2017 Health Insurance
Well will be FL residence as of Jan.1 and we are exploring health insurance options . This is becoming too DAM... complicated! We placed a call to Kyle Henson of RVer Insurance but unfortunately it has become so difficult they have stopped working with non medicare insurance. We do qualify for a su...
Team Murc
Was attacked by another camper at a Walmart
You won't believe this but I was attacked by another motor homer in a Walmart parking lot. I left home Sunday about noon on my way to my favorite campground; we got a late start so we decided to overnight in a Walmart parking lot; ( we have spent a night there many times on our way to our camp ground. There i...
What we learned from our most recent RV adventure, food for thought from future FTers
Here's the set-up... The objective of our latest adventure was to expose Josie (our nearly 5 year old beagle to our future RV Dream) and to get out for a long weekend of fall colors and trail hiking. For this adventure we rented a small Class C. Our CG was Starved Rock State Park in Illinois. Day time temps...
Words Of Wisdom From The Wisest RVers - Please Share Your Pearls Of Wisdom
With experience comes knowledge and over time this leads to wisdom that can be gratefully imparted onto others taking a similar path. Long time RVers, Full Timers, Extended Timers have learnt so much and made some of the mistakes that they can help others avoid. Out of curiosity, what are the one or...
Full Time RV Living
I have always thought I would never sell my house to full time. The thought of not having a home base with all the things I find comfortable scares me. But after upgrading to a MH from a pop-up and spending several weeks going from Kansas to the east coast I did not want the vacation to end. When we got hom...
Switching Mail Forwarding Companies in SD?
Just wondering if anyone has made the switch from Americas Mailbox to Escapees in SD? Both are in Pennington County so licensing / insurance costs should be the same. Because we run a small business we have to have the Platinum plan from Americas Mailbox which is their most expensive plan, and they ch...
Can you actually boondock on solar ... and have air conditioning? How many solar panels and how much battery wattage is needed to do this? -- Edited by RonC on Saturday 4th of June 2016 09:22:53 PM
Arkansas Residence information needed
Hi. Is there anyone out there who have their legal residence in Arkansas and are full-time RVers? We sold our house in AR, but prefer to keep our AR residence since we will eventually buy another home in AR. We would like to ask some questions regarding our address for things like Drivers License, whi...
Day 1
The research is done for us, time to start living. Hitting the road today! Thanks for everyone's help and inspiration.
Tom and Mare
Beginner's Question - Travel Routes
I know I've seen topics like this before, but can't seem to find them. What tools do you use to plan your travel routes? I'm not really looking for "how to find a camp ground, etc." but looking more for tools that can help find the best route that can accommodate a large rig (e.g. avoiding low...
Take care of one problem then comes another
well getting ready for full time advantage and a new Big problem has come up it was bad enough that it took all most 6 weeks to get the truck registered and insured now i am ready to go pick up our brand new 5 th wheel trailer and we can not find anybody that will insure the trailer for full time use and being p...
Biggest Fears Before Going FT And Biggest Challenges Since And How You Overcame Them
We all know the immense advantages of being able to throw caution to the wind and hit the road travelling our wonderful continent but ............ Curious what your biggest fears were and how you got over them prior to finally taking that leap of faith into FT RVing? Likewise since you've been FT (ho...
Traveling Jobs
Howdy everyone, I'm 25 years old, and my husbands (27) job requires moving every 6-9 months. We take trips in-between jobs but I'm always looking for ways to maximize our income during the lulls. I'm a freelance writer and I'm sure a lot of you are aware, writers make GREAT money (sarcasm). I found t...
Who has the best insurance rate on Ford F450?
We called our auto insurance company and they told us that the F450 was classified as commercial vehicle and that it would be $2,400 a year! We called our old insurance (State Farm) and they gave us a figure of about $1,300 a year and did not mention anything about it being commercial. We would love to kno...
two 4 the road
Concerns or Problems with Crime
I have not heard much mentioned in various blogs about any concern or problems with crime while fulltiming. Concern over personal protection is something that all travelers have to be aware of and are not unique to RVers, but property protection would appear to be an additional concern to fulltime...
Future Fulltimers
Going back
I've re-written this post a hundred times cause I didn't want to sound to terribly morbid lol But, has anything happened that made you seriously re-evaluate full timing and going back to sticks & bricks? Point blank, I am scared if I die or DH dies, what will happen to the other. Going from a paid f...
Wall Art in an RV
I'm just researching motorhomes at this point. I've been in several and looked at lots of pictures. They usually have nice upholstery, wood finishes, fixtures, etc. and are mostly quite attractive and pleasing environments. However, I have some art that I want to keep and have in my living space...
It only took me a year to empty the black and grey tanks lol
So after a year I finally tackled the job of emptying the black and grey tanks and truly it was not that bad. This completes one of my "big three" concerns about what would happen to me if Lee was incapacitated in some way. Next up learning to hitch/unhitchc the truck comfortably by myself a...
Camper Chronicles
3rd year update
While we were researching the fulltime RV life style we spent countless hours on Linda & Howards sites and expense pages as well as other RV'ers out there and found them very helpful. In return we have done a yearly update on our experience on the road the last 3 years in hope it might help even one p...
40' bus/rv without toad?
I don't have an RV yet but I'm shopping for a bus conversion in the 35'-40' range. I'd like to save $$$ by going toad-free. I'm wondering if anyone else with a large RV is toad free. Thanks for any feedback.
Health Care
This is probably covered elsewhere, so forgive me - we are planning to change our residency to Texas in June 2016. We chose Texas over SD primarily for insurance reasons as my wife will not be Medicare eligible for another couple years and I've been reading that SD is not a good place for residency as...
Yay or Nay
Ok, so here we go... DH and I have been married just over 20 years. We are coming out of a bankruptcy early 2017. At that point, everything we have will be paid for free and clear. Including the house we've been living in our entire marriage, and he has had for 30+ years. We have a small TT that we've had fo...
Does furniture survive long-term storage?
We are trying to decide whether or not to store - indefinitely - our larger, more expensive pieces of furniture and tools. So I am looking for personal knowledge and experience from anyone who has stored their items in non-climate-controlled conditions. Our belongings will experience temperatur...
In Laymans Terms
Estimating my cargo
I'm sure this question comes up often, but darned if I can find it. I'm trying to guesstimate how much cargo capacity I need for for full-timing. I guess people do it in all sizes and shapes, the trailers/5ths in my price range have absurdly low capacities. It's amazing, some manufacturers use the same...
Opinions Wanted: What Costs More Moving Frequently or Staying Still?
Hi all, Looking for opinions or experiences here. Which do you think or have you found costs more in general. The reason I ask is in my brain it would be cheaper to stay still, less gas etc, but many folks who have done this awhile move very frequently and keep their costs very low. So what's the scoop...
Camper Chronicles
Receiving mail
How to receive mail when fulltiming
what do you do in severe weather?
I normally enjoy dramatic weather, but I suppose that's easy to do from the comfort of a stick and brick compared to an rv. on the farm we had the generator, 500 gallon diesel tank, a fresh water stream behind the house and a big woodlot, so power outages or high winds or deep snow didn't really bother us b...
Dyson Stick Vac
A search for vacuums turns up mostly old posts. I'm thinking of getting a replacement for the Dirt Devil (aptly named, by the way) and am interested in the Dyson Stick. Can someone give me info on which is the most economical and useful one, and where to purchase it. There are so many on line, it is con...
Do you miss having a bathtub?
There is nothing better than soaking in an epsom salt bath to sooth the aches and pains of aging. Our travel trailer has a bathtub/shower combination which has come in handy a few times. Dh and I are in the planning phase of going full time and we are researching the best motorhome option for us. I haven'...
What To Do With Holiday Decorations - Purging to go full-time
This may seem a silly question - but here it is: Did any of you keep holiday decorations for the RV and/or to take with you in the storage of your RV, for any reason? We are getting ready to go through our attic, as one of the steps of purging stuff, prior to going full-time. And, holiday stuff is the majori...