought hers a while back and we could not hook it up! Our Tiffin has a Panasonic TV and we could not figure out where all the wires go.
Any thoughts on who we could talk to on the connections?
-------- Don't have much help on the fitness clubs or how to keep up with those. We use the military bases when we are near by. The thought of gym memberships doesn't fit our budget.
The GEEK SQUAD to the rescue. our Rig had 2 TV's, and 6 remotes, surround sound, DVD, Park cable, Satellite etc..... We could barely turn the TV on. $600 BUCKS later, two universal remotes and two Geeks to program everything, we are HAPPY CAMPERS. A bit pricey but no more temper tantrums for me, Gene
On the subject of Wii's, we are buying a Kinect for our Xbox. Similar to Wii, but supposedly more advanced technology, don't have to use a controller, recognizes you, etc. I am excited to teach it to recognize my dog so it says "Hi Pearl" when she walks past. Yes, I am a geek. Pinon
We're planning to get a Wii Fit. Also just started thinking about getting a body blade. When I had shoulder surgury the physical therapist had me use one as part of the the rebuilding process. Amazingly challenging to use, compact and lightweight.
I also have a 24 hour fitness membership. They have different levels of memberships... some allow you to use gyms all over the country, some do not. I happened to join 4 years ago when they opened a new gym near the house. I paid $1000 for a 3 year membership -- no monthly fees -- that allows me to use all their facilities around the country. The thing that really sold me was that it is renewable for $30 a year-- again no monthly fees. So I will probably hang on to that. Too cheap to let go!
Anyone else use a bodyblade?
Carol Kerr Welch
Wife to Jeff, "Mom" to Chuy; Retama Village Resident